
Thursday, January 27, 2011


This report was just released by Mr. Edwin St. Catherine,  Director of the Department of Statistics. Thought is might make good interesting reading material.


The results presented in this report were obtained from the initial analysis of the data collected during Saint Lucia’s 2010 Population and Housing Census. This means that the
figures herein are subject to review and may not exactly match final Census statistics.
   The Central Statistical Office will launch a more detailed publication of the results of the 2010 Census in early March 2011.
Additionally, the comparisons made between the 2010 and 2001 census figures may be
affected by definitional and other analytical variations. Therefore, users of this information should scrutinize the related tables with an appropriate degree of caution.
   The differences in definition among such terms as “Enumerated Population”, “Estimated Population” and “Household Population” must also be taken into account. Note that the enumerated population is the sum of all persons recorded on visitation records and/or census questionnaires, while the estimated population is the enumerated population plus an estimate of persons who belong to existing households but who could not be contacted/counted throughout the process of census enumeration. The household population includes all persons who reside in private households in Saint Lucia.


  The island-nation of Saint Lucia recorded an overall household population increase of 5
percent from May 2001 to May 2010 based on estimates derived from a complete enumeration of the population of Saint Lucia during the conduct of the recently completed 2010 Population and Housing Census.
   Saint Lucia’s total resident population as at midnight on Census Day, the 10th May 2010
stood at 166,526 persons. Saint Lucia’s total population including non-resident persons was estimated to be 173,720, the total number of non-resident persons was 7,194. The preliminary count of Saint Lucia’s enumerated population was 151,864 persons reflecting a response rate to the census of 92%. The total resident population of St. Lucia is comprised of 82,926 males and 83,600 females. Out of this sum, there were 165,595 individuals residing in private households, 931 persons living in institutions .
   An estimate of persons who were not counted because they could not be contacted
during the census’ enumeration phase was added to the enumerated household population of 151,864 to produce an estimated household population of 165,595 persons. This total compared to the 2001 Census’ estimated household population of 157,775 indicates an overall household population increase of 5.0 percent.
   Out of the ten districts in Saint Lucia, household population contractions were reported
in the districts of Laborie, Dennery and Choiseul. Laborie recorded the largest household
population decrease.
  Preliminary 2010 Census results show that Saint Lucia’s island wide population density
is 796 persons per square mile. This figure was calculated using a land area of 208 square miles that excludes Saint Lucia’s forest reserve areas. These forest reserve areas cover approximately 30 square miles. The district of Castries, the location of Saint Lucia’s capital city, had a population density of 2,139 persons per square mile. The least densely populated district, with a population density of 434 persons per square mile, was the district of Soufriere. The district of Gros Islet, which experienced the most rapid population expansion, recorded a population density of 643 individuals per square mile up from 532 in 2001. In 1991, census figures reported a population density of 345 persons per square mile in the district of Gros Islet.
  Gros Islet was the least densely populated district in Saint Lucia at that time.

The complete preliminary report can be obtained from  Mr. St Catherine by writing to him at edwins@stats.gov.lc or email this blog at t.hotspot@hotmail.com with the subject "Request report"

We will be more than happy to send it to you.

NB: Subsequent excerpts of the report will be published on this blog. So keep logging in.