
Friday, November 25, 2011

What next for Labour

Friends. There is a SLP propaganda circulating by bb which suggest that the Government has retracted on an earlier Cabinet Conclusion granting concessions until January 31st, 2011. Please note that this rumour is TOTALLY UNTRUE and is reflective of naked desparation. Find attached copy of Press Statement dated October 19th, 2011 and related Cabinet Conclusion. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
October 19th, 2011

Cabinet Grants Concessions on Barrels for Festive Season
The public is informed that the Cabinet of Ministers at a meeting dated, 17th, October, 2011,
approved the granting of Duty Free Concessions on the importation of Barrels for the traditional
festive season. The following are the conditions agreed to by the Cabinet of Ministers:
1. 100% Waiver of Import Duty and Consumption Tax on unsolicited personal
items, food, clothing and toys contained in barrels imported between 1st
November, 2011 and 31st January, 2012. Electronic items are explicitly
2. The number of barrels that would qualify for the concessions would be limited to
two (2) per household;
3. There would be an upper limit of EC$2,000.00 per barrel on the value of items
qualifying for the concessions;
4. The items identified in one (1) above must be for personal use only, and not for
commercial use; and
5. The usual penalties, fines, etc. would be applied if the goods are used for
commercial purposes.
The granting of concessions on “Christmas Barrels” is a usual gesture of goodwill by
Government at this time of year. The concessions are designed to bring relief ahead of the festive
season. Government hopes that the extension of these concessions at this time will help to bring
joy to St. Lucian families based in our nation and in the Diaspora.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


A re-elected United Workers Party administration will move purposefully to ensure that good governance becomes a way of life for all political parties in government.

The commitment surfaced Sunday night as Prime Minister Stephenson King presented the Party’s 2011 Manifesto to a record breaking crowd at Beausejour:

“Protecting our relatively young democracy involves much more than enforcing the rules concerning the security of property and the well-being of the individual. It includes no less than providing the good governance required to ensure that all Saint Lucians continue to enjoy the freedom to exercise their God given talents.

A new UWP Administration will continue to be guided by the principles of upholding the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in our constitution, ensuring the separation of powers, maintaining the complete independence of the judiciary and upholding the rule of law. During the last seven years, millions of dollars have been spent on a Constitution Reform Exercise. The UWP looks forward to receiving the report of that Commission very early in the life of the new administration.

Our legislative agenda will be geared towards facilitating the conduct of good governance in our society. A governance record that has been validated by Transparency International which ranked Saint Lucia number two in the Caribbean since 2007 and number twenty-two in the world

To achieve Our Goal, a UWP Government will:

- Engage the population in the widest possible consultation on the report of the Constitution Reform Commission, with a view to determining the way forward

- Continue to pursue the enactment of legislation geared towards strengthening accountability of public officials, thereby lessening the possibility of acts of maladministration and abuse as identified by the Ramsahoye Commission

- Enact legislation to strengthen Financial Administration of the Public Service and accountability in the use of public funds

- Enact legislation for the creation of a Council on Social Reform

- Undertake a comprehensive review of the Laws of Saint Lucia

- Take steps to ensure a review of the constituency boundaries in order to facilitate a more rational and equitable system of representation

- Encourage consensus building by facilitating exchange of ideas on governance and development through the use of technology by extending the e-Government Programme to local communities

Monday, November 21, 2011

King: SLP clueless about good governance

Five years after it was rejected by the people of St Lucia for a host of governance failures, there is no indication that the St Lucia Labour Party is willing to change in the public interest.
That’s the view of Prime Minister Stephenson King. He told the nation in this week’s edition of the performance review series “At Your Service”, the Labour Party remains unrepentant in the habit of ignoring the responsibility to uphold the good and just governance of the country:
“In other words the public should expect nothing else from Kenny Anthony and company but the usual business of defending the indefensible:

- Cost overruns on road projects amounting to 130 million dollars.
- 40 million dollars of taxpayers’ money to bailout Rochamel - a private company in which the Government and people have no shares.
- Millions of dollars of public money at NCA siphoned into the pockets of Labour Party cronies.
- Mismanagement of the economy.
- Inability to develop tourism, agriculture, manufacturing and other aspects of the growth engine.
- Record unemployment in the best years of the global economy.
- Embracing the Chinese policy of using development projects in St Lucia to employ their nationals while St Lucians remained unemployed.
- Dismissal of Senators seeking answers from Kenny Anthony about his bailout of Helen Air.
- Dismissal of an MP and Minister of Government for exercising the democratic right to stand on her religious belief and criticize a Kenny Anthony administration bill seeking to legalize abortion.
- Attacks on freedom of expression, referring to media workers as terrorist.
- Targeting public servants alleged to be leaking Government information to the media.

“Through all of these acts of unacceptable leadership conduct in a civilized society, Kenny Anthony operated without a clue as to what was required of him as someone sworn to uphold the good and just governance of St Lucia.

“Today, on the hunt for votes, he has the unmitigated gall to pontificate about what is and what is not good governance; and why he believes he was born with an entitlement to lead St Lucia”.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Like you did not know? The writing has been on the wall for a long time and it is only during the last twelve days before election that Lorne has finally realized that he does not stand a snowball chance in hell to win this Choiseul seat come this November 28,2011.
What does he revert to? He comes back home like the prodigal son,cries at his father's feet and beg for support and assistance. Like any responsible and loving dad would do he accedes to Lorne' request.As of the past weekend dad was in the field campaigning to get Lorne elected. Mr. Theophilus is a well known and successful Choiseulian and my mentor when it comes to cricket.He was the the one was responsible for my success in the game. thanks for that.

But my arguement with this gentleman is that deep in his heart he knows and feels that labour is not a government for the people. There again we have a gentleman who's only motive is to see his son win at any cost to the people of Choiseul. I also know that he does not like the best bone in Rufus. But is he so myopic as not to realize the change Choiseul has gone through during the past five years?
I can imagine the pain he must be going through to do what he is doing, knowing very well that his heart is not in it.

The labour party is clearly showing their desperation now. The "big guns" are back. but you can guess why. To make labour lose faster.
Ernest, Felix and Tennyson are all back to get get their ministerial position in case labour wins.

Ernest has made a mess of West Indies cricket and according to a recent facebook post, "Hilaire must go." Felix has left a legacy of cost overruns which this country continues to pay for. Tennyson the disapperer suddenly reappears after five years. To do what? Overshadow Lorne? Do these guys think that Choiseulians are daft?
Lorne and the labour party will learn what feels to innately be taking the people for a ride.

Recently, the news making the round is that if labour wins, Kenny proposes to make this country a republic and make himself president for life.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Campaign Train Gave Saltibus A Treat

Last week Wednesday Bousquet's campaign train held a public meeting in Saltibus. Hundreds of persons from Saltibus were present inspite of the inclemency of the weather.
The meeting was chaired by veteran and ex-district rep. bryan charles who to my mind was fantastic. He at all times introduced each speaker with a little background rap and on completion of each speaker's contribution highlighted the main points.
New speaker to the fold Chelidonia was dynamic as she took the receptive crowd down memory lane of what poor and good representation is all about.
She spared no time in relating to the avalanche of works done in her La Maze community as compared to the poor representation by Forgetus John.
Lambert, Anison, Karl and Wacha were the other speakers that provided food for thought on the good and impressive representation by Rufus Bousquet.
While Collymore under the shelter of and umbrella continued to film the event a bamboo flambeau kept on burning at the from of the podium.( not even the persistent drizzle could extinguish this flame)
The moment the crowd was waiting for had arrived. Bousquetwas introduced by the chairman and amidst a thunderous applause the rep rose to address the massive crowd.Silence gripped the atmosphere as bousquet stood at the podium, all smiles and probably pondering over his opening statement. "Es ou paway?" echoed over the speakers, "wee" the crowd responded.A repeat of the question was again poised and this time my eardrum hissed. Saltibus was ready to return Bousquet for another well deserved term.
Bousquet a seasoned and shrewd politition that he is kept the crow all hyped up.
By this time he was all sweating and wet as as he kept on firing on all four cylinders. He mentioned his completed projects in the constituency and the poor representation of the past rep.
He made his audience see why he is a better rep than Lorne can ever be. En passan Lorne's earlier allegged incident was mentioned and Bousquet emphasised that it was the same labour party that was condemning Lorne over the media and today he is dogging at their feet. It is only crumbs and left overs that Lorne will get if elected by the people Bousquet stressed.
Bousquet touched on numerous issues and his plan for the constituency in terms of employment for the youth, education, sports, and care for the elderly during his next term.

The meeting came to a close and the crowd was entertained by a local artist affectionately known as "Hank Williams" who performed a number of country and western songs.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can Lorne Keep His Promises

If Lorne's leader continues to falter on his bugettal promises, what does this say about Lorne himself. Would he be able to deliver the goods.
Following are Kenny's unfulfilled 2000-2001 Budget promises.
2000-01 (Quotes from Budget)
“EC $666,000 for the establishment of a National Heroes Park”; This was never implemented

“1.0 million dollars for the establishment of a Youth Venture Capital Programme which I will elaborate on shortly”; “The Youth Venture Program will be administered by the Training and Employment Center. This Centre, announced in the 1999 Budget and in its final stages of implementation, will provide the applicants with the necessary skills required to set up and maintain their own small business venture”. Not sure if this was done.

“In the course of this financial year, it is proposed to initiate the construction of Tourism Marketing Outlets, in two pilot communities”. The Thomazo Market concept was designed and its construction managed by the Architectural Section of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. We were so pleased with their efforts at Thomazo, that they have been commissioned to design facilities to accommodate tourism marketing activities in several other communities around St Lucia. This project targets small ongoing commercial activities that are inadequately housed, such as production of local foods and crafts, and seeks to further diversify and enhance our tourism product. Designs are now substantially complete for facilities at Dennery, Vieux Fort, Anse La Verdue and Roseau”. The only project completed was in Dennery

“In response, the Government of St Lucia has seen it fit to finance the construction of sidewalks over a five-year span. An allocation of $250,000 was approved for the establishment of sidewalks to serve the communities of Faux–A-Chaux, Vieux Fort and Sans Souci. Sidewalks will be constructed along the Bexon Road as soon as the re-paving of the highway in that area is completed”. The only evidence of sidewalks is Faux-a-Chaux
“Mr Speaker, it would be impractical to provide bus shelters and public conveniences at every one of the nineteen bus stands in Castries. However, those bus stands are located in the vicinity of five focal areas. Therefore, it is proposed in this financial year to fund four new public conveniences at George the fifth Park, Jeremie Street, Manoel Street and High Street. The provision of new facilities and the upgrading of existing ones will cost around $645,000”. There is no evidence of these being done.

“Mr Speaker, the Government has decided to proceed with the design and construction of a bus terminal in Vieux Fort. A sum of 1.2 million dollars has been allocated in the capital estimates for this project. A terminal is also badly needed in Castries and during the course of this year we will continue our efforts to identify an appropriate site”. Not done.

“Some attention too, Mr Speaker, will be paid to our principal airport. During the coming fiscal year, most of the systems and services at Hewanorra Airport will be refurbished or replaced. These will include the air-conditioning system servicing the passenger lounges, the airport administration offices, the airline offices and other areas of the terminal. Much needed attention will be given to the passenger screening service, where new x-ray equipment will be installed”.
“Increased aircraft and passenger activities at that airport, along with the poor design and layout of the terminal building have resulted in congestion during peak periods. It is therefore necessary that any development or expansion of this airport be undertaken in accordance with a Master Plan. That plan will be prepared taking into consideration forecasted air traffic over the next ten to twenty years and the corresponding services be required to meet this demand. Overall, 6.5 million dollars will be spent on improving infrastructure and facilities at our airports. The projects include: ….. among other things a Master Plan – EC$500,000.00” Never implemented.
“A new Informatics Park will be constructed in the Vieux Fort Industrial Zone. This facility will provide employment opportunities in informatics, including telemarketing, for the hundreds of secondary school graduates in the South. An area measuring four (4) acres of land has been designated for the Informatics Park. A total of 20,000 sq feet of space will be constructed at an estimated cost of 3.0 million dollars.
More interestingly, progress has been achieved on the Government’s plan to establish Small Business Incubators. A total of 2.3 acres of land has been allocated in Odsan for the construction of a complex of five (5) buildings at a cost of 2.6 million dollars. This project fulfills, yet again, another commitment in the Contract of Faith”.
Not sure if this was done. Requires verification

Monday, November 14, 2011

Kenny's New Found Gimmicks And failed Budget Promises

Now that elections are near it may be time for us to reflect a little on Kenny's unfulfilled 98-99 Budget promises and his new gimmicks at trying to change his immage..
98-99 (Quotes from Budget)
Relocation of Mangue Residents. “Under the programme of Capital Expenditure, a sum of $500,000 has been allocated from local revenue to meet the cost of relocating those persons who would be affected by the construction of the new road. The proposals for relocation to the Southern Cantonement Area will be discussed with the residents in the next few weeks. Suffice it to say that the National Development Corporation has made land available for the relocation exercise”. Failed as the approach was too political.

Free Zone Concept. “The new approach involves the creation of a Goods Distribution Free Zone area which would function as a trans-shipment hub, facilitating the entry, free of inhibiting customs procedures, of containerized goods to be broken down and transshipped.
St Lucia’s geographical location is considered to be ideal for providing such a service targeted at neighboring states. Infrastructural development at Vieux Fort lends itself to this purpose.
It is intended that this development will:
1. Improve the containerized traffic throughput of the Vieux Fort Port, thereby contributing to the sustainability of its operations.
2. Create job opportunities within the south and in doing so; diffuse the concentration of job seekers in the north.
3. Generate business activities directly and ancillary to the operations of the Free Zone Area, such as banking services, freight forwarding services, etc.
4. Increase the passenger and freight throughput of the Hewanorra International Airport, improving the viability of its operations”. Concept has essentially failed and has collapsed.
Construction of Infant School in Vigier. “Today, one of the persistent requests of the Honourable gentleman will be granted – the construction of an Infant school in the community of Vigier to serve the cluster of communities in that area and to avert the disaster that he has so often feared of infants being swept away in the intersecting Vigier-Canelles river in their three to four mile trek to the Desruisseaux school. A provision of $250,000 in the estimates will enable the people of the community to realize their dream through self-help”. Not done. The “Honourable Gentleman” must be disappointed.

“The construction cost of Phase 3 of the Victoria Hospital rehabilitation is estimated at EC$31.2 million. This figure is exclusive of equipment and recurrent costs as well as fees for consultancy services”.
Human Resource Centre for Vieux Fort. “At this juncture Mr Speaker, I must pay homage to one of our local construction companies, B & D. This company had its roots in Vieux Fort. It has offered to fund from its resources, the Human Resource Development Centre for Vieux fort in the amount of $700,000. This is a magnificent gesture, a fine example of philantrophy in the corporate world”.
Day Care Centre for Fond St Jacques. “These are areas that have been identified as being socially depressed with high levels of unemployment. These areas are also characterized as having a predominance of female-headed households. In addition, EC$50,000 is allocated to the repair and rehabilitation of the Day Care Facility in Fond St Jacques”. Not done
Abattoir and Meat Processing. “Similar diagnostic analyses will be carried out for the other sub-sectors of the livestock industry, using the poultry sector study as a model. The focus will be on pigs, cattle and small ruminants, particularly goats, sheep and rabbits. These analyses are critical to the design of proposed abattoir facilities, which are essential for quality improvement and standardisation of product. For programming purposes, a provisional allocation is earmarked from STABEX 1995 funds for construction of modern abattoir facilities, designed to generate target outputs averaging 1000 tons of dressed meat per year”. Not done. Point to work on MPF.
Modernization of Marketing Board. “In order for the SLMB to adequately perform this role, it needs to be strengthened, and its relationships with key stakeholders comprehensively revisited and redefined. A policy decision has been taken that the optimal form of reorganization of the SLMB at this juncture is full commercialization, leading ultimately to privatization”. Failed.
Point to initiative of current Min. of Agric.

“The restructuring process, which has been defined through internal review, led by the Management and Board of the SLMB, in collaboration with Government, is guided by the following considerations:
(1) Estab of a system for collaboration with individual Farmers and Farmer Grps, Exporters, the MOA Regional Marketing Orgs and Buyers (both local and overseas), to enhance effective delivery of services by the SLMB; (for example, prod. contracting, input supply, farm mngmt and training in post harvest handling);
(2) Establishment of a comprehensive produce marketing network, based on adequate market intelligence, and with the capability to absorb commercial agricultural production, for both local distribution and export;
(3) Expansion of the range and quantity of local output through the promotion of new agricultural commodities for export, while exploring new markets locally and overseas;
(4) Bulk purchasing of planting materials and inputs for sale to farmers at reasonable margins, in collaboration with other regional Marketing Boards;
(5) Facilitating improvement in standards of production and final product, through the use of suitable packaging material, and post harvest facilities, and provision of training for farmers and produce handlers;
(6) Provision of technical and facilitatory services (such as training, research and current, relevant market information) to farmers and other stakeholders to guide production planning, marketing activities and maximization of sector earnings;
(7) Assistance in the marketing of locally produced agro products.
In order to pursue these initiatives, the capacity of the SLMB needs to be substantially enhanced. This project therefore seeks to strengthen the SLMB, while streamlining its operations towards for full commercialization and privatization”.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Government Declares Weekend of Mourning for Victims of Choiseul Tragedy

By now most Saint Lucians are aware of the tragic event which occurred during the evening of November
10th, 2011. This involved a mini bus which went over a cliff and plunged into the sea at Morne Sion in the
Quarter of Choiseul. This resulted in seventeen (17) confirmed death mainly from the community of Dugard in the Quarter of Micoud. Prime Minister Stephenson King visited the site ofing this unfortunate tragedy last evening and remained on site until 3:00 am this morning. The Cabinet of Ministers met in Emergency session earlier today to discuss this major national tragedy and to determine Government’s response.

The following decisions were arrived at by the Cabinet of Ministers:

1. That the Friday 11th to Sunday13th, November 2011 be declared a Weekend of National
Mourning in order to pay respect to those who lost their lives in this unfortunate accident.

2. All flags on Government buildings and Business places must be flown at half mast during the entire weekend (over the three day period).

3. Sunday, November 13th, 2011 be declared a National Day of Remembrance. During that day there will be an Ecumenical Service held at the Desruisseux Roman Catholic Church from 5:00 pm.
4. That an official Message of Condolence will place on the Government of Saint Lucian website. During this weekend all political and public social events will be suspended. Government calls on all
patriotic Saint Lucians to observe fully the weekend of mourning as a mark of respect for the victims of this painful tragedy.

The Prime Minister, the Cabinet and the entire Government extends heartfelt condolences to the families, relatives and friends of all those who lost their lives as a result of this most tragic occurrence. This is indeed a dark day in our history.

The Government of Saint Lucia has began putting measures in place to support and to comfort the bereaved. The Ministry of Education has taken steps to make counseling services available to the students of the affected schools. Through the Division of Human Services, arrangements are also being made to make such services available to the affected households, families and communities.

Source: Press Secretary.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Panic-sticken Kenny Brings In Estephan's venom

The writing is on the wall.For kenny to take Estephan, a Dominican to put on Tv to speak to St.lucians about where to vote is a low blow. One can well say that "Kenny Finni."

Castries, November 8, 2011 – The United Workers Party today expressed concern over the conduct of Dominican Lawyer Anthony Astaphan engaged by the St Lucia Labour Party to infect the election campaign with blatant lies calculated to deceive and insult the people of St Lucia.

Astaphan appeared on the Labour Party’s Red Zone TV programme Monday night, hours after party leader Kenny Anthony promised a clean campaign. But Dr Anthony’s imported attack dog wasted no time to plunge headlong into his campaign to malign, denigrate and destroy. The Astaphan chapter of the Labour Party’s election campaign continued today on RCI’s News Spin.

So far, he has invented “white consultants” to run the campaign of the United Workers Party in order to peddle the lie that “massa” is in charge. He has referred to supporters of the UWP as “jaundiced” and “intellectually challenged” persons suffering from ailments like “kidney failure” and “pancreatic cancer”.

In a disgraceful attempt to trivialize the Commission of Inquiry finding that cited Kenny Anthony for MALADMINISTRATION in the Rochamel corruption scandal, Astaphan unleashed the totally unfounded allegation that the UWP government has lost 500 acres of land at Black Bay.

As has become typical of him, the Dominican political activist is refusing to let the truth and fact spoil the lies, deception and propaganda he hopes will help get Kenny Anthony back in government so that he can benefit once again from sweetheart legal briefs that cost the people of St Lucia millions of dollars.

Citizens are no doubt observing with interest, as attorneys like Lorne Theophilus, Stanley Felix and others stand aside impotently while Kenny Anthony allows Astaphan to treat St Lucia as his family’s estate and St Lucians as his fools.

The United Workers Party calls on Astaphan to be an honest advocate for justice and accept the truth of St Lucia’s economic management successes in recent years as confirmed by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

• Astaphan cannot deny that under the UWP, St Lucia achieved 4.4% GDP growth last year compared to a GDP decline of 2.7% for the entire ECCU grouping

• Astaphan cannot deny that under the UWP, in the worst of times around the world, St Lucia achieved average economic growth of 2.6% per year compared to average growth of 1.6% per year achieved by the SLP in the best of times around the world

• Astaphan cannot deny that under the UWP, St Lucia has surpassed Antigua and Barbuda as the largest economy in the OECS

• Astaphan cannot deny that under the UWP, St Lucia’s exports in 2010 increased by 151% over the 2006 – the last year of the SLP administration

• Astaphan cannot deny that under the UWP, St Lucia exported more products in 2010 than the rest of the OECS combined

• Astaphan cannot deny that under the UWP, St Lucia’s tourist business increased from 695 thousand visitors spending 768 million dollars in 2006 to over one (1) million visitors spending one-point-five (1.5) billion dollars in 2010.

The facts don’t lie. Neither should Astaphan.

We understand the desperation which forced a panic stricken Kenny Anthony to summon Astaphan with an SOS to spew his flambeau hate. That is why we urge them both to understand and appreciate that there are more honourable ways to serve the interest of St Lucia and St Lucians.


Friday, November 11, 2011

A bus Load of Passengers Perish In Vehicular Accident

Reports reaching this blog speaks to a motor vehicular accident on November 10, 2011 in which all fourteen passengers including the driver were killed when the minibus on which they were travelling plunged over a cliff and smashed on the rocks below in the sea of the Anse John Beach.
A fan of this blog who was at the site reports that the persons on the bus came from Dugard in Micoud to pay their last respects to an old friend of theirs from La Pointe, whose funeral service was held yesterday at the Choiseul R.C. Church.
After the funeral they went to the home of the deceased to get some eats and refreshments. It was on their way back when the accident took place along a stretch of well paved road with a gradient of about 45 degrees.
This tempting stretch of road ends with a hairpin bend. The driver not knowing the road must have continued with his acceleration and unable to negotiate the hairpin bend went straight ahead and over the cliff.
The cliff from the sea shore is about 40 to 50 metres high.
An eye witness on the scene when the bodies where being recovered from the wreckage spoke about the bodies being lined up on the beach. She even spoke about seeing two little girls among the bodies and how heart wrenching it was to see the condition of the girls. The impact of this vehicle on these rocks below must have been thunderous.
It is also alleged that there was one survivor who later passed as she was being taken to the hospital.
The district Rep was notified of the fatality and he immediately left to meet the relatives of the deceased to comfort and console them. As this post is being written the rep is at the St. Jude's Hospital with the families to offer support and any form of assistance which may be necessary.And to further show our supporters respect Bousquet has ordered that all political meetings for tonight and tomorrow be cancelled
Three years ago Choiseul was faced with an almost similar tragedy where three persons were killed in a head-on collision of two vehicles on the La fargue/Rivere Doree Highway..
This fatality will surely put a damper on the election campaigning on both sides as the candidates make time to empathize with the families and relatives. Although the deceased in the accident are actually not from the constituency, one must realise that they must have had friends/relatives down here to travel so far to attend a funeral.
Earlier this morning two more bodies were found - a child and a lady.
May the souls of the victims of this accident Rest In Peace
PS. Where was Lorne or his top brass to show some empathy. Anyway one should not expect any better from him

Wednesday, November 09, 2011


This election campaign has certainly and continues to teach Lorne a painful lesson. 1. He has learnt that the bunch of professed intellects that surround him know nothing about politicking. 2. He has learnt that he should have never brought his recently fired campaign manager on board. ( the reason why he has vowed to keep to himself) 3. He is being pressured by his Party's General Secretary and the party stalwarts at his disorgansed and weak administered campaign. 4. It is rumored that the support that he was expecting from his family is not there.
I remember when Lorne turned coat and announced his candidacy for the Choiseul/Saltibus seat, in a post, I mentioned that this is not the right time for him. I specifically mention that there seem an air of revenge on Lorne's mind. ( sometimes I see it in the expression on his face) He even made it clear at his launching at the Old Boys' School when he coined it,"Rufus is not my friend." Ain't all politicians friend?
Lorne made a fopar in that he never thought the Rufus was such a formidable opponent. He Lorne was ill-advised.

He will pay dearly at the polls come 28th november and for that he will never forgive those who encouraged him to do so at this time around.
He should also have know that persons like Bolo and crew don't have what it takes to convince Choiseulians because they have never throughout their lives been interacting with the people. So what did Lorne expect from this guys except, God alone knows.
What pisses me off the most with Lorne is his backsliding. Persons of all walks of life disagree with other people and they mend it. Was Lorne so pompus that he lost all sense of reason to patch up? And more to that, when he had the alleged problems, it was the same labour party that was telling the nation about the allegations whereas the Uwp was helping pacify the situation. And today you are being embraced by these same hypocrites. Give me a break man.
This blog thinks that Lorne is on a mission to hurt the Labour party for what they did to him. (This is close to his chest)

Lorne will lose this battle against Rufus in this election, but he would have learnt many lessons which I'm sure he will not repeat in the future if he decides to have a go at this Choiseul/Saltibus seat again.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


With their political campaign fluttering and seemingly destined for an electoral defeat of humongous proportions, Labour’s latest excuse is that “huge crowds do not win elections.” While there is a modicum of truth to this statement, “piss poor crowds” as the Saint Lucia Party has been attracting recently will certainly not bring electoral success. The latest excuse clearly shows that the SLP is in denial mode as they watch their uninspiring campaign stuck into gear and the only way from here is a precipitous slide.
And as their fortunes dissipate, they have resorted to innuendo which is further eroding their credibility and contributing to a cascade effect which leads them to the point of no return. Why would anyone engage in such unashamedly politically incorrect questioning of the economic figures from reputable institutions like the Caribbean development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is beyond me? But one can understand the dilemma which the opposition finds itself in.
In the face of a continuing global economic storm, Saint Lucia has managed to achieve a growth rate of 4.4 percent while all other countries in the OECS with similar economies could only register negative growth. And in August of this year in its yearly assessment of the island, the IMF praised the Government of Saint Lucia for its prudent management of the economy citing that “the island rebounded rapidly after the ravages of hurricane Tomas. “
But the UWP government success is Labour’s “bête noir”. The positive news from these reputable financial institutions could not have come at a more inopportune time for Kenny Anthony. At a time when he would wish that he can flaunt his credentials for the post of Prime Minister again there is only positive news on the performance the economy. Poor Kenny, he is probably wondering why the devil has been so unkind to him.
To add insult to injury the massive crowd which turned up this Sunday at the William Peter Boulevard for the national rally of the ruling party issued yet another emphatic statement to the opposition that “they can’t touch this.” And so the last embers of the opposition star are no more. We are witnessing the end of the Kenny Anthony era. An era made infamous by Rochamel, the West Coast Road Project, NCA, Helenites, Grynburg and I almost forgot, Helen Air. Good riddance.
The UWP will continue to present Kenny Anthony with more bad news. This week the government is preparing to sign an agreement with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines for a multi-million US dollar development of Port Castries. Further, an announcement on the Hewannora Airport Development Project will be made soon, coupled with the start of construction of the Freedom Bay Hotel in Malgretoute, Soufriere.
The Saint Lucia Labour Party must be wondering what has hit them. It is the might of the United Workers Party, which is destined for a landslide victory at the November 28th polls.


Friday, November 04, 2011

Chastnet's Rally - A Touch Of Class

9..8..7.....4..3...2..1...Lights! It was a sight to be seen in Soufriere on Tuesday November 1, 2011 when the mini stadium lights were turn on at a public meeting by the United Workers Party.
Memories of the upcoming mini stadium for Choiseul flashed my mind. At the same time a feeling of pain struck me when I recalled how vehemently Lorne and his crew were condemning Rufus' plans to construct a similar stadium at La Fargue. His recently fired campaign manager affectionately known as 'Bolo" who does know his A.. from his elbow in sports, and who has not raised a finger to develop sports in the district was the most vocal in criticising Bousquet's vision for the sporting fraternity . Shame on 'Bolo', the young people will surely make him pay for this statement and for sure Lorne will never forgive him for this. Anyway this if for another show.
Soufriere was massive, the crowd extraordinaire.The pulsating sounds of Third World had the crowd rocking. Choiseul massive was there too and man like Nikel "Fella", the master himself Horatio and his crew, Dedan with the Roblot massive,Jimmy with the killa Delcer-Lapointe-Industry supporters were there too.
The night belonged to Chastnet and Third World. The former thanked the Taiwanese Ambassador for donating the lights for the stadium. Chastnet also spoke of his plans for the Soufriere constituency. ( But wait a sec, has Lorne put a mark, or done something significant in Choiseul, since offering himself for elections so persons can see he means business?)
Spider at the podium spoke of the lightings for playing fields in the North,South and east of the island very soon. He specifically mentioned the impact lighting of the playing fields can have on the youth.
Other speakers were Mondesir,Ezekiel, Frederick and the PM. King chastised kenny for challenging institutions like Imf,Eccb and our local statistics department.he went on to give the audience his plans for the few weeks left before elections - Rally in the Boulevard, Rally in Choiseul, (NCLWGM - Now Choiseul Labour Will Get Mad) and finally Rally in Grosilet.
Third World was superb. Rugs and Cat were magnificient, both with voice and guitar respectively. The bassman was in my head all the time . The keybord players and drummer were fantastic. To sum it up, if you were not there you really missed out on one in a lifetime free show.
Finally, talking about fireworks, outstanding.The Soufriere skies were lit in a kalaidacope of colours.
Soufriere was just great. But Choiseul will be "EXPLOSIVE."

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Youth Arm President Speaks Out


This is how nasty politics get in St.Lucia when politicians ask citizens to engage in criminal acts against another government minister. Propaganda has plagued the St.Lucia Labour Party platform for a number of months now during their vicious electioneering campaign. Harold Dalson’s statement on a platform in the Choiseul village is a wakeup call for us Choiseulians and by extension St. Lucians alike to realize how low some politicians will stoop to strengthen themselves. Mr.Dalson’s statement, “The people of Choiseul/Saltibus when you'll see Rufus Bousquet stop him and push your hands in his pockets and take your money.” This statement is towards the Parliamentary Representative for Choiseul/Saltibus Rufus Bousquet, whom Harold Dalson allegedly claimed misused Taiwanese funds which were allocated to him.
Now here I stand as the President of the UWP Choiseul/Saltibus Youth Arm analysing this statement made by Mr. Dalson on Wednesday 26th October 2011 at a public meeting in the Choiseul village. This statement only contributes to violence which we are trying to control in our country. Not only is the statement asking persons to engage in criminal acts, it's disrespectful to the people of Choiseul/Saltibus, Soufriere /Fond Jacques constituency and the entire population of St.Lucia.
So we the youth of Choiseul/Saltibus stand united and demand an apology from Mr. Harold Dalson and the St.Lucia Labour Party.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Kenny's Critics annoyed at his Lies

The people speak about Kenny's latest move of desperation to trick Lucians:
Angel Brouet Awah Kenny its showing, your DESPERATION coming through We Seeing it Papa, Stop Crying 4 a VOTE, CHA GWEN POVOIR, it hurts we know, but Garson STOP LYING

Uwp Castriescentral Kenny best know Attributes is Lying Lying and more Lying, doesn't he know we can check 4 the truth. Scarqa mata



Angel Brouet Did U look at Kenny's face Poorjab he just Desperate, he know very well King telling the truth, but he knows that he must try 2 mis- lead the people just 2 try and see if he can Change their minds and Vote 4 him, Liar Liar

Cecilie Alexander the man actually begging for sympathy votes,he think st.lucians still stupid

Oricel Clarke Girll I wouldn't even waste my time!!!!! Lies lies and more lies. Was that Kenny or Tony speaking ?

Frank Charles The man was quoting from King and Sir John speeches with the figures you guys are saying that is crying. Well news for you, the people that makes the difference in the elections understand what kenny was saying lastnight. The Kenny haters will always be haters no matter what he says.

Frank Charles Well advice King to call the election to see who is desperate

Choiseul-Saltibus Uwp-constituency Branch Frank Charles is a hack that doesn't know his A.... From his elbow. check out http://choiseul-inform.blo​gspot.com/ to see. it is one voice everywhere. Big Babies Crying.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Labour's Big Babies

St. Lucians both here and abroad are tired of Kenny's whimperings over issues which he himself has been guilty of. The guy cries and cries and cries. Give me a break.
His latest complain is with King's weekly address to the nation. The PM's press Secretary announced that the Pm will deliver a series of weekly addresses to the nation leading up to general election. During each address he will touch on a separate topic. His first address was on the economy. (Read the full address on this blog
But, Kenny seems to be suffering from selective amnesia. It is the same Kenny who had the program "Conversation with the nation" just prior to last general elections. It was a daily program delivered by one of their high class propagandist. ( Bolo may be rated as number 2 and the biggest lier in Choiseul).
What amazes this blog is that Kenny must have known the effects of these programs to be crying foul, now that the shoe is on the other foot.
It also not surprising that the author of this blog's rival is going down the same road like Kenny.This blog in a previous post told its readers about the malicious, vindictive,slanderous, and irresponsible nature of this man. Christian loving people don't do these things to fellow christians.
The Rival blog will be well advised to take note of the latest court decision against HTS and Radio St. Lucia. You don't go about writing untruths about people with the intention to defame them.
Recently we saw a drop in the standard of writing of their blog. We understood that a new editor was doing the posting. Is she responsible for this low level of writing as well? God forbids.
This blog "Choiseul on the Move" has been rated as the cleaner of the two blogs throughout the campaign so far, and we intend to keep it this way. In the voters' minds the elections have already been decided. No need to keep smearing people's name. Well again this is nothing new - "Labour's strategy."
Met Lorne on Saturday and we had quite a healthy discussion on the cleanliness of the campaign. But here again, the campaign manager he recently fired, or the newly selected inexperienced female editor is doing more damage to the agreement that this campaign will be kept clean.
There seems to be a notion by the Labour operatives that we have no ammunition in our armoury.
Far from the truth. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Keep crying Big Babies. Your pain will soon be over. And this time you'll will weep day in day out.

PS. Heard the big crying baby was on tV spewing lies after lies. Not surprising at all.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Government Observes First Anniversary of Hurricane Tomas

Official Programme to mark the First Anniversary
of the Passage of Hurricane Tomas and the Observation of the
National Day of Remembrance
Monday, October 31st, 2011

Activity Location Particulars
Flag Flown at Half Mast. All Government and Private Buildings Flags should be flown Half Mast throughout the day until 6:00 pm.
Memorial (Ecumenical) Service
9:00 am Bexon Roman Catholic Church. All residents of Bexon and Saint Lucians in general are invited to attend the church service which is expected to be 1 ½ hours in duration.
Gun Salute
11:45 am Dereck Walcott Square Ceremony begins with solemn music. At 12:00 noon there will be a twelve (12) gun salute. This will signify the official record of seven (7) dead and five (5) missing. There will be a gun blast every five seconds. This will occur within the minute of silence. The ceremony is expected to be of 20 minutes duration.
Minute of Silence
12:00 noon Throughout Saint Lucia All Saint Lucians are encouraged to observe a minute of silence at 12:00 noon on Monday, October 31st, 2011 in memory of the seven dead and five missing. Saint Lucians islandwide are asked to stand still for one minute a a mark of respect. This should include: Government offices, schools and business places. All vehicle drivers are required to turn their lights on for the duration. Radio and television station are also asked to make the minute of silence by terminating all programming and sounding beep signal for the duration.
Memorial Service
4:30 pm Fond St Jacques Roman Catholic Church. All residents of Fond St Jacques and Saint Lucians in general are invited to attend the church service which is expected to be 1 ½ hours in duration.
Special Anniversary Issue of National Review NA The entire November 5th issue of the Government Newspaper National Review will dedicated to marking the anniversary of Hurricane Tomas. The paper will include contribution from various Government Ministries as well as a reflection of achievements and success stories.
Church Services Throughout Saint Lucia. All churches are encouraged to remember the dead and missing during church services over the weekend.
Media Programming All Media Houses The local media is encouraged to carry special programming during the course of the day of remembrance.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are the Choiseul Labour Horses Exhausted?

It is not surprising that the labour crew in the constituency has run out of steam. One will remember that this post predicted this way back
They must have been really disappointed at the poor showing at a meeting held in Roblot earlier this week. What was even more discouraging for them is that they could not attract any new members. The same old tired hacks that were present. What a shame on Labour.
Labour has grown so deflated that even their posters on the poles have turned yellow - a sign of things to come? Labour has been deflated ever since the Vieux Fort rally.
Now Team UWP is stepping up the pressure. This post is not at liberty to disclose,but for sure "nou kai teway chelot Lorne."
There is a fresh wind blowing in the air these days and it is Labour supporters are now admitting that Lorne is a loser. Well well well they took time to see the light.
Analysis show Lorne losing by three hundred plus votes. Our secretariat is taking bets of $3000.00 and over that this election is a walk in the park.
One may be tempted to remind themselves of the story of the Turtle and the Hare. The hare being Labour.
Elections is due in five weeks and already sounds of victory are being sung.
Fire Fire in Lorne bam bam. E pwi en sa.
One can clearly see labour supporters are desperate now. Their latest foolishness is their campaign song. My God, is that what Lorne encourages in a song, smut and foul language at his opponent? Doesn't this prospective candidate have respect for the children in the constituency. Shame on Lorne to approve of a song like this as part of his campaign strategy.
Well we at UWP en crying, but we are capable of much worst. Forgot your humble servant is a writer and composer? Choiseul labour would be well advised to tread cautiously.
The performance of Kenny and Tony on the platform in Dennery was so pathetic that a number of their own supporters came back saying Kenny has definitely lost it.
The tired horses.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dalson Chastised by Constituency Branch

The following is a Press release by the Choiseul Constituency Branch.
"During the public meeting held by the St. Lucia Labour Party in the Choiseul village on Wednesday October 26, 2011, Harold Dalson, the MP for Soufriere/Fond St.Jacques urged the people of Choiseul/Saltibus to accost Rufus bousquet, the MP for Choiseul/Saltibus push their hands into Bousquet's pockets and take their money from him.
Mr. Dalson was referring to the Taiwanese Funds which he alleged was being misappropriated by the UWP Gov't MP.
We are literally astonished by the irresponsible nature of Mr. Dalson's palpably putrid statement.
This statement by Mr. Dalson is dreadful, inappropriate, slanderous and insulting to the people of Choiseul/Saltibus, Soufriere,The labour Party and t St. Lucia.
Is it that Mr. Dalson is desperate in his attempt to win this election that he feels he must resort to the lowest levels possible to exact his objectives.
Is it Mr. Dalson's intention to provoke criminality during this election campaign?
The Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency Branch demands a retraction of this contemptible statement and an apology to the people of St.Lucia.

Source: Uwp Constituency Branch

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

UWP - Better at handling the ECONOMY

Last night the PM addressed the nation on one of such addresses to be held weekly. Last night's address focussed on the ECONOMY. We bring you this address unedited.
(October 20, 2011)

By Honourable Stephenson King
Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and National Development

Fellow Saint Lucians, I am pleased to report, that, under the United Workers Party Administration, the Saint Lucia economy has weathered the stormy years of natural disasters and the global financial crisis and is now poised to achieve more robust growth and provide even greater opportunities for all.
A St Lucia Labour Party assessment on the World Wide Web highlights the widely known truth that these past few years have been the worst of times all around the world. In their assessment the SLP claim:
“We are operating amidst the backdrop of the most financially depressing period since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The effects were first felt by the industrialized world but shortly precipitated to our developing sphere before we even knew it.
“As a small open economy we are susceptible to the economic conditions prevailing around the world. This predicament is further exacerbated when the hardships are centered on our primary markets of the US & UK.
“The global financial meltdown has therefore created an environment that forces policy makers to act. Our leaders will not and cannot proffer all the solutions or fix all problems but policies must be formulated to safeguard the most vulnerable, while creating an environment enabling to economic activity”

I remind you, fellow Saint Lucians, that this is the official position of the St Lucia Labour Party. Yet the same St Lucia Labour Party is critical of the fact that in these difficult circumstances, Saint Lucia, like other countries around the world experienced economic decline, job losses and increased debt.
Remarkably though, those who are only now recommending policies to “safeguard the most vulnerable while creating an environment enabling to economic activity”, do not have the strength of character to admit that your UWP government has been there, and it has done exactly that and much more. We formulated the policies, we delivered the social safety nets and we enabled increased economic activity against all odds.
However, while the Opposition steadfastly refuses to acknowledge our outstanding success in managing the economy, the international institutions and global community recognizes our efforts. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), in a press release issued in August of this year regarding the recently concluded Article IV Consultation on Saint Lucia, noted “Saint Lucia’s economy recovered rapidly from the global crisis, supported by timely policy action by the authorities and a rebound in construction and tourism”.
My fellow Saint Lucians, what better endorsement can any government receive at a time when most countries around the world, including the Caribbean, are still struggling to recover from the global economic crisis?

It has not been an easy road for the Government and people of Saint Lucia, but through caring, visionary, competent leadership, the UWP has improved the country’s economic management performance and thereby strengthened the country’s position as the leading economy in the OECS.

In the last two years as a result of the effectiveness of your Government’s response to the global economic crisis, Saint Lucia moved from its long-standing second position to surpass Antigua and Barbuda as the largest economy in the OECS.

When we came into office at the end of 2006 we met:
• Average economic growth of 1.6% over the previous 5 years
• An unemployment rate of 16.6%
• A national debt of 1.6 billion EC dollars (approximately 64% of GDP)

These numbers from the Government’s Statistics Department and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank are extremely important in setting the record straight about economic activity in Saint Lucia since 1997.

In the six years of the decade ending 2010 when the world economy was buoyant and when the St Lucia Labour Party was in power, it was only able to achieve an average economic growth rate of 1.6% per year. In 3 of those 6 years, while the global economy blossomed and the Dow Jones indicator of wealth creation was cruising above 15 thousand, the St Lucia Labour Party came up with negative growth. In other words, the St Lucia Labour Party sent Saint Lucia into reverse gear 3 out of 6 times (50%) in the six years of the decade when the economy was doing well.

Today, the SLP criticizes an average growth rate of 2.6% per year since 2007 under my leadership in the near impossible circumstances of a global financial crisis, the ravages of Hurricane Tomas and with the Dow struggling to keep its head above the eleven thousand mark.

The Saint Lucia economy grew by 4.4% in 2010 and the rate of inflation was 1.9%. This was by far the best performance in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union where member nations registered an overall economic decline of 2.7% and an inflation rate of 2.9%. The response of the SLP to this impressive performance is the cynical statement that nationals are not feeling the growth.
Nonetheless, once again in 2010 which is the latest year for which we have data, key indicators of economic activity continued to point relentlessly in the upward direction for the benefit of nationals from all walks of life:
• Tourism revenue – up 33.7%
• Construction - up 20.5%
• Airline activity at Hewanorra - up 26.5%
• Vehicle registrations - up 4.8%
• Electricity consumption – up 4.8%
• Commercial Sector – up 4.9%
• Hotel Sector – up 7%
The UWP believes that these results as documented in the official statistics bear eloquent testimony to the resilience and effectiveness of its stewardship through environmental disasters in an uncertain global economic environment.

While much is made of unemployment numbers, official Government Statistics confirm that the 2006 unemployment figure of 16.6% was the best achieved in two consecutive terms under the St Lucia Labour Party during which the average annual unemployment rate was 19.2%. The UWP on the other hand, drove the average annual unemployment rate down to 17.1% since it assumed office in 2006.

While we acknowledge a reduction in employment opportunities as a casualty of these challenging times, no other government has done a better job of providing more jobs for more people. We did it in the toughest of times and we will continue to do it. There was no need for any clumsy STEP and no need for any blind LEAP either. All we relied on was the basic common sense that jobs are created by the increased consumption of goods and services and sound investment in an economy on the move.
In 2006, the SLP left behind a national debt of 1.6 billion EC dollars (approximately 64% of GDP). In the five years prior, the debt stock grew by 677 million under the SLP and in the last five years under the UWP it has increased by a further 532.1 million. There can be no question that debt financing was a more critical need to keep the economy afloat in the last five years of natural disasters at home and financial market disasters abroad. Side by side with the economic performance results, the debt comparison numbers allow an easy assessment of the superiority of UWP economic management talent and ability over that of the SLP.

Saint Lucia’s official debt at December 31, 2010 stood at approximately 2.0 billion EC dollars and the debt to GDP ratio of 64.8% is the second lowest in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union. Let me repeat fellow Saint Lucians, that our current debt burden which is being criticized left right and centre by the political opposition is actually smaller than that of St Kitts, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, and Dominica. It is also substantially lower than the debt ratios of Barbados and Jamaica.

We approach the end of this five year term with the encouraging news that in the worst of times around the world your UWP government was able to lead Saint Lucia to become the largest economy in the OECS while at the same time ensuring that it has one of the smallest debt burdens in the grouping.

This performance clearly documents the ability of your United Workers Party government to deliver and points the way forward to the next level of balanced human development that, with your approval of another term for our Administration, awaits a deserving Saint Lucia.

Thank you.

Source: Government press secretary

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

St. Lucia Is No.1

While Kenny and Tony used the Dennery platform on Sunday to put on his pathetic address the World Bank had already prepared a report considering St. Lucia as the top country in Caricom to do business.
While the pathetic and desperate opposition leader took time out to quote all his bogus figures on the economy and national debt, he conveniently did not report to his people on St.Lucia's achievement which this blog is positive he must have read prior to his rally.
The labour party continues to decieve the people of St.Lucia in all form of communication. They blatanly refuse to admit that St.Lucia has done better under King's five years than Kenny's nine. Below is the article that attests to the World bank report.

By the Caribbean Journal staff

Doing business is easier in St Lucia than anywhere else in CARICOM, according to the 2012 Doing Business report from the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation.

St Lucia was ranked 52nd in the world for the ease of doing business, tops in the Caribbean, followed by Antigua and Barbuda at 57th and Dominica at 65th.

Haiti was the lowest-ranked CARICOM country for the ease of doing business, ahead of Suriname.

Among the top Caribbean countries were Trinidad, which was ranked 68th, and Grenada, which came in at 73rd.

Jamaica was listed as the top place in the Caribbean to start a business, according to the report, followed by Dominica.

Trinidad topped the list among Caribbean countries for protecting investors.

Here is the full list within the Caribbean:

1. St Lucia
2. Antigua and Barbuda
3. Dominica
4. Trinidad and Tobago
5. Grenada
6. St Vincent and the Grenadines
7. Bahamas
8. Jamaica
9. Belize
10. St Kitts and Nevis
11. Guyana
12. Suriname
13. Haiti
Editor's note:Readers can google "World bank Report" to confirm article.

Ps. The PM is on National TV and radio tonight. This is a series of weekly national addresses. tonight's topic: The Economy.