
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

UWP Constituency Branch Executive Formed

Reports reaching this blog reveal that supporters and well wishers of the UWP in the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency gathered at Virgilia's place last Sunday to elect an executive for the Constituency Branch. This constituency is famous for hurriedly putting together a costituency branch executives just before a convention. Nothing new.
It is being rumoured that the Party is making plans to hold its annual sometime in October.Also being wired through the grapevine is that Chastnet and Rigobert may put their hats in the ring to challenge King for political leadership.
As if it is engrained in the UWP's culture, to continue to do things within a click and refuse to invite the wider base of supporters to elect persons who will have a greater influence on the voting population in the constituency.
Due to past records and incidents certain figures who by whatever means have gotten themselves on this new executive should not be there. This only helps to further deepen the mistrust that the general public have of them and as a result will continue to haunt the party. Some persons must have the gonads to stay away from certain positions. For whatever gain or fear by the organizors, some of the leaders of the polling divisions in the constituency were not invited to take part in this elective/democratic process.. Polling division I5 which did better than all of the other divisions in the last elections was (perhaps deliberately) left out.
Why? In selecting the delegates to vote at the convention, this blog will monitor closely the mindset of these persons to discover whether any "cocomackery" or subservient action is being taken to influence their votes.
Though still early days the procedure which will be used to elect a new "local" candidate for next elections will be closely monitored. Any suggestions from the past Rep must be thrown out the window as his allegiance is on the other side of the divide. Also, this Executive must promise the people to investigate what happened to all the stuff that was at the office store room and at a warehouse, which was donated to the Choiseul people.
Until such time all eyes will be on this executive to see their effectiveness and committment.
Dedan C. G. Jn. Baptiste

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