Friday, May 01, 2009

Choiseul Councillors Take Oath Of Office

In a rather low-keyed swearing-in ceremony held at the Village Council's Office on Wednesday 29, April, nine Councillors took the oath of office to become members of the Choiseul Village Council for the period February 2009 to February 2010.
The oath of office was administered by the Village Clerk to Elmira Joseph - Chairperson, Henson Samuel - Deputy Chairperson, Veronica Stanislas,Philomena Laffeuille, Bryan Charles, Gilbert Isaac, Gabriel Lamontange, and new comers Anison Hunte and Griffith Jn. Baptiste.
Present at the ceremony was the Director of Local Governmnt, Mr. Lucien Isidore who in his remarks complimented the Council for its work during the past year, and nformed the Council that Local Government Elctions will be introduced in 2011. He expressed satisfaction at the Council's Report for the year 2008 - 2009. The report is entitled " Report On Challenges And Achievements Of Council 2008 - 2009." Copies make be obtained ate the Office.
In her address the Chairpers0n showered praise on the Village clerk for assisting her get her feet during the early period of her taking office and more or less showing her "the way to go." Inspite of her disappointment with the efforts to meet with the different communities she expressed that it is her vision this year to do so. He went on to say " It is our duty to meet with with the communities to sensitise persons on the role and functions of councillors to let them know how Council can affect their lives." She continued "Work this year will lie on subventions,dedication and sacrifice and invent time and talent to make Choiseul a better community.
The ceremony came to and end with Miss Gabriel Lamontange delivering the vote of thanks.

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