"Choiseul On The Move" was created to inform Choiseulians here and abroad as well as other interested readers bout the developments - political, social, educational and any other topics of interest happening in the district.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Will the Doc fire "Stanix"?
This blog clearly recalls all the fussing by this administration while in opposition over the visa issue of Richard. But by now we are all aware of the cocomackery that took place at the US Embassy. Further Wiki Leaks gave a good account of what really transpired.
One did not have to go far to see the the pompous nature of Stanix as he held on to the position the Doc bestowed upon him in an effort to hurt Fredo. But the almighty have a way of dealing with vindictive snakes.
There surely must be great embarrament within the cabinet. This blog heard through the grapevine that Stanix is putting up quite a fight to prevent the Doc from sending him away. Will the Doc hold his perceived high moral esteem and dispatch of Stanix? This blog think he will, to save face.
So really is Stanix a match for Fredo? But mind you they maybe still pals and the prodical son returns home. Catch my drift?
Are St Lucians expected to see a cabinet reshuffle soon?
This time around this blog recommends Augustin Charles as the replacement senator. A little shuffling will find the right Ministry where his talent can be utilized.
Would he enjoy working with Lorne?
In closing, Labour has an embarrasment on their hands which will surely play out in the future. What goes around comes around. Ler bab camarad ou pwee defei wosey sa ou!
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Sunday, January 27, 2013
Morne Sion Youth Club Celebrates a milestone
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Friday, January 25, 2013
Rufus or Mayers for Party Chairman?
My trend of thought will lead you to see that day in day out, week in week out, year in year out, political term in political term out, the pseudo politions sing the same song. The polititions keep using us for their own good. We continue to give them a job to kick our a......
It brings me to the point that in an article posted on this blog a writer made reference to the past rep not fulfilling he promise to pay caterers and agents ( especially Delcer) for work done on election day. What makes it even worse is that this politician. Have never visited the Delcer/La Pointe/ industry area since he lost his bid for reelection. Like a fella told me in Soufriere yesterday, " Rufus must learn to respect people. He may have the money now, but he en have no power, and that I am happy about." Strong words.
Words making the rounds these days is that Bruce Tucker frequents the district regularly checking on his clowns with the intention of having them (degates) vote for him as chairman of the Uwp party at the convention slated for later this year. Man, you foo? Not over my dead body. Guy Mayers told me personally the he Guy is als vying for the post. Can you see day and night there?
What howver is intriguing is that he Bruce have managed to get his foot into the mouth of the executive of the constituency branch. Surprised? Therefore he can now manipulate them to select potential delegates to vote where he so directs them. But they fail to realize tha the divisal box. I1 must have. The greater number of candidates. They the puppet exec of the branch. Will be well advised to read the par's constitution.
Therefore no cocomackery this time around.
Up to this point in time no one is making an effort to find out where the funds for the Mini stadium lies. So, our money is somewhere in somebody's pocket and hat is just kool? Why haven't the branch exec. Found out where the funds are before accepting. Lectures from Bruce? Why haven't Lorne in all his bravado during elections and immediately after he won. Report to the Choiseul peoplee about the funds.( Did you know that the money was not even in the credit union?) Both Mr Mayers an Mr King have confirmed that the money was given to the past Rep for the project.) And shamelessly as the past rep is , he wnts to come back and ask Choiseul to put him on the Party's Executive as Chairman?
Why am I taking this stand now? I hate persons that are not straight and are bent on deceiving persons and by extension a district.
My dream stadium. Funds have vanished into thin air and no one is to be held accountable? What on earth is wrong with us. Borbol here, borbol there. Nou pwee en sa3.
Like I have always said. I was clean throughout my stint with Bruce Tucker and will continue to. Advocate against corruption. Our stadium funds will continue to linger in the minds of generations to come.
This blog will continue to keep this memory alive.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Are we better-off in Choiseul/Saltibus?
As we enter a second new year with the histrionic advocates of 'Better Days' wielding the reins of power to our Fair Helen tell me, what is better in Choiseul/Saltibus these days? Where is this comprehensive Development Plan for Choiseul/Saltibus that was vociferously guaranteed from the platform of the St. Lucia Labour Party's 2011 campaign? Could it be that the socio-economic advancement of Choiseul/Saltibus is hinged solely to the fiscal deficit- enlarging STEP, SMILE and NICE programs?
Please wait, do not misunderstand me. These programs if correctly managed and not exploited to reward political hacks and pals can bring needed relief to the socially marginalized and financially despondent. There is a huge population of destitute and needy people of all and no political shades in Choiseul/Saltibus. We must all accept the limitations of these programs that however extensive, will never touch all of the hundreds if not thousands who are in precarious need. This makes the practice of political discrimination in the selection of the beneficiaries of these programs and the allegations of a school principal and a lawyer receiving payment for their involvement in the STEP program an ignominy, if substantiated.
But let's be brutally honest, how can seven days of work at $50.00 a day in six months and for a vast majority of the participants seven days of work in one year, elevate the beneficiaries of these vaunted programs from their appalling socio-economic abyss. Some may argue with trivial merit that half a loaf is better than none. Are the 'champions' of that position insinuating that in today's St. Lucia of fifteen percent value-added tax, rising energy costs and spiraling food prices that $350.00 a year or even in six months is metaphorically or in any way imaginable the equivalent of the proverbial 'half a loaf'. I hope not as we were promised better or we were conned by the overpowering and delusive guarantee of "Better Days".
The protest of the Choiseul fishermen took me by surprise. It is common knowledge that a promise to rectify the structural deficiencies of the pond at the Choiseul Fisheries Cooperative was instrumental in persuading the Choiseul fishermen to support the candidacy of the now District Representative. The District Representative's response of exorbitant maintenance cost to the demands of the fishermen is farcical and exposes the frivolity of his promise. Where is the much flaunted plan for the long-term rectification of the problem? I pose it there was never a plan. They were deceived for political profit.
This pathetic performance or lack thereof to address the long standing problem of the pond is indicative of incompetence or even worse an 'I don't care' attitude. In other words, "I have got what I wanted - to hell with you." I cannot believe that an individual in a position of Parliamentary Representative and of such means (I am not referring to his private means) would allow the exacerbation of what he once described as a situation reasonably resolvable. Is it not ironic, that an individual who criticized everything achieved in Choiseul/Saltibus by the previous District Representative as being substandard and poor would encounter such great difficulty in securing a meager $8,000.00 for the operation of an almost $200,000.00 excavator? By the way, the said excavator was sourced by the same 'bungling' previous District Representative. If the fishermen of Choiseul have to suffer so long for temporary relief then how long must they wait for the long-term solution? We were promised 'Better Days."
Will the people of Fiette witness the completion of the rehabilitation of their road this year and will they enjoy a motorable road of comparable quality to that enjoyed by the people of Bois Den, Industry and Morne Jacques? Will the people of Franciou and Esperance see the continuation and completion of the construction of the road linking the two communities? Will the people of Jetrine and Gaya Bois see their community roads rehabilitation continued and completed this year? Is the District Representative able to promise the people of Balca that the concrete drains will be continued and their community road rehabilitated this year? These projects were all in various stages of progress when the sitting District Representative assumed office and have received little or no attention in the last fourteen months. We were promised "Better Days!"
There are many people through-out the length and breadth of the constituency who have to navigate muddy, sometimes dangerous access to their homes/communities and the main roads. Will the District Representative help improve their access by constructing concrete footpaths/driveways or where necessary drains and retaining walls that he so vehemently criticized during his campaign? How serious is he in alleviating these pervasive physical and social conditions? How serious is he in providing productive and much needed skilled jobs? Most people would agree that providing employment in small community construction projects provides skilled jobs; opportunities for skills development; opportunities for learning Project Management while concurrently addressing some of the physical infrastructural needs of the constituency. Can the STEP Program of roadside clearing lay claim to do the same? Yet again, we were promised "Better Days!"
The present District Representative promised to move our youth and sports development to a superior plane. What happened to the development of the La Fargue Mini-Stadium? Can someone account for the whereabouts of the remaining funds that were allocated to the project from the Government of Morocco? We are waiting with bated breath.
During the Election Campaign the Delcer Playing Field was the target of a barrage of criticism from the Labour campaign. Fourteen months later what is the plan for the continued development of the field? What is happening with the Playing Fields in Jetrine, Saltibus, Cocoa and the Multi-Purpose Court in Mongouge? These sporting facilities were all undergoing rehabilitation when the District Representative assumed office. We are still waiting with bated breath.
The ladies' and men's cricket teams throughout the constituency are lamenting a severe scarcity of cricket gear. They were led to believe that the generosity displayed by the Labour candidate during the 2011 election campaign in providing some teams with gear would have continued during his tenure as District Representative. Why is the Freedom Bay/Andrew Strauss Cricket Academy based in Soufriere and not Choiseul as the project proposal from Choiseul applied for? There were many promises for the development of an athletics program in Choiseul. We are anxiously awaiting the lighting of the La Fargue and Piaye playing fields. The youth of Choiseul/Saltibus have similar needs and aspirations as those of our sister constituencies. Are these our "Better Days"?
What are the plans for Agriculture and Farming? The Delcer Farmers Association is presently struggling to sustainably operate their one million dollar-plus irrigation system. I have been reliably informed that the District Representative has been invited to meet with the farmers, but he has been too busy. What developments are we to expect with our crafters; what improvements to our La Rose Festival, our local carnival and our culture. How are our communities going to share in the benefits of tourism and the creative industries? I know that the expectations are high since our District Representative holds both of these ministerial portfolios.
I can continue but I have made the point. There are so many other areas including massive youth unemployment, the development of small business, the survival of the existing small businesses, the future of the Choiseul Craft Centre and the development of ICT - Choiseul/Saltibus is no better off in the last fourteen months. There is no Development Plan for the constituency. The prospects for the youth are dismal and migration will continue at even more alarming levels in 2013. We cannot continue to depend solely on Government and myopic politicians to move us forward. I am a very optimistic individual and it is with this optimism that I urge our community leaders and interested people to come together to chart our way forward. Forget about our differences and let us move forward on our common interest. These politicians have failed us for too long.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013
With excellence in mind.
When a former Minister of Tourism first suggested that the iconic pitons of Saint Lucia be further enhanced (developed?) by the addition of sky rides connecting the two, some 'Nature Lovers' here went ballistics. At that time the cold war was drawing to a close, the Berlin wall was crumbling and those who had neglected the environment in favour of developing weapons of mass destruction suddenly saw the light. Then foreign aid from countries which had themselves polluted the planet became tied up with environmental protection. The environment even rose to a place on the curriculum of certain tertiary institutions which formerly did not give a hoot how the rest of the world foraged and survived.
Such was the backdrop against which a new appreciation for the long forgotten and neglected pitons of Saint Lucia became a world heritage site. Since that time politicians, environmentalists and those who had both desecrated, and defecated on them, or, who had once tried to claim them as private property, have all been scratching their hair off in search of ways to exploit their new heritage status, for money!
Those with jealous eyes and who have long dreamt of benefitting financially from that unique land formation were roused to indignation when it was leaked three years ago, that a department of government had authorised the construction of a dwelling house there. Long before their World Heritage Site status the pitons were declared as the breasts of the island. Why then should a foreigner be allowed to suckle at the nation's breasts even as they became available for the entire world to feast upon? It was the question on the lips of environmentalists who had finally found their voice.
Some said it was not for love of country or the need to preserve the environment which had aroused certain locals and their political allies into righteous indignation. Instead, the anti-construction campaign was aimed at the former Minister of Housing against whom there was choreographed anger, due to his deliberate flaunting of new wealth. Put crudely, it was more to do with politics and the perceived source of that minister's largesse than with the pitons. Such vulgar audacity of the proverbial crab-in-the-barrel had to be crushed! The other crabs were vexed that a country bumpkin would dare climb over the barrel's edge to financial freedom, leaving 'friends' and 'colleagues' stealing from their clients' account and not delivering.
It is difficult to determine where all the finger pointing ended and who, if any, benefitted from what was publicised as the rape of the pitons. Since then, the government has changed hands and not a single word has been heard about the island's iconic pitons from those who made the most noise - until last week. It had been earlier suggested that a certain minister of government had to use the full weight of his scientific scholarship, and love for the 'island's breasts', in order to calm the fears of those at the United Nations who were threatening to revoke the pitons 'Heritage' status. It was hard to believe that it was his 'friends' in opposition who had threatened to use their connection with environmentalists to threaten the withdrawal of the new status which had been granted the pitons.
Today, the idea of developing the beach at the foot of the pitons and along the precious Queen's chain has largely gone un-noticed except by the island's living Nobel Laureate. The pitons are again at centre stage, but this time the silence seems oddly familiar - and deafening! Not a squeak has been heard from any of those who had so vehemently opposed the construction of a single home near the boundary of the World Heritage site. I confess that I may have missed any environmental impact studies which may have been presented or discussed by and with the people of Saint Lucia, due to my absence from the island. Still, I am not aware that any other person has complained about the new plan to invest near and on the pitons with the possibility of their defilement and desecration.
Likewise, no hypocritical voices have arisen to remind us of the importance of the Queen's chain - a relic of this island's French heritage - which is often resuscitated when it suits a political purpose. Many have asked whether Barbados that most English of former British colonies in the Caribbean has a Queen's chain around it. Or is the Queen's chain law limited only to former French colonies? Such a question should make for an interesting discussion, even now.
The thought of such a question brings to mind another controversial idea, I wish to share. The pitons belong to the people of Saint Lucia and the wider Caribbean and are held in trust for them by the government of the island. That would not change if it lost its World Heritage rating if the people here and in the wider region continued to appreciate as their very own. They are therefore for the government of the day to use them wisely, as we see fit. There ought however to be a clear policy between balancing 'economic development', and the protection of those precious breasts - our pride and heritage. These two - economic development and the protection of our environment should never become fodder for cheap political opportunists and scoundrels in search of a fast buck.
I repeat that the country's development needs ought to be sustainable and therefore ought also to be in the hands of the wisest, most experienced and most trusted nationals and foreign experts whom they may wish to consult.
I also wish to state here that, there is one aspect of the recently announced plans for a new hotel near the pitons which excites me. It is the involvement of Andrew Strauss, former captain of the England cricket team. Mr Strauss has fallen in love with Saint Lucia, which we completely understand, and has offered to bring his tremendous cricket knowledge and skills to the youth of Choiseul and Soufriere, the communities likely to benefit from the new investment.
Mr Strauss can help nurture and raise local cricketing talent to the heights which he achieved in his chosen sport. It is for this reason that I support his effort at establishing a cricket academy in the south/west part of the island. In addition, the creation of jobs through direct foreign investment is welcome by all right thinking governments. For my part, the expanding of the horizon of a young citizen through sports and the encouragement to strive for excellence, in my books has no parallel.
It is the continuous striving for excellence and the attainment of an out-of-body experience, (as when a batsman is in 'the zone') to which serious governments ought to point their youth. Next week, I shall try to expand on this idea and look at the reasons the early Greeks looked upon their gods as superb human specimens rather than mere spiritual creations.
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Sunday, January 20, 2013
Every Sunday Darnley Lebourne hosts a program on "Love FM" 103.9 fm coined "The Peoples' Forum" (TPF) between the hours 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
This Sunday he speaks to the Bordelais Prison as it marks an anniversary. Among his guests today will be our very our Lawrence Constantine (Centum) who is the education coordinator at the prison.
Below is an article penned by Earl Bousquet on the work which Constantine has spearheaded.
?"I was much pleased with this week's news from Bordelais. No, not the drug bust. Instead, it's the news that prisoners are taking exams - and passing.
First of all, it's good that the prison authorities found a way to harbor and implement the idea of offering and providing educational opportunities to prisoners - or inmates, as the prison chief would most likely prefer us to call them.
Secondly, it's good that those doing the exams are passing.
And thirdly, it's good that the Prison Chief wants to see the program extended throughout the prison.
My only worry is about making it mandatory. I think Commander Herman should step back, take a deep breath and give this one some more thought. Not that he should stand the project at attention in the meantime. Itshould go ahead, full steam ahead at that. But the mandatory part needs more thought, I think.
First of all, making it mandatory would mean that every single person in the prison (or correctional facility) would have to take classes, whether they want to or not. And that includes prisoners on Death Row. Now, how do you insist that a man (or woman) sentenced to hang should learn to read and write or sit a CXC exam? And how do you punish him or her for refusing?
There is also the right of the prisoner or inmate. If on the one hand we say they have rights before the law and under the constitution, how or why should we go about forcing any of them to take educational classes if they do not want to, when this will certainly open the way for them to appeal? (I can well understand that Martinus Francois might not mind if the State was foolish enough to trap itself into such a Human Rights quagmire. But it would be unwise to proceed along that path, I think, given the multitude examples history has thrown up regarding infringements of rights of prisoners or inmates or other incarcerated persons - especially in societies like ours where we still behave and believe that prisoners, inmates and incarcerated persons do not have the same rights as us - or any rights at all.
Bordelais was built for exactly this type of purpose: a correctional facility to rehabilitate prisoners and change the process of imprisonment from only punishment to one that will allow the inmate an opportunity to change for the better if he or she wants. That's the sort of thinking that drove the Labour administration to build Bordelais after prisoners rioted and burned down the Hell Hole called Her Majesty's Prison on Bridge Street soon after the 1997 elections. (Interestingly, the same thing happened after the Labour Party won the 1979 election: fire at the prison.)
There's a whole world of examples of how prison rehabilitation can work. Close to home, in Grenada, the Richmond Hill Prison was transformed into a veritable university jail during the long period of incarceration of Bernard Coard and the other 16 accused of killing Maurice Bishop and the Revolution. Some became lawyers, others gained degrees and most became teachers teaching their less educated fellow inmates the value of education. The have all been freed, but the record is there to prove that they left a positive legacy at the prison after paying for their negative political sins.
There are also international and regional institutions that have accumulated bales of materials regarding conditions in Caribbean prisons and advocating that the traditional prisons go the way of Bordelais. (These include London-based Prison reform International (PRI), which is also active in the Caribbean.)
As with all fundamental changes, ;prison reform will take time to catch on, but Hilary Herman and his colleague at Bordelais are on the right track.
I agree with Commander Herman totally too, when he says that the success of these rehabilitation programs inside the prison will depend totally on the willingness of the Society to give the reformed prisoners or inmates a chance. It's good that they would take time ff in prison to get educated or better educated. But it would be useless if when they are released employers would not be willing to employ them because they are still considered "ex-prisoners" - with all the negatives that come with the term and age-old perceptions of it.
I would strongly suggest that the Bordelais Boss take his thoughts a little further and approach the Chamber of Commerce, the Employers Federation, SLISBA and other Private Sector Agencies to see how best they cam come up with some kind of concordat to open the way to m ake a few examples. The owners of businesses can be expected to offer resistance, or even to be skeptical. But Mr Herman and those who will back him should be prepared and go to the table with the facts and was that will help them make their case. Besides, it's all about willing to give the guys a chance to change. There will be those who'll mess up - that should be expected. But such instances should not be allowed to spoil the chance for others. Besides, the law can say something like, for example, if an ex-prisoner given a special change screws up, it will or may be considered by the court if he or she meddled up on the job by creating a criminal act.
There are wide avenues open for exploration in prison rehabilitation and the Bordelais Boss must be congratulated for taking the bull by the horns. But the mandatory part, I repeat, needs some more thought -- at least on my part, before it is put on the drafting table.
I think it would be better at this point to try to make available an OPDI (One Desktop Per Inmate) initiative. In think the guys and gals would much prefer to be each given an internet address and be told to browse the Net (mandatorily) for a certain amount of hours per day, than to sit with pen and paper at a desk in the lunch room, how many times per day, learning to spell and count.
But in the meantime, I still say: Hooray Herman."
Source: The Voice
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Friday, January 18, 2013
Imagine derek is back again! So long there is some development going on between the pitons derek ka lavay fashay. We need to let st lucians know that them boys ain't for we! Dalsan opposed the malgooshie construction at beau estate a few years ago when he was in opposition?now he welcomes freedom bay. Where is flavia cherry and the others who came tosoufriere to demonstrate against the construction? Where are they now? Where is the piton management area? Where are the voices they left everything for derek. Mwen tou jour sav say boug sala pa vlay whe ayen fet ent soufriere ek choiseul ou pay que mwen. Jim fletcher should stand up and confront derek.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Monday, January 14, 2013
"STEP" scams uncovered.
According to a disgruntled insider, " Garson, you en know wah happenin these days. The supervisors making two money. If you dere friend they making de people give you a job and when you get your pay you have to give them a cut." This is nothing new to this blog since in a previous post mention has been made of this form of corruption.
This blog carried out some investigations and found out from a worker who had been part of the scam and he revealed that he was offered a job on that premise and was only given a mere $300 for two weeks of grass cutting work. His supervisor he says did all the transactions - getting him the job, collecting the pay check, and cashing it in his presence.
Preferential treatment continues to be granted to children of supporters of "de party." Three or four jobs were created just before the Xmas season for girls of strong labour bent parents. In this community, the primary school, and three elderly persons were the targets. What is grossly unfair about the selection of the elderlies is that labour supporters were selected, while an elderly lady (lives alone) and who has been labelled a Uwp supporter was left out. And mind you, she is the eldest and confined to bed. Where is the justice?
Affirmative action by this administration continues to kill and divide a community. What is intriguing now is the fact that even in the "en rouge's" own camp division and back biting seems to be the order of the day.
Actually in the Roblot Community a bomb with a short fuse may soon explode as the labour hacks are at each other's throat.
The next "step" program may very well be the match to ignite the fuse to the bomb.
Filmed at 11.
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
UWP's Angel
Angel is a frequent contributor to facebook and this post wants to highlight her latest post which reads:
Source of story: http://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10200285259113929&id=1227106846&refid=7&_ft_=qid.5831806174567276319%3Amf_story_key.1177052073077698956
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Wednesday, January 09, 2013
My fellow Saint Lucians,
Permit me to wish you a prosperous new year on behalf of the Lucian People's Movement (LPM).
The year that has just concluded was not spent without much social frustration and economic hardships. The Saint Lucia that we once knew or had envisioned would emerge ever since our founding as an independent state in 1979 has not materialized.
However, while it is true that our country is not heading in the right direction, this does not mean that all is lost. It is within this context that I wish to deliver my address to you today and to help define a better future that is based on less partisanship and a commonsense approach to national consciousness.
It is with a renewed sense of commitment to broadening the base of the LPM that we continue this very difficult fight. We hope to offer all of our citizens the kind of government that is truly embracing and respectful of your rights to openly disagree with the policies of your government without fear of victimization or fear that your dissenting voices maybe interpreted as being anti-government, consequently leading to a systematic denial of opportunities for employment and social mistreatment. We in the LPM continue in this very difficult fight to one day present ourselves as a worthy alternative to 60 years of political dominance by both the Saint Lucia Labour Party and the United Workers Party.
As citizens of Saint Lucia , it is true that we all should have the fundamental right to contribute ideas towards national development equally and to be afforded the opportunity to participate openly in the management of our country. However, the reality of what has been in existence in Saint Lucia over the last 60 years does not paint an encouraging picture of a country that is serious about respecting the rights of all of its people.
In elections after election, we have yearned for real change. However, in each of these elections, we are stuck with the same old cycle of government in this country. Therefore, as one government is elected and another is democratically ousted, the jobs that become available are quickly filled by a select group of cronies of the incoming government while the economic status of a vast number of Saint Lucians remains uncertain. With each election, no real change is realized.
For years, we have lived in a society where most of us refuse to question the actions of our government or even to allow ourselves for once to be at odds with our party. The party, in our view, becomes more important and even greater than the general interest of the country. Even more sadly, it often supersedes our internal and personal struggles to rid ourselves of a life of abject poverty. In this regard, we have become accepting of the fact that the party that we have worked so hard to elect to office can do no wrong. Additionally, we accept that the political appointees whom they have selected to fill the new positions upon assuming government are qualified and are committed and knowledgeable enough to go out in the world to attract the kind of investments that Saint Lucia needs so badly to redeem it from the yoke of poverty.
Sadly, most of these persons turn out to be square pegs in round holds. For the majority, the only real qualification they had was not having a job during the years that their party was out of office, having come from an influential family, or having a very close association to the elected members of that government or a particular party. In other words, our system of political patronage does not take into account whether the interest of the country will be served.
This is no way to run a country, especially one that is bursting at its seams with record high unemployment, social degradation, and a very youthful population that seems uncertain of their future or their place within our Saint Lucian society. Time is no longer on our side. If after 34 years of independence, we still have not been able to lay the proper foundation for economic independence and prosperity for our people, this alone should be an indicator of how much time we have wasted on governments and political organizations whose only agenda is becoming the national employment agency for only a few.
They borrow large sums of money to create temporary jobs, which in a few weeks will become non-existent to those who were lucky enough to have them in the first place. They ignore the fact that what Saint Lucia truly needs is an infusion of local and foreign investments, as well as a qualified governmental workforce with the ability to go out into the world to attract investments. They fail to lay simultaneously a progressive foundation to afford real opportunities for entrepreneurial Saint Lucians to start their own business without bureaucratic red tape. The moment for embracing a path towards economic sustainability is quickly passing us by.
We recognize the personal frustration of many of our people, and this was clearly demonstrated during our recently concluded National Consultation Tour in December. Saint Lucia needs a better way forward, and the LPM must do its part in transforming Saint Lucian society. We must ensure that our movement becomes a vehicle for a new day, where an entire nation, rich and poor, young and old, flambeau et Etoile alike, can overlook petty political differences to work together to advance their collective national interests.
This year, the LPM is determined to establish a recognizable presence throughout the length and breadth of Saint Lucia. From the official opening of our National Headquarters in Gros Islet to the establishment of numerous constituency branches and the offering of numerous training programs and assistance to Saint Lucians who are interested in blazing the path to self-sustainability, we are determined to prove that a political organization in opposition does not always have to be in power to do the best it can for the people of our country. Therefore, we invite you to become a part of something new, a new way of thinking. We hope you will join us in a political movement whose guiding principle is to advance your interests, not its own or that of its inner circles.
Within the LPM, you will find full acceptance and the opportunity to suggest new ideas. You have the opportunity to become part of the change that you have envisioned for your country. I pray that God will bless this beautiful island of ours and grant us a prosperous New Year.
Thank you!
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Monday, January 07, 2013
( The full text of this address can be read by clicking on the link below)
"The current proposal by the Trade Union Federation for a wage settlement will increase the Government wage bill by about $55 million annually for every year in the future. The back pay associated with this proposal would cost about $40 million, leading to a worsening of the current deficit of close to $100 million for this financial year. It also means that for every ensuing year, Government would have to borrow an extra $55 million just to meet the increase. This is clearly a path that a responsible government should not take.
Even with the offers on the table from the Government Negotiating Team of a lump sum payment, which is equivalent to a one-off three percent increase, Government would still have to borrow an extra $10 million just to pay wages.
We still have the chance to avoid going to the IMF but this will involve some very tough decisions. It will involve rebalancing our expenditure and taking steps to ensure that we borrow only for high-return capital projects. These are the realities that face us. That is why I urge that we need - all of us - to sacrifice collectively.
If we agree on a wage settlement higher than what our country can afford then we would have to immediately reduce or eliminate a number of programmes to fund this new expenditure. The subsidy on petroleum would have to be reviewed and we may have to move to a full pass-through mechanism where fuel prices increase every time the price of oil goes up on the world market. The Government subsidies on rice, sugar and flour would have to be reviewed. VAT would have to be imposed on water and electricity and a range of other items that are now VAT-exempt or zero-rated.
We would also have to revisit the size and configuration of the Public Service to see where we can obtain the savings required to finance the salary increases that are being requested. These are the steps that Government would have to consider in attempting to guide the country away from the looming fiscal crisis. In fact, even without the impact of the union-proposed wage increases, there is still a need to cut back on a number of activities because we simply cannot continue to borrow at the rate of the past three years.
I wish to state categorically that our Government does not want to reduce spending on education, health services, national security or social safety nets to assist the poor and vulnerable in order to pay higher wages to Public Officers. Neither do we wish to reduce the size of the Public Service and increase the pool of unemployed people in our country at this time."
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Sunday, January 06, 2013
Prime Minister to Address the Nation on Wage Negotiations | Government of Saint Lucia
According to the Prime Minister,
"The issue of wage negotiations is not solely a matter between the Government and the Public Sector Unions. It involves the Government, the unions and the entire country. It is vital that all sectors of our society and economy understand the nature of the problems confronting us because there will be consequences for all citizens. For this reason, I will lay out the full facts; review the performance of the economy, and the implications of any wage settlement for the future prospects of our economy."
The address will be delivered on all television networks at 8.00p.m
Source: http://www.stlucia.gov.lc/press-release/prime-minister-address-nation-wage-negotiations
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Prime Minister to Address the Nation on Wage Negotiations | Government of Saint Lucia
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Thursday, January 03, 2013
Returning Cedars Citizens Speak on Xmas
St Lucia. Coming from Lucians that are presently holidaying down there - especially in CEDARS- La fargue - Lucia style.
Oh! How I love my community, best ever.
Wherever you may roam, love oh love your Island home
These are Lucians reporting on their stay down here. love them!
Cooling out in the bar (behind the scenes) _-- Vicky
Big up Melus,always a darling. ( Tracy )
Greetings to Rosie,wishing her long life and prosperity after celebrating her 50th birthday on Dec. 31st 2012.