"Choiseul On The Move" was created to inform Choiseulians here and abroad as well as other interested readers bout the developments - political, social, educational and any other topics of interest happening in the district.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
The Divisiveness In The UWP Camp?
King or Chastanet. That's what is making the rounds these days. Information reaching this blog speaks to a gross dislike for Chastanet within the UWP hierachy. It is alleged that the feeling is that Chastanet just came in and already he wants to be the top man. Hmmm! Ring a bell? A trustworthy source told this blog that it was UWP at work to make sure that Chastanet never won in Soufriere at the last general elections. Surprised? It is alleged the Tucker and Fredo were the chief culprits to make sure Chastanet lost. Also the former UWP candidate played a major role to make Chastanet's loss a reality.
The question is why? Your guess is as good as this blog's own.
King, on the other hand seems to be the more favoured within the heirachy. Is it because of his humbleness, don't carish attitude, his soft approach and what have you? It is a fact that King was not in total control of his cabinet the way Kenny seemingly has his. What justification can you give to Fredo boastfully going around and saying that he gets what he wants from King. No harm in saying this, but what image does it protray of King.
The ill-advised comments about King by the past chairman opened a box of worms. Similarly, Fredo's stint to the press against Chastanet just goes to show the unrestained nature of the man.
UWP's demise at the last general election was due to the division amongst them. Tucker was doing his own thing, Likewise Fredo, Mondesir, Chastanet and the list goes on. Can you imagine that these guys had all this money and they still lost?
Whether Chastanet can pull off the leadership and put UWP on a strong footing remains to be seen. King on the other hand, if elected, will he now put his foot down to send the message that he is boss? Either way it goes, much healing will be needed.
Who holds the edge now, King or Chastanet? There is definitely an aggressive campaign taking place in the Chastanet's camp. Apart from those social media comments in favour of King, not much seem to be happening.
Taking into consideration the constituencies, Soufriere, Laborie, Vieux Fort, Babonneau, Gros Islet and Choiseul to an extent, barring Tucker's influence seem to favour Chastanet.
But the democracy is good. However leaving the leadership of the party in the hans of a few selected individuals, who have little knowledge of politics is a sinful crime for lack of a better word.
July 28 is D-Day. May good sense prevail.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Investigating Team Lands Recommendations To Central Government
25.1 Council Records
We recommend that Clerk of Council, Williana St. Rose and Former Parliamentary Representative, Rufus Bousquet, be made to account for the documents.
25.2 Procurement at Council
It is recommended that appropriate disciplinary action be taken against Clerk of Council and Former Parliamentary Representative be made to account for the documents.
25.3 Payments Not Accounted For
It is our recommendation that Clerk of Council and Former Parliamentary Representative, Rufus Bousquet, be made to account fully and timely for the payments made from the said bank account.
25.4 Easter Economic Stimulus Package
It is recommended that this matter be handed over to the Police for further investigation. Further, it is recommended that the Credit Union, be made to explain the circumstances which lead them to processing withdrawals from the account, with only the signature of the Clerk of Council on withdrawal slip.
25.5 Value for Money – Works Projects
We recommend that the authorized officers in the circumstances (Clerk of Council and Chairman of Council) be made to account fully and timely for these significant differences.
Page 187 of 190
25.6 Alleged Misappropriation of Moroccan Funds
We recommend that an investigation be conducted to determine the use of the Moroccan Funds.
25.7 Failure to Account for Foreign Currency
We recommend that the Former Parliamentary Representative be made to give a full explanation about the origin of these foreign cheques and timing of related credits in the bank account."
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Review of Choiseul Village Council Holds Former Rep and Village Clerk Accountable - Part 4
Editor's note: Pics of Morocco's Foreign Minister and building of the United Nations Federal Credit Union are not part of the review.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Dedan Sets To Clear His Name
1. The investigators claim that there is no record of him being a Councilor at the Council during the month of April. A calculated lie. He had been a member of Council from February 1, 2009 until December 2011 when the Governor general terminated the services of all Councilors..
2: They claim that Griffith Jn Baptiste was the supervisor of the Easter Beautification Program: Another orchestrated lie. He,on no account, was ever offered a job to supervise the said program. As to where this information came from is a mystery to him. dedan says, "Show me the records which states that, if they can. Did that info come from the Clerk or Chairperson?"
3: Dedan went on to say, "That I received a cheque for $28,000.00 as a contractor is true. However, I was instructed by the former Rep to cash the cheque and hand the amount over to him. Details of this I will withhold for now until, if necessary:"
4. As to Griffith Jn Baptiste and Dedan Jn Baptiste being one and the same person is a fact. I have always known myself as Griffith Jn Baptiste. i have alwaays called myself Dedan since I noticed it as part of my name on my birth certificate. When the present administration upgraded their system in 1998 my name no longer appeared on my pay slip as Griffith Jn Baptiste but rather Dedan Christiani Griffith Jn Baptiste. Therefore my name could be read as Dedan C G Jn Baptise," Dedan stated emphatically, Dedan reiterated that to imply a fraudulent act on his part is again looking for a needle in a haystack.
Jn Baptiste continued, "I am in no way surprised that the investigators, ably assisted by operatives of the Choiseul SLP Branch, I presume, would go at length to find something on me.
But like I've always said you can't find shit. Cause I know that I was never part of any illegal activity or corruption during my one year stint as Secretary at the Constituency Office during 2007 - 2008.:
Stand by that. My family's name and mine I dared to protect at all times.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Review of the Choiseul Village Council holds the former Rep and Village Clerk accountable - Part 3
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Review of Choiseul village Council holds Former Rep and Village Clerk accountable - Part 2
Look out for Part 3 on Tuesday
Friday, May 17, 2013
Review on Choiseul Village Council holds Former Rep and Village Clerk Accountable - Part 1
The Choiseul report looks at the operations of the Council, the use of the Taiwanese funds, the Easter Beautification Project, the disbursement of funds for projects and the Moroccan funds as well as other foreign donations given to the former Rep. Quite a damning report. Recommendations are provided at the end of the report.
This post will confine itself with the Review of the Financial Position of Choiseul Village Council. Due to the length of the report "Choiseul On The Move" will post the Review in four parts so as to give its readers time to digest it. The report is thus:
Look out for Part 2 on Sunday.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Jimmy went on to inform Chastanet that Delcer's pollling division is better known as "Niche Flambeau." He went on to inform the potential political leader that many of the delegates are here. Each constituency provides at least 15 delegates who have the voting right at a convention to elect a political leader of the party as well as other members of the National Executive.
A thunderous applause shook the disco as Chastanet took to the podium. Chastanet started the meeting in an unconventional manner by first asking the audience to pose questions they wish to have answers for. "What are your plans for the youth and investment for Choiseul?",a member of a youth group asked. Why have you decided to run for political leader of the UWP? " was another from a person on the floor .Two or three more questions were thrown at Chastanet from other persons.
Chastanet, looking very energized and motivated began by giving a history of his political life. He moved on to mention that, " We must bring back Sir John's Vision." He continued, " I believe that the United Workers Party need to bring back all the people it has lost. All the old people, people who believed in Sir John, and believe in the Vision of Sir John, who did not either vote for this party, and in some cases voted against the Party. United Workers Party lost the elections. The Labour Party did not win it. it is our people that put us out of power, not the Labour Party." (Applause).
As to why he chose to put his hat in the ring for the political leader, he went on to answer, " And why me? My whole life has been about delivery. Every business I have been involved in has been successful.......people say, as a leader all I know about is tourism. that's not true. I'm an economist. I chose to educate myself in tourism, because I think Tourism is what is going to drive the economic growth of this country."
Chastanet, meticulously delved into each industry and how he would like to see the way forward. He touched on Tourism, his pet topic, Agriculture and how he would like to see the farmers do a lot better. On Sports, he would like to see games whereby our young can get access to scholarships to further their education. On Education/Youth, Chastanet would like to see a change. "We need a better education system for our youth. I am not happy with their education. I don't think that the school system is equipping and teaching the young people enough things to make them more productive in our society. I don't believe that we are teaching young people how to own their own business, because many of you will not be working for somebody else except your own business, and you're not going to have a chance to go to university, and therefore at school you've to learn to manage money, how to negotiate contracts,and how a business works. so education is fundamental to me first thing."
About the Party, Allen thinks that there must be unity, and thinks that our greatest enemy is ourselves.
When asked about choosing Choiseul as his seat, Allen was very diplomatic in his answers. Though in his reply one could sense that his heart seems all Soufriere, he was quick to mention that it is the Party who decides where he will run. Other persons have it that Micoud South is a seat reserved for him.
With his leadership, Chastanet thinks that he can make the United Workers Party a formidable opposition. He told his audience, " We do not have an opposition. The party in power feels they can do whatever they want to do. Time to send a message to the Labour Party. Let us get the United Workers Party together and let us become a formidable opposition....................we are too divided. It's time to reunite. I believe that I am the person to bring all these people back together. And the people who do not want to be part of this team, you're out."
Chastanet took a swipe at the SLP government. He concluded, " I am tired of this government making excuses as to why St Lucia is not doing well. The first thing they always say is that the world is in a recession. Things are bad, we can't make things happen. That's not true. America is booming, Canada is booming,United Kingdom has had growth, Europe is now having growth.............."
The Labour Party Chastanet thinks, cannot run the country. "It does not know what to do. they are confused, and they are less united than we are. Trust me what I've said. ...................Let us put the right leadership in place and let us get down with the business we have to do.
About the United Workers Party, he thinks that the Party needs to change its ways. It must become a more disciplined party. he went on to tell his audience, "We have to become a party that has a bigger vision for where we want to take this country. We are a party that must become more structured, and a party when it is in power is committed to delivering to everybody....."
At the end of the session Allen Chastanet met with the delegates that were present and later mingled with the large crowd that had gathered outside to meet him.
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
What game is afoot with CUWPCB?
This blog quickly gave the new exec its blessings, but it seems it mus have been ill-timed. This blog went on to shower kudos on the vice chairman whom we thought,with his vast political knowledge and rapport with the people. Is an ideal choice. But it seemsthis blog had it all wrong.
We hear of division within De Party prior to the upcoming Convention, but it seems to be taking shape in the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency as well. There is a feeling in the air that something secretive is brewing withing the exec with regard to the election/selection of delegates for the Convention. It is alleged that the list of degateshave already been selected, yet the nmes are withheld from supporters of the party. Why? It is also alleged that the largest polling division does not have a representative delegate, as well as other polling divisions. The rule for selecting/electing delegates to a Convention is clearly stated in the constitution. Is there a move afoot to highjack the delegates' vote at the upcoming Convention? Is the past Rep influencing the decision-making process of the exec?
Recently a top supporter wrote to the chairman of the branch, asking him for the names of the recently selected/elected delegates. What youare about to read is an unbelieveable response fro the chairman. It reads,
"......I regret that I can't send you the list(delegates) as promised .
I called the vice chairman (Brian Charles) and discussed the matter
with him . He advised that I shouldn't ................
Can you believe this? Why isn't the list of delegates a public document for supporters of the party? Are these delegates surrogates of the past Rep who by all accounts seem to have this exec in his back pocket and also seem to have an agenda for the Convention? This will not work as we the supporters of the party are bent on getting answers as to what is brewing behind these closed doors.
This blog has been reliably informed that a group of suporters of the party within the Choiseul Constituency, are organizing two meetings - one with Chastnet and the other with King, to present their plans to the Constituents. Bravo! This blog welcomes this move as it will give the Constituents a chance to quizz both potential party leader.
The meeting with Chastnet this blog has been informed is slated for this coming Thursday in the largest polling division- Delcer. The meeting with King is slated for a latter date.
Democracy at work?
The CUWPCB are furious at that move taken by the supporters, since they think that they should be the one to coordinate such a venture.
Jimmy Haynes who heads the committtee to get both potential leaders to meet with the constituents of the constituency had this replay to the chairman's letter. ".........I appreciate your effort in attempting to get me the names of the delegates. Do not worry as your failure to do so is testimony to the fact that your Executive does not represent the majority of us UWP supporters in Choiseul/Saltibus. While I will not prolong this message by elaborating on that glaring weakness rest assured that we will succeed.Nevertheless, I will take this opportunity to wish you the best. I understand the duress under which you presently function. I will find out the names of the delegates and I will succeed in inviting them to this very important meeting of the UWP.
I cannot be blamed for your committee's lack of the foresight to take the initiative. I cannot be blamed for the evident division that presently exists between we the UWP supporters of Choiseul/Saltibus. Good luck in your endeavours. I am comfortable knowing that you will remain a supporter of the UWP. But I will continue to strive to bring the interest of the majority to the fore and resist the selfish motives of the minority.
Respectfully yours,
Jimmy J Haynes "
It will be interesting to see how things develop over the days.
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Saturday, May 04, 2013
THRONE SPEECH 2013 | Government of Saint Lucia
Look out for our next post " Chastanet or King. Our choice to make."
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