
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Taiwanese Ambassador Tours Choiseul

A Taiwanese entourage headed by His Excellency Mr. Tom Chou visited three cmmunities in the Constituency to view major projects that was funded by the Taiwan's Government.
In the Community of Dacretin a newly constructed community road, in La Fargue the erection of lights on the Multi- purpose court, and in Industry a 150 yds. footpath were the projects that were observed.
The entourage also visited the community of La Pointe, were the Ambassador was introduced to a Carib hut, and a proposed site for a multi-purpose court.
At Industry the Ambassador was warmly received by the residents who gathered to meet the him and his team. The Ambassador had short conversations with the residents pledge Taiwain's continued support for the people of Choisl/Saltibus Constituency..
Throughout the tour the District Rep briefed the Ambassador on the history of each community and project.
On leaving Indudtry one female member of the entourage bid farewell in patois, " nous kai wea' ple tar." The residents were very impressed and felt flattered to hear their dialect being spoken by a Taiwanese national.
Overall the Taiwanese were impressed with the projedts and took in the ambience of the scenery as they drove along the way.
A cultural tour is to be planned in the near future.

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