
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Dervone's Funeral Service - Top of the Line

Dervone's Funeral Service is one that will be remembered for a long, long time. Firstly, the attendance was about one thousand or more , and secondly, the service was well orchestrated. Hats off to the planners! The building could not accommodate everyone so many person flocked the veranda while others stood by the roadside braving the afternoon sun.
Inside, Dervone's casket,varnished in golden brown, draped with one of his school shirts on which bore the signatures of many students of his school, on top of which displayed a picture frame of him, lay at the foot of the podium as if waiting for judgement to be passed upon it.
That was not to be,but rather a service where words of comfort and songs to ease pain and grief were the order of the afternoon.
The eulogy, well written and delivered by Ms. Barbara Donaie, was very touching and had tears running down the cheeks of many students and other persons in the congregation, while intermitently putting in a little humour to ease the pain which almost everyone felt.
The students of the Choiseul Secondary School, performed two songs under the guidance of the music teacher, Ms. Philomena Laffeuille. The Vice principal of the School presented to Dervone's mom and dad a clock as a token on behalf of the school.
Pastor Jean in hs delivery, directed specifically at the young persons in the congregation warned them of the consequencies of disobedience. He went on to say that "disobeying your parents will lead to a shortened life." Pastor Jean lamented the direction the youth of today seem to be heading. and ask that they put God in their lives. After numerous other renditions Dervorne's caket was carried out by the pallbearers namely, Lynton La force, Nikel Gustave, Mallus Emmanuel and Nerville Edward all of whom were on the beach the day of Dervorne's tragic end.
At the La Tourney cemetry Dervone's mom wept profusely and clung onto the casket taking her last look at the son she so dearly loved, while other family and friends fought hard to hold back the tears. It was heartwrenching.
Dervone's body was finally laid to rest at about 5:20 pm.
Interested persons can get a cd with picures of the whole service. Please call 7584864541 or email your request to thesaltofchoiseul@hotmail.com

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