
Monday, March 02, 2009

Bousquet Presents Two Wheelchairs

At a presentation ceremony at Roblot, the Parliamentary/District Representative for Choiseul/Saltibus presented to Anne Marie Wison a wheelchair to assist her with her immobility which has been caused by a disabling disease.

Anne Marie has been down for the past two years and this wheelchair according to her has been a "God-send."
According to Mr. Bousquet when he was approached he immediately contacted the Ambassador Mr. Tom Chou, of the Taiwanese Embassy who has been very sensitive to the needs of persons in St. Lucia. Mr. Bousquet informed the small gathering of the integral part that the Taiwanese Government has played in the implementaion of numerous projects in his constituent. "We have much to thank the Taiwanese Government for." he remarked

Dedanier Jn. Baptiste, the president of The Choiseul North-East -Teens Club gave the welcome remarks and Leslita Wison, the grand daughter of the recipient of the wheechair gave the vote of thanks.
It was really a great ceremony.

Earlier in the day Mr Bousquet had already presented another wheelchair to Mary Antoine's husband affectionately known as "Mayor" of Daban, a small enclavement in the Saltibus area.

There is no doubt that Bousquet and the Taiwanese Government are working together to better the lives of Choiseulians.

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