
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Choiseul Secondary School Group Gets a Donation

To know Christ and to make Him known among Secondary School Students - the aim of the Inter-School College Christian Fellowship (ISCCF) a youth group at the Choiseul Secondary School.
The group want donated a cheque of $500.00 by Mr. Rufus Bousquet to assist them with buying costumes and to pay for transport for an upcoming competition named Youth Talent Vibes (YTV) at the Cultural centre on March 28, 2009.
The executive of the group comprises : Shalma Raymond - President, Vice President- Zania Lawrence, Secretary- Melanie Leopold, Treasurer- Sansha Charley, Public Relations Officer - Laurine Desir
The young christian group have high hopes that they will perform at a satisfoctory level to really impres the judges.

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