
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Taiwanese Ambassador Tours Choiseul

A Taiwanese entourage headed by His Excellency Mr. Tom Chou visited three cmmunities in the Constituency to view major projects that was funded by the Taiwan's Government.
In the Community of Dacretin a newly constructed community road, in La Fargue the erection of lights on the Multi- purpose court, and in Industry a 150 yds. footpath were the projects that were observed.
The entourage also visited the community of La Pointe, were the Ambassador was introduced to a Carib hut, and a proposed site for a multi-purpose court.
At Industry the Ambassador was warmly received by the residents who gathered to meet the him and his team. The Ambassador had short conversations with the residents pledge Taiwain's continued support for the people of Choisl/Saltibus Constituency..
Throughout the tour the District Rep briefed the Ambassador on the history of each community and project.
On leaving Indudtry one female member of the entourage bid farewell in patois, " nous kai wea' ple tar." The residents were very impressed and felt flattered to hear their dialect being spoken by a Taiwanese national.
Overall the Taiwanese were impressed with the projedts and took in the ambience of the scenery as they drove along the way.
A cultural tour is to be planned in the near future.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Taiwanese Ambassador to Tour Choiseul Constituency

The Parliamentary/District Representative has invited the Taiwanese Ambassador,His excellency,Mr. Tom Chou to take a tour of his Constituency, to observe completed as well as ongoing projects in the district
The Taiwnese Government has been very generous in offering assistance in the form of funding for most of these projects.
Recently a road was completed in the area to the tune of over $200,000.00. The Taiwan's Government has funded projects such as footpaths, community roads , renovations of houses,lighting of multi-purpose courts, sponsoring sports tournaments, donations etc.
The people of Choiseul are very grateful for such genererosity.
The Constituency Tour will will commence at La Fargue where the Ambassador will observe the lighting of the Court; afterwards they will move on to differenst communities where other projects have been completed.
High on the agenda will be an ongoing project in the Industry community where a 200 yds. footpath is being constructed.
The District Representative, on behalf of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency wishes to thank the Taiwan's Government for all the projects which they have funded in the district and he looks forward for a continued working relation ship with the His Excellency.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Choiseul Secondary Builds a Gazebo

According to to Oxford Student's Dictionary, Gazebo is a small building in the garden of a house, giving a wide view of the surroundings.
This what according to Mr. Boulogne, the Building Constuction and Woodwork teacher intends to build in the middle of the school yard.. The site on which the Gazebo is being constructed originally had a huge armand tree which offered much shade and enhanced the ambience of the school yard. It was chopped down; according to reports reaching me that there was too much work cleaning the fallen leaves whenever that tree decided to shed . What an excuse and whoever gave permission to chop the tree down has little environmental knowledge. A pity.
Hovever the building is being constructed by the students of the Building Construction class under the direction and supervision of the teacher.
It will be interesting to see what use Mr. Augier puts th?is building to. My guess, student watching?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

La Maze Youth Club Formed

Four beautiful young ladies led by Ms. Nelta Francis, stepped into the Constituency office, looking very professional in the deameanor and mode of dress. Purpose? - to meet with the District Rep. Why? -to inform him of their newly formed youth group and to seek some form of assistance. Great!
The Group's name is "Possibilities" The Executive comprises - Nelta Francis - President, Olan Gabriel - Vice Presisent, Emyln Francis - Secretary, Sanita Monrose - Tresurar, and Kieran Alcee - Public Relations Officer.
Motto: Reaching Far and Beyond
Mission Statement: To develop the youth and children of the La Maze community through educational healthy lifestyles and social activities.
The group has embarked on the initiative to pursue a number of activities in the up coming weeks: Spelling competitiond, aerobics training and a fun Walk slated for March 29th, 2009 i.e coming Sunday.
At their visit to the office the briefed the Rep. on their plans for the future and how they expect to develop the community and its people.
Mr. Bousquet made a donation of $500.00 to the club' president to assiist with their programme of activities.
Mr. Bousquet has also promised to update a small IT lab which is housed in the La Maze Multi Purpose centre. The Lab consists of three computers and a printer