
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Will Choiseul Village Win "Pleu Belle Village" This Year

   Choiseul Village was a hub of activity from 9:00am - 12:00pm on Tuesday February 16, 2010. A general clean-up and beautification of the Village, organised and supervised by Williana St.Rose (Mrs), the Village Council Clerk ,saw to it that the Village got a superb facelift. The Village residents, workers of institutions, and Council workers  were all involved in this beautification project.
   Walls and side walks were pressured washed  and given a fresh look, the compounds of the fisheries cleaned, the outside of buildings facing the street dusted and drains cleared. A dump truck was on hand to dispose of all rubbish and debris. Many of the villagers took this oppurtunity to get rid of appliances they had stacked in their yard. A part of a wall was painted in the colours of the National Flag.
   It was a sight that brought a sense of comradry, where one could see the Post Office staff taking part in this campaign by dusting and cleaning their building. This gesture by the staff inculcated a feeling that the project is a combined effort and everyone is welcomed regardless of status.
This project is part of an islandwide campaign to strive for the prestigious trophy for "Pleu Belle Village" which is part of this year's Independence Anniversary Celebrations.
Choiseul Village has won this trophy for seven consecutive years from 1983. Bravo Choiseul! In giving praise one must not forget the tireless and hard working Village Clerk who  I am sure in her absence Choiseul may not have captured this trophy consistently. Hats off to this lady.
I wish the clerk and all who participated in this year's cleaning and beautification project, good luck. Mwen sav zot kai geyen. ( I know you all will win)

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