
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Prime Minister Addresses School's Rally

   The island's prime minister, Honourable Stephenson King, has reiterated his government's commitment to addressing the issue of escalating crime in the country.

Prime minister gave the assurance during his address to the nation's youth, at the National Youth Rally on Monday 22nd of February.
   Mr King says he is very concerned about the recent spate of crime which has claimed the life of one police officer.
“I shall not allow our gains as a small developing nation after thirty one years of toil to be evaporated by the growing trend of lawlessness, deviant behaviour, disregard for law and order and criminality in our society, there is no room for such alien attitudes in our society and therefore this trend must stop now.”
  The prime minister also stated that his government will continue to invest in the Royal Saint Lucia Force, in order to allow law enforcement to restore peace in the country.
“The police supported by the judiciary have been mandated and therefore must undertake their responsibility to protect the citizenry and bring the criminals to justice without fear or favour to anyone what so ever.”
  The Saint Lucian leader says he will not cower nor fail in his responsibility, to ensure the safety of all Saint Lucians as guaranteed under the constitution.

Source: stlucia.gov.lc

In the last poll you were asked " Do you think Choiseul Village will win this year's "Pleu Belle Village" prize?
Here are the results:
Yes --- 71%,
No--- 14%,
I don't know--- 14%
I don't care--- 0%.

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