
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

RBTT Young Leaders Holds Ecumenical Service

The Choiseul Secondary School RBTT Young Leaders are on the move. These young leaders under the supervision of Ms. Descartes held an ecumencal service at the Choiseul Catholic Church on Monday February 1, 2010. This service is one of the activities planned by the Young leaders as part of their project for this year.
The theme for this year is " Holistic Wellness - The  Journey Towards a More Fulfilling Life."
The church was filled to capacity as over seven hundred students absorbed much of the comments by the invited guests. The service commenced with the school's choir singing songs of praise and worship followed by the Nationl Anthem.(type in choiseul secondary school choir in youtube to see video)  Tenisha Peter, the president of the group, welcomed everyone to the service (type Tenisha Peter in youtube for video) while Mr. Lionel a teacher at the school delivered the opening prayer.
Father Clement Francis was charged with the delivery of the Reflection  for the 1st  reading  taken from Matthew 6:24-38 which was read by Zia Bernard.  Father Francis was very eloquent in his delivery and impressed on the young congregation to seek the  Kingdom of God first and everthing else will be added to them. He urged the congregation to pray with meaning as it will remind them to seek the Kingdom of God.
 The second reading from Deuteronomy 8:6-14 was done by Jamal Jean and reflected upon by Pastor Jean. The pastor known for his flair reminded the students of the need to stay  focussed and away from bad company and thus crime. He made reference to the state of violence  in the country and implore on the student to put Jesus in their life to avoid the temptations of this world.
The service was not all talk. Kerzel, Daliya and Kimberly did a wonderful rendition of "Draw Me Close."
Prayers /Intentions were delivered by individual students for the Nation, Church, Youth Government, Family, The Sick and Shut-in, School, Haiti and Religious Leaders.
Mr. Pius Stephen delivered the feature address and elaborated on the importance of the physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being.
A well choreographed dance involving about  ten to fifteen students breathed a sigh of relief from the almost half hour presentation of Mr, Stephen.
 Father Arul, the local priest gave the closing prayer while Ms. Fera Descartes moved the vote of thanks.

                         Great project and good luck to the Young Leaders. BRAVO!!!!!!!!
Check out the videos on youtube. More to be posted soon

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