
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Should The Forgotten Communities Vote in Upcoming General Elections?

When I was younger, campaigning was one of my fortes. Brian Charles and later Rufus Bousquet were local elected officials, so for my friends and family, campaigning not only meant convincing persons, it meant the excitement of holding signs while shouting out, “Vote Brian/Rufus!” It meant handing out campaign materials in many communities. It meant getting to stay up late at election night parties, watching with baited breath as folks scurried in with boxes of polling stations results, which were then written-up on long, papered walls. (Now that results are released online, election night parties are considerably less exciting.)

These days, I greet Elections with far less enthusiasm. (And this particular year I greet it with no enthusiasm at all. Nothing but dread.)

I’ve grown up. I’ve awakened to the fact that we live in an imperfect world full of flawed people. And I’ve now (mostly through my work as a blogger) had a close-enough view of politics to know that its poor reputation is pretty well deserved. I’ve become frustrated with our political system and I’ve given up the idea that any candidate can be a knight in shining armor.

But I will vote. I vote in every single election and you should too. Here are some reasons why:

You do believe in having the right to vote, but are unsure as to whether it really will make a difference. So, should you vote or not? Yes - if you want better healthcare, education and childcare, fairer taxation, basic income for all, better roads and transport, better local amenities because the government  runs all these services and your vote in a General, Election will send a message about what sort of St Lucia you want and expect.

Any complaints you may have about anything related to politics (and everything is related to politics) will ring rather hollow after June 6, 2021, if you do not do the absolute minimum to make a difference by voting. 

Voting is the most fundamental way of expressing an opinion on what the parties are planning on doing if elected. Failing to do so makes any subsequent complaints about what the government is doing fairly hypocritical. I am among those who believe that you forfeit your right to bitch and complain about government if you fail to vote. And I find that complaining about government is a healthy and often a productive activity. 

I vote so that I can register my own independent thinking. And then I follow up that voting by interacting with my elected officials. You should too. Don’t vote? Can’t moan! Want to moan? Got to vote!

Do you let other people make all of your decisions for you, or do you value independent thought? If personal independence is important to you, then voting should be too.

When it comes to getting involved in the political process, Abraham Lincoln puts it best: “Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”

Ultimately, you should research your candidates and the issues, and make an informed vote that works for you. After all, if you don’t vote in your own interests, who will? Plus, smart people vote. You’re smart, right?



Friday, September 04, 2020

The Forgotten Communities – Still Not on the Rep's Radar

Rufus, Lorne and Bradley
Locally, it appears that our parliamentarian is struggling to meet the ever growing expectations of the residents of the Forgotten Communities. Recent discussions suggest that residents hold the parliamentarian to account principally for the services that he is able to deliver outside parliament, not for his law-making role or his cabinet duties.

Parliamentary Rep after parliamentary Rep, administration after administration, it’s the same old khaki pants when it comes to proper representation for the residents of the Forgotten Communities – La Maze, Roblot, Debrieul, Sauzay and Riviere Doree. This blog has consistently informed its readers about the poor level of representation and unkept promises (see links below) meted out by our Parliamentary Representatives (past and present) to the Forgotten Communities. This will continue to be so until honest dialogue becomes part of a strategy to improve people’s lives.

Sunset Bay - Choiseul's Elusive Dream

Poor Representation and broken promises:

My disgust at poor representation

Another of Lorne’s stories

Lorne’s mamaguy

Bradley can’t seem to deliver

Choiseul’s wrecking team

Scores of people drive through the Forgotten Communites daily to get an idea of how the people live. They want to feel the vibes of the people in the Craft Mecca of the constituency, the farmers, the single mothers, the unemployed and of course the youth. Hoping to see a semblance of improved lives, they gradually become disenchanted by what they see as they drive through and engage the residents.

It appears that many of these politicians believe that by just getting a few unplanned drainage projects, or cutlassing done in the Forgotten communities can improve people's lives and is all  that matters for their re-election….far from it!

The Parliamentary Reps must realize that constituency service is important both to citizens and themselves – indeed; it is an accepted and expected part of the job. Numerous opinion polls in different constituencies suggest that the public believes that some form or the other of constituency service is the most important part of a Rep’s role, while Reps themselves no doubt see the benefit of meeting voters' needs for various reasons, not least to improve their chances of re-election.

If one were to ask any of these Reps what they think residents see as their most important role, you no doubt would hear them say that, in the eyes of the resident, solving residents' problems is the parliamentarian's most important role – does one see that happening in the forgotten communities.

Roblot Multipurpose Centre
It's about face time. Residents of The Forgotten Communities are not difficult people. If you promise it, do it! (Multipurpose Center for example) Residents like when a Parliamentary Rep comes to their constituency to see their faces. A Parliamentary Rep should always be with constituents, live in the constituency and be part and parcel of them. Whatever a Rep does matters in elections. They can bring development but if the residents don't see them, then electors will not remember.

In closing, ponder over this thought. A good parliamentary representative is not likely to be approved by, or even appreciated by, every one of his constituents. Thus my claim is not that a parliamentary representative will be valued by every constituent (or even a majority of constituents); rather, my claim is that a good parliamentary representative will be the unbridled advocate of his own constituents.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

St Rose Heading For a Defeat Without the Backing of the Party's Machinery?

Top: Dr. P. Prosper(SLP) Bottom: Dr. A. St Rose(IND) Right: Hon. B. Felix(UWP)

Going it alone is rarely as easy as we think.  Winning without a party machinery behind you isn’t easy!!!

It’s  something that needs to be borne in mind by Alphonsus St Rose who was rejected over Pauline Prosper  during the candidate selection process of the St Lucia Labour Party a couple of months ago.

That’s especially true if he intends to stand as independent at the next general election.

Independent candidates face many obstacles in the St Lucia. In all constituencies, the United Workers Party and St Lucia Labour Party candidates automatically are the most frequently acceptable symbols on the ballot, whereas the independent candidates usually have to convince themselves that they stand a chance just to be confident that he will want to be on the ballot. The electorate, over the years has been composed of mostly UWP’s and SLP’s, who have a strong incentive to protect the existing duopoly. Also, Independent candidates often face financial difficulties because they have to rely on their personal saving and/or very few hefty donors.

The two political parties are a lot like the two giants of the cola world, Coke and Pepsi. Although each wants to win, they both recognize that it is in their mutual interest to keep a third cola from gaining significant market share. Coke and Pepsi, many people have argued, conspire to keep any competitor from gaining ground. The Flambeaus and the Etoiles function in much the same way.

Many voters don’t want to waste their ballot, and thus gravitate toward a parliamentary candidate they think has a chance to win. Independent candidates have a hard time building enough of a following to actually win a constituency seat. And without a grass-roots base of officials, independent candidates who aren’t already well-known have a very difficult time building momentum.

Are there implications here for St Rose in the next General Elections? Well, In spite of his confidence, it’s possible that as the 2021 election approaches, his vote share of the stock in Choiseul/Saltibus will dwindle. Some of his backers will decide that a protest vote isn’t as important as actually influencing the outcome. Many are undecided or may not even vote per se, but SLP’s and UWP’s will rather be committed to Prosper or Felix.

 Challenges for St Rose.

St Rose faces challenges that party candidates like Prosper and Felix do not. Simply put, political parties matter in St Lucia. The importance of local campaigns and candidates pales in comparison with that of the national campaign and party leaders when it comes to voter decisions.  Parties and their leaders provide important information shortcuts or cues to voters about ideology and policy positions. Moreover, they command media and public attention.

The biggest challenge for St Rose can be trying to convince voters that he would be able to represent them effectively. Parties dominate the legislative process. The ability to participate effectively in the HOUSE is related to being a member of a parliamentary party. An independent campaign needs to communicate consistently that voters would be well served, even without party backing.

The infrastructure of independent candidate greatly differs from those of the two major parties. The St Lucia Labour Party and United Workers Party have their national, constituency organizations, as well as a lot of other SLP and UWP groups.

Independent candidates, on the other hand, do not have such a sprawling, cohesive network. 

St Rose, I am sure is fully cognizant of the ramifications of his action. It would serve him best to go along with Pauline Prosper just to bring this seat home. Splitting  Labour votes will be a disaster for the SLP.

Just like Neville Cenac St Rose will never be forgiven if SLP loses the Choiseul/Saltibus seat in 2021.

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Does Choiseul/Saltibus Need Another Independent Candidate ?

“We cannot support dishonesty, manipulation, a lack of transparency, no accountability and corruption in decision making and governance of the people's affairs.

So we are campaigning and voting for an Independent Dr. A St. Rose.

Get your troops ready my soldier. Thank you for standing with me for what is right for you, your future and country. Thank you for your support, trust and confidence in me to represent and fight for you...much appreciated!”  Whatsapp communique dated July 23, 2020 from Dr Alphonsus St Rose’s Camp.

Some claim that we need more independent candidates in elections; those who are disillusioned with party politics think that we could find judicious wise independents that could do the job just as we want.

I have no problem with “independent” people offering their services to the electors. Freedom to stand and to put a different point of view is vital to life in a democracy. So is choice between serious candidates who can win. There is nothing stopping an independent candidate becoming a serious rival for power, if their message is popular and the other competing parties are unimpressive. Occasionally this happens.  Often in General elections people want to choose between the major parties, because they want to influence which party will end up running the body concerned.

However, I do think we need to examine what we mean by “independent”.  An independent can be genuinely independent of all political parties. That means that they will not take a party whip once elected to a given body. They can make up their own minds, unguided by colleagues in the same party. Some will think this an advantage.

However, in a Parliament it also has some disadvantages. It means the independent cannot form a government. The independent cannot guarantee to introduce anything they offered in their manifesto, as they may not even have a seconder for their proposals, let alone a majority. They may become inadvertent or unintentional liars or promise breakers. In office they discover they have to change their minds or broker deals with others to try to get anything done.

The question of independence from a party should not be confused with true independence of thought. An independent might be more ideological than a party candidate. They might have clear and strong prejudices, but not declare them before the election. You do not know how an independent will decide matters or what is likely to be their view of a common problem, unless they tell you in their manifesto. Often their manifesto is very thin on detail.  With a UWP or SLP candidate you have more idea of what you are likely to get.

My Take:  Do Party candidates have an advantage over independent candidates? It seems to be the case – independent candidates have garnered fewer votes on average as compared to party candidates.

Advantages which party candidates may have over independent candidates include:

  • The benefit of an established party brand name
  • Organizational and logistical assistance
  • Backing of popular political leaders in the party

An individual might want to run on a platform supporting the interests of certain groups identified by gender or community. This would be all right, provided he or she did not stir up hatred or promote unreasonable discrimination.

People wishing to stand as independents have found it hard. The electors do not seem to understand the idea. The electorate does not think of parties in terms of ideas. Their suspicion of independents seems to be linked to a desire to know to which group of persons a candidate has attached him or her-self —for that is what joining a party mostly means.

Therefore, independent candidates who are intent on overcoming the odds in the upcoming General Elections must be well-known, established and prominent individuals with proven leadership achievements in their field of expertise.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Dr Prosper Out-did Dr St Rose at Party's Selection Process.

Political Leader and Dr Prosper

Whether there are ongoing behind-the-scenes activities to trump up support for Dr Alphonsus St Rose in his bid to replace Dr Pauline Prosper, it should be quite clear to these persons that the Labour Party's position  released in a statement is quite straightforward.

SLP's Position on the Matter

It even goes as far as to mention that persons who try to tarnish the image of the party will be dealt with. Should Fergy and Alphonsus stand down or continue their path, defying the Party's constitution in the candidate selection process? Should they continue to divide the camp, thus making it difficult for Dr Prosper to pull off the win? What is their game plan? Are they willing to sacrifice expulsion from the party? Questions, questions, questions! Inquiring minds want to know.

The Hot 7 Facebook post puts it this way."The political leader of the Saint Lucia Labour Party is not overly concerned about the impact of candidate struggles and dissent between their various camps. The state of affairs in the Labour Party camp is the water cooler topic of recent days given released audio of Choiseul hopeful Dr Alphonsus St Rose decrying the candidate selection process as being flawed, after word of Dr Pauline Prospere’s selection by the SLP to contest the seat. The SLP says while it understands Dr St Rose’s disappointment at not being the chosen candidate, it will not tolerate behavior by any member that may damage the image of the Party." 

Dr Prosper out-did Dr St Rose 

Continuing the Hot 7 News says, "…….Dr Pauline Prosper outdid Dr St Rose at every stage of the candidate selection process.”  This included:
  1.  A screening interview,
  2.  A selection interview, 
  3. A vote by the party 
  4. An independent poll commissioned by the party which identified Dr Prosper as the strongest candidate to via against the incumbent MP Bradley Felix. The executive hopes to meet with the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency to put closure to this matter.
With a lack of data Choiseul on the Move is unclear as to what amount of support St Rose commands among the party's supporters in the constituency. However there are a few who think he can dethrone the incumbent.

 A strong female supporter of the SLP puts it bluntly. "I en voting for no woman, bon!" 

Another comment from an unknown contributor to  Choiseul on the Move seems to suggest that the mere fact that the SLP has an array of educators that St Rose with his health background might be a better choice.(Really! Remember Pep?) The statement reads. "They are both qualified professionals, albeit in different fields. They are both winning material given the required support. Given this position, one's preference should perhaps be focused on the balance they bring to the team. Looking at the candidates we already know, we can clearly recognize at least three educators - If you were to include the former PM then four. It therefore shows the party is not deficient in terms of persons to manage education. In this regard St. Rose with experience and background in Health, brings better balance.”

Still another comment. "First time we having a woman who lives in Choiseul and been around. Bradly not ready. I think she deserves a chance."

                                                                   Time to Move on
The debate rages on at all watering holes throughout the district. An unconventional poll carried  out by Choiseul on the Move at many of these watering holes  gives Dr Proper an edge over Dr St Rose. As to whether she will beat Bradley, many disgruntled supporters of the UWP camp suggests they will support her while a few  SLP supporters of Dr. St Rose still have their doubts.

Editors's note: Here is the full video clip from Hot 7 Tv: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=749704712512386

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reasons to Rent A Pressure Washer Today!

Pressure washers have been very popular in recent years -- and with good reason. They are extremely versatile tools that save a lot of time, often with great results. A lot of cleaning can be accomplished in a little amount of time. Some jobs can be accomplished so quickly in fact, that when renting a pressure washer it may be a good idea to line up a couple of jobs to get the most for your money. For example, after pressure washing the deck, why not give your driveway the treatment? For lawn and garden uses, pressure washers are ideal for keeping your equipment clean and ready for use. Nothing removes caked on grass and debris from under the mower deck as effectively as a pressure washer. Tiller blades can also benefit from a pressure washer. Keeping your lawn and garden equipment clean can prevent a lot of rust and corrosion down the road. For home cleaning projects, a pressure washer is the right tool for the job. Cleaning your siding, deck, lawn furniture, driveway and sidewalks are just a few of the jobs that are well suited for a pressure washer. Hard to reach areas can easily become not so hard to reach. Difficult to clean items such as shutters, wrought iron fencing and lattice all come clean with ease. A pressure washer can also effectively clean your brickwork and stonework such as patios, steps and barbecues. When cleaning your driveway or garage floor with a pressure washer, it is a good idea to first soak up any oil with cat litter. Once the litter is swept up, apply degreaser to the oily areas and allow it to stand for a few minutes before beginning to pressure wash.When working on the wood, it is recommended to keep the stream at a 45° angle. Avoid spraying head-on or keeping the stream in one place. That way you can avoid indenting or scarring the surface. Also, avoid spraying directly onto glass as it may break under the pressure. Your vehicles, such as trucks, cars, boats, trailers and campers can be effectively cleaned with a pressure washer. Special attachments are available specifically for washing your vehicle. If you are renting a pressure washer, with all of the time you’ll save on your other projects, why not treat yourself to a car wash? Another once tedious project that pressure washers have been popular for is for the removal of peeling paint. Though care must be taken not to damage the wood surface, professional results can be achieved quickly without having to use a paint scraper. Finally, whether you buy or rent a pressure washer from Rayneau Rentals and Sales, please know that we are here to answer all your questions and provide outstanding customer service. If you buy from us, we offer repair services and generous preventative maintenance contracts. At Rayneau Rentals and Sales, we look forward to helping you with all your needs. Call us at 450-7368 or contact us online today to see how we can help.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Rayneau Rentals and Sales – The Place For Quality Tool Rentals

When it comes to having the proper tools, it can be expensive, inconvenient, and a chore to own the proper ones. This is especially true if said tool is not one that you use constantly. Not only will you have spent money on a tool that you don’t use consistently, but you will have to spend additional time, effort, and money in order to maintain your tool, or risk operating it in a sub-optimal manner when you do have to use it. It’s just not worth it. Luckily, at Rayneau Rentals and Sales, we keep our tools in optimal condition and well maintained at all times for your use. If you need a tool just once for a job, try renting one of our tools. Not only will you save needing to pay the full price for the tool, but you also won’t have a tool that you’ll keep in your shed, never to be used again. At Rayneau Rentals and Sales, we treat all our tools with the care it deserves so that once it is in your hands, it will perform exactly as it should, and once you’re finished with it, it will be passed on to the next customer in need of it. The tool will never be put to waste. Our collection of tools is vast and varied. We carry tools for jobs of all kinds, including lawn and garden equipment for those who wish to perform some gardening; saws and hammers for construction jobs; drain and sewer equipment for plumbers; and many more. If there’s a tool out there, we’ll have it. For your next job, look towards Rayneau Rentals and Sales for your rental toolsneeds. We are located in Vide Bouteille on the Castries/Gros Islet Highway.  

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Pauline and Alphonsus Heading for a Showdown/Run-Off?

Pauline and Alphonsus. Are they heading for a showdown?
The silly season has already started! While the UWP seem set on letting Bradley run a second term, there appears to be some uncertainty in the SLP camp as to whom….Pauline or Alphonsus  would be the better candidate for the upcoming General Elections. (Or is it so Ferguson John and Alphonsus St Rose want the party loyalist to believe?)

In a video gone viral one can clearly see Ferguson John, an ex-representative placing doubt in the minds of the group of supporters that attended a meeting at Cedars, Choiseul recently. Also with him was Alphonsus St Rose a Medical doctor turned politician, who has stirred up much controversy in his tenure as President of the St Lucia Medical and Dental Association as to his true motive in that position.

The ex-Rep commenced the meeting with, “This afternoon we've decided to have a little chat with you because of the latest development in the selection of a candidate to run for the St Lucia Labour Party. As everybody has learnt now that the party would select Pauline from [pause] ammm, let’s say Choiseul." [Deliberately playing he forgot where she is from]. Below is an excerpt from the video with Fergy.

He went on, “This announcement has reached the people and we…..” [Who is “we” there? Is it Fergy and Alphonsus?] "…….people think that the wrong decision has been made.”  It’s  revealing that Fergy should  should make mention of such a statement when he himself  was summoned down to St Lucia via a phone call to run as a SLP candidate by a handful of persons, while others thought he had no chance against Rufus. But here you have a party endorsing someone whom they think can give Bradley a run, yet Fergy wants SLP supporters in Choiseul/Saltibus to go against the grain.

Section of the small gathering

“I think what we have to do now is let the party know that we’ve made a mistake and we must correct it” Fergy went on instigating the small gathering. One could have seen Alphonsus throughout Fergy’s sermon, swaying back and forth feeling very uncomfortable with this whole charade in trying to reverse the party’s decision.

Taking his turn to make his case as to why he thinks he is a better choice than Pauline, here’s part of what Alphonsus said. “I believe I do have a responsibility to you folks. I’ve pledge my commitment to working with you, and I am going to stand with you through good time….. Here’s the deal!........” 

In detailing “the deal” Alphonsus mainly spoke to the gathering as to what he would like them to do….more or less echoing Fergy’ take.

Check the video below for an excerpt from Alphonsus’ take on the situation.

My Take: Pauline has been doing all the hard work to consolidate her position, plus she has a large force on the ground already at work doing her house-to-house campaigning while Alphonsus stays up in Castries bragging away at his interest in running the seat. It does not work this way.

Further Choiseulians have been made to suffer by both parties under so called Choiseulians that live in Castries, have forgotten how Choiseulians live and only to return when some opportunity arises to use our people for their own ends. We have seen it in Calderon, Rufus, Lorne  and Lord knows how many more.

 Pauline is born and raised in Saltibus; has been there through thick and thin with her people, is more savvy politically than Alphonsus, is more genuine with her openness, and,   that makes her the people's choice for the 2021 General Elections on a SLP ticket for the Choiseul/Saltibus seat.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Reduce Your High Water Bills With These Tips From Our Plumbing Department!

Water is a major utility in any community, making it a significant concern for homeowners, renters, and commercial property owners alike. A high water bill is troublesome not only because of the financial cost, but also because it indicates that precious water may be going to waste somewhere. When your water bill is higher than normal, it’s important to track down the cause and correct it as soon as possible. With this in mind, here are a few common reasons for a high water bill, and what you can do to address them. Leaky/Running Toilets Running Toilet? Shut Your Flapper and Catch That Leak. Toilets account for a high percentage of the indoor water use for the average St Lucian home. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that they pose a major leak risk. A running or leaky toilet can waste up a staggering 6,000 gallons per month and add to a hefty water bill. There are two common methods of checking for a toilet leak: * The Sound Check: Simply walk up to your toilet and listen. If you hear an odd hiss-like noise, you may have a leak and will want to check the tank flapper, water line connections, and seals further. * The Dye Test: For this test, you’ll need some food coloring or a dye tablet. Take the lid off of your toilet’s tank and put in a couple of drops of coloring (or a dye tablet). After you’ve put the dye in the tank, wait for 15-20 minutes and check the toilet bowl for dye. If dye is present, then there’s a leak allowing tank water to flow into the bowl. In most cases, these leaks will be caused by a faulty flapper in the toilet tank. This is a relatively easy fix that only requires a short trip to one of our stores and a few minutes of work.  Leaky Faucets & Fixtures Don’t Ignore a Leaky Faucet Leaky faucet fixtures are another common cause of high water bills. The heavier the leak, the more water gets wasted, and the higher the water bill will be. For example, a faucet that’s leaking about one drip per second can waste about 17 gallons over the course of a day. Thankfully, a leaking faucet is relatively easy to spot and fix. A simple visual check of your faucets, shower heads, and other fixtures is all it takes to identify a leak at the fixture. The most common cause of a faucet leak is a faulty rubber washer in the faucet handle. In most cases, you can shut off the water to the leaky faucet, unscrew the handle, remove the bad washer, and replace it with a new one. Lateral Line LeaksIn some cases, one of the underground pipes feeding water from your metered connection to your home may have a crack or loose joint. The causes of these leaks vary, but things such as pipe age, seismic activity, tree root intrusion, and animal activity are often contributing factors.When trying to tell if the leak is in your lateral line water supply pipe, the amount of extra water consumption noted on your utility bill can serve as an indicator.For these leaks, the best solution is to contact a professional. A professional can recommend the best solution for the problem.    Old, Outdated Fixtures & Toilets Modernize your outdated fixtures and toilets Many homes on island have old plumbing fixtures. In recent years, there have been numerous efficiency improvements made to common water fixtures, such as new-model aerators for faucets, low-flow water-saving toilets, and water-saving shower heads. This rarely shows up as a sudden problem—it’s usually something that comes with the house and has you paying higher than expected water bills from day one. Check your home’s faucets, toilets, showerheads, and other water-using equipment for WaterSense labeling, or date of manufacture.  Cultivate Good Water Habits Stop Being a Water Waster  All the water that goes down the drain, clean or dirty, ends up mixing with raw sewage, getting contaminated, and meeting the same fate. Try to stay aware of this precious resource disappearing and:  * Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving  * Always wash laundry and dishes with full loads  * When washing dishes by hand, fill up the sink and turn off the water.  * Take shorter showers or, as the old joke goes, shower with a friend  To put things in perspective, take a quick look at your next water bill when it arrives. It probably won't be costing you too much, but the average household consumes multiple thousands of gallons each month. See if you can make this number go down. If you're the graphing type, go nuts. Shop with us today or call us at Corinth Main Road 758-450-7247 / Babonneau 758-450-5759 / Monchy 758-450-7248 / Vide Boutielle 758-450-7368. Our plumbing consumer sales representatives are available to assist you with all of your home plumbing repair and replacement needs.                                                                        

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Deciding on the Right Type of Fence for Your Home

Fences are important because they not only serve a key role in the exterior appearance of your home; they also provide a number of benefits such as security or privacy for homeowners. Before you go out and pick any option, have a specific goal in mind before installing a new fence. Picking a fence based on a specific purpose helps homeowners choose the right type of fence for them. When it’s all said and done, the right type of fence will be the one that looks nice, but most importantly serves its purpose and meets the goals of the homeowner.. Whether your goal is to add some décor around your home, increase security, gain privacy, to block visual stimuli from pets, or to keep your pets in, there’s a fence option for you.  While selecting the right fence, be sure to consider costs, maintenance, and to check with your local authorities to ensure the fence you’re going for isn’t prohibited. Fence Types Before we jump into all yard fencing options, you have to know your options. The 5 most popular types of fences are: * Aluminum * Wood * PVC * Wall * Chain Link Aluminum Fencing Aluminum fencing is a low-maintenance option. Aluminum fences are great decorative fixtures as they blend well with just about any home and require little maintenance. The only maintenance will come during installation when you choose to paint and decorate it. On the flip side, these fences are not as strong and won’t provide any level of security or privacy to the owner. Wood Fencing You can't beat the look of classic wood fencing. Wood fences are by far among the most popular options as they come in many styles. If you’re looking for privacy, security, and a fence that will last you a lifetime go with a wood fence.  They give homeowners a warm and welcoming feeling and without the headache of breaking the bank.The quality of the wood fence will depend on the type of wood you choose; however its flexibility to add additional features makes it well worth it. PVC Fencing Searching for a budget-friendly fence option? PVC is right for you. Hands down, the cheapest way to fence in your yard is by using one made of PVC. These fences use PVC to replace wooden stakes and pickets, and although not nearly as sturdy, they can certainly serve their purpose. The posts are PVC sleeves that go on top of wooden posts to add stability to the fence, but also cut down on material costs by using less wood. Sometimes, the PVC stakes are attached with an adhesive to the cross bars and other times, they are fastened with screws. This type of fencing comes in a variety of different heights and colors. Because of its PVC makeup, the fence is very resistant to the elements and can last for years. CONCRETE FENCING The easiest and least expensive to maintain What makes concrete fencing great? Concrete blocks serve as very durable retaining walls that provide the best sound buffers against outside noises. Concrete fences are also the easiest and least expensive to maintain. You can also easily add to or modify concrete fences later with different height and design options. Construction is relatively easy and doesn’t require heavy machinery or other big equipment. Concrete blocks are the strongest and longest lasting fencing material and only earthquakes can cause damage. It also lasts several decades. Chain Link Fencing Chain link fencing is functional and affordable. The last type of fence type to consider is chain link fencing. Just about everyone knows this type of fence. Homeowners, as well as school administrators (very popular), will be delighted to know that they are cheap, durable and need very little maintenance (like many of the other options).Yet, where this fence may lack in creativity, it makes up for in price and durability. While security and privacy are certainly the top two functions of all home fences, design and creativity should never take a back seat. Like all the choices before it, do your homework. Write down your needs, goals, and restrictions to discover and select the best fence for your home. With all the fencing choices available, no home in St Lucia needs to sacrifice looks for security. Call or visit us at our stores conveniently located in Corinth (450-7247),Vide Bouteille (450-7246), Monchy (450-7248), and Babonneau(450-5759) for all the fencing products you need.  

Have The Choiseul Credit Union Messed Up Paying Interest This Last Quarter?

Silvanus Fontenard
              By Silvanus Fontenard

Some people are now angry that credit unions might be buying Government bonds to help pay their own salaries. However these same people stayed silent when Choiseul Credit Union bought over 30 million dollars in Government Bonds and treasury bills between 2013 and 2016.

Wow! How hypocritical. I don't believe in bond purchasing by community organizations because governments do not have longevity - the interest rates can change with the tide and that most governments are insolvent anyway. However, because of the crisis, it could be the only time one can consider tolerating the bonds because it will be used to help pay public servants and we all have to chip in.

 What I don't understand is that the very people who thought it was OK between 2013 and 2016 when there was no crisis are up in arms now. Is it because their cousins and party friends were the ones making those decisions? These are the questions the people of Choiseul must ask now that the credit union is using COVID as an excuse to reduce interest rates on savings by 75 percent as quietly like mice, from 4 percent to one percent without informing the members. They are only finding out when they go in to do business.

Why won't they say that they messed up by buying truckloads of bonds and were taking large sums which they are unable to lend out from unsavoury characters from outside Choiseul and Soufriere who do not qualify for membership under our bye laws. They have created a crisis and are now using COVID as the excuse.

COVID has not impacted us much. The hotel workers who are the ones most affected are still getting some reduced level of income from the NIC and their employers in some instances. Those who contribute to the NIC will continue to receive the support until September so where is the justification for blaming COVID. They messed up and now have an excuse.

It is easy to manage this current situation if you know anything about "Managing Cooperatives in a free market or Crisis Management". Obviously many of the board members accept the positions but never educated themselves on how to run the organization. It's not just about being on a board - one must get to know the philosophy, guiding principles and regulations which prescribe their operations to the letter , otherwise you have chaos when faced with challenges.

 COVID's problems are not really here yet. They will come after September so brace yourselves. These inept and crooked monkeys whom you entrust with your livelihoods and life savings will make you run to hell with a smile because it will appear to be a better place than where they are taking you.

All I wish to say to those who have called me to complain is " be prepared for a very rocky road". The journey is just beginning, you have not seen anything yet. May GOD bless you in this impending crisis?


Editor's note: Fontenard have always stood up to the faux pas of this organisation. An article he wrote in 2017 http://choiseul-inform.blogspot.com/2017/03/choiseul-credit-union-behind-by-2m-plus.html still make for a good read.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Will Rufus Bousquet Chance Running as an Independent in 2021?

Rufus Bousquet’s surprise appearance in Choiseul last Sunday has left room for much speculation – whether he intends to enter the race for the next General Elections, constitutionally due in June 2021. According to reliable sources Bousquet was seen at many watering holes feeling the pulse of his comrades
Rufus Bousquet
Rufus, a master tactician at campaigning,  must have had a plan in  mind as he made his rounds around the constituency.

Further sources reveal that the guy is considering running on an independent ticket……hmmmmm! Though with all his political prowess, Bousquet may have an uphill task knocking Bradley off – not sure if Choiseulians are ready for independent candidates just yet.

Bousquet's political history shows that he served in the government under Prime Minister John Compton as Minister for Financial Services and the National Development Corporation before being dismissed in 1995. Following the UWP victory in December 2006, he became Minister for External Affairs, International Financial Services, Information and Broadcasting in Compton's new government, sworn in on 19 December.

The incumbent Bradley Felix
On May 1, 2007, he signed an agreement with Taiwanese foreign minister James Huang restoring diplomatic relations between the two countries at the expense of St. Lucia's relations with the People's Republic of China. In early June 2007 Bousquet was dismissed from the government by Compton; some speculation attributed the dismissal to the restoration of relations with Taiwan.

Bousquet expressed his readiness to seek the UWP leadership at its planned convention in October 2007. Following Compton's death on September 7, 2007, reports indicated that Bousquet only supported the designation of Acting Prime Minister Stephenson King as Prime Minister on the condition that he be brought back into the cabinet, but he was not included in it when a cabinet reshuffle occurred on September 12.

Pauline Antoine-Prosper
On June 6, 2008, having restored a good relationship with the Prime Minister and the cabinet, The Honorable Rufus Bousquet was sworn in as Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce, Investment and Consumer Affairs . In February 2009, the Prime Minister gave up his position as foreign minister and restored Bousquet to the position. 

In the November 28, 2011 General Elections he obtained a total of 2756 votes whereas his opponent, Lorne Theophilus, obtained 2810 of the constituent's votes thus ending his run as parliamentary representative for Choiseul.

In all of Bousquet’s political life he has never won two straight terms and has always been flogged by underdogs with no political experience. Therefore it leaves one to wonder whether with no political base whether his intention is not purely as a disruptor. This article  is a clear indicator as to the amount of work which needs to be done by Rufus to win back the confidence of the his supporters – and to make matters more difficult he may be running on an independent ticket.

The 2021 race for the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency may be a three-cornered fight with Bradley Felix, the incumbent (UWP), Pauline Antoine-Prosper or Alphonsus St Rose (SLP) and hopefully Rufus Bousquet (IND.)

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Could Coconut Oil Be a Potential Cure For Covid-19?

"A corona virus patient in Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia has in fact claimed to have recovered from the disease after taking virgin coconut oil (VCO).

According to newspaper reports, the patient, Monica Sihaloho, while in isolation, initially consumed two tablespoons of VCO without the knowledge of the doctor.

As her condition needed oxygen to breathe, she decided to drink a full bottle of VCO. The effect was immediately felt and her condition gradually improved. 

On the fifth day of isolation, she was declared negative of Covid-19 and was allowed to go home.  At home, she continued to regularly consume VCO."  Source - http://metronewscentral.net/in-and-around-the-metro/pgh-studies-virgin-coconut-oil-as-possible-treatment-to-covid-19

While American scientists explore Hydro Chloroquine and other drugs for the corona virus disease cure, those from the Philippines are looking into the possible benefits of virgin coconut oil on COVID-19 patients.

The research aims to find out if coconut oil may reduce the duration or severity of symptoms.

Current evidence suggests coconut oil and its derivatives are safe and effective antiviral compounds in both humans and animals. COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2 for short.

The respiratory infection presents with common symptoms such as fever, dry cough and shortness of breath.

There is no vaccine available at the moment to treat the viral disease that has so far claimed about 82,000  lives worldwide and has infected 1,500,000 people - 301,000 have recovered.

Scientists believe that virgin coconut oil has been proven to be a preventive agent
against viral infections, such as the corona virus.

Several in-vitro, animal and human studies support the potential of coconut oil and derivatives of coconut oil as effective and safe agents against a virus like COVID-19. 

Studies into other viruses demonstrate that at least three modes of action occur that explain the antiviral activity in coconut oil.

Given the significant scientific evidence for the antiviral activity of coconut oil and its overall safety, scientists urge clinical studies to be conducted in patients infected with COVID-19.

Because virgin coconut oil is safe and widely available, many doctors are of the opinion that it is useful to consider coconut oil as a general preventive agent against viral and microbial infections. A tablespoon daily will do a world of good.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Rayneau -The Store of the Future: Rayneau Optimistic About COVID -19 - “This will p...

Rayneau -The Store of the Future: Rayneau Optimistic About COVID -19 - “This will p...: Rayneau Group of Companies is remaining concerned—but optimistic—about COVID-19 . In these extremely challenging times, Rayneau Group ...

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The TRUE or FALSE about COVID-19 by Lisa Maragakis

Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., is a senior director of infection prevention at Johns Hopkins Medicine.

There's a lot of information circulating about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID), so it’s important to know what’s true and what’s not. Below, find some information that will help clarify few questions to help keep you and your family healthy and safe.

TRUE or FALSE? A vaccine to cure COVID-19 is available.

True: There is no vaccine for the new coronavirus right now. Scientists have already begun working on one, but developing a vaccine that is safe and effective in human beings will take many months.

TRUE or FALSE? You can protect yourself from COVID-19 by swallowing or gargling with bleach, taking acetic acid or steroids, or using essential oils, salt water, ethanol or other substances.

True: None of these recommendations protects you from getting COVID-19, and some of these practices may be dangerous. The best ways to protect yourself from this coronavirus (and other viruses) include:
Washing your hands frequently and thoroughly, using soap and hot water.
Avoiding close contact with people who are sick, sneezing or coughing.
In addition, you can avoid spreading your own germs by coughing into the crook of your elbow and staying home when you are sick.

TRUE or FALSE? The new coronavirus was deliberately created or released by people.

True: Viruses can change over time. Occasionally, a disease outbreak happens when a virus that is common in an animal such as a pig, bat or bird undergoes changes and passes to humans. This is likely how the new coronavirus came to be.

TRUE or FALSE? Ordering or buying products shipped from China will make a person sick.

True: Researchers are studying the new coronavirus to learn more about how it infects people. As of this writing, scientists note that most viruses like this one do not stay alive for very long on surfaces, so it is not likely you would get COVID-19 from a package that was in transit for days or weeks. The illness is most likely transmitted by droplets from an infected person’s sneeze or cough, but more information is emerging daily.

TRUE or FALSE? A face mask will protect you from COVID-19.

True: Certain models of professional, tight-fitting respirators (such as the N95) can protect health care workers as they care for infected patients.

For the general public without respiratory illness, wearing lightweight disposable surgical masks is not recommended. Because they don’t fit tightly, they may allow tiny infected droplets to get into the nose, mouth or eyes. Also, people with the virus on their hands who touch their face under a mask might become infected.

People with a respiratory illness can wear these masks to lessen their chance of infecting others. Bear in mind that stocking up on masks makes fewer available for sick patients and health care workers who need them.

Thursday, March 05, 2020

[COVID-19] - How to Prevent Yourself From Getting Infected?

With the talk of CORONAVIRUS and its daily toll on persons globally, knowing how to protect yourself must be a priority. Dr MILTON LUM has given some clear guidelines to follow if we are to stay safe.  

"The Covid-19 outbreak brought into sharp focus the need to keep hands clean by handwashing with soap and water, or the use of alcohol hand sanitisers.
Clean hands, not masks, are more vital in the avoidance of illness and spreading microorganisms to others

To ensure your hands are rid of harmful microorganisms, scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds, or as long as it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice. — Photos.com
Many infectious diseases are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean running water.

How they spread

There are various ways in which microorganisms can get onto human hands and cause illness.

The faeces of humans and animals often contain microorganisms like Escherichia coli and Salmonella, which cause diarrhoea.

In addition, faeces can also spread some respiratory infections like adenovirus, and hand, foot and mouth disease, in children.

These microorganisms find their way onto our hands after we go to the toilet or change a diaper.

It can also occur after the handling of raw animal meats that can have invisible amounts of animal faeces on them.

Microorganisms can also find their way onto our hands if anyone touches an object that contains microorganisms on it.

This occurs as a result of an infected person coughing or sneezing on the object, or another contaminated object touching the object.'

When microorganisms on the hands are not washed off, they can be passed from one person to another, thereby spreading and causing illness.

A healthcare-acquired infection (HAI) is an infection acquired by a patient during healthcare delivery in a hospital or other healthcare facilities, which was not present or incubating on admission.

It is the most frequent adverse event in healthcare and affects patients in any care setting during and after discharge.'

A HAI leads to prolonged hospital stays; antibiotic resistance; disability; high costs for individuals, their families and health systems; and unnecessary deaths.

It can also lead to infections in doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals or caregivers attending to patients.

From hands to face
French tennis player Benoit Paire clutches his face during a match at the recent Australian Open tournament. Touching our face with hands that have picked up harmful microorganisms is one way we can get infected. — AFP
The washing of hands prevents illness and spread of infection(s) to others.
When hands are washed with soap and water, there is removal of a substantial number of microorganisms from their hands.

There are several ways in which handwashing prevents infections.

Microorganisms from unwashed hands can get into drinks and food during preparation or consumption.In addition, microorganisms can multiply in some types of drinks or foods under certain conditions, then cause illness.

They can cause illness when they get into the human body through the eyes, nose and mouth.

People often touch their eyes, nose and mouth without realising it.

A study of medical students at the University of New South Wales in Australia, published in 2015 in the American Journal of Infection Control, reported that the subjects touched their faces 23 times per hour.

“Of all face touches, 44% involved contact with a mucous membrane, whereas 56% of contacts involved non-mucosal areas.

“Of the mucous membrane touches observed, 36% involved the mouth, 31% involved the nose, 27% involved the eyes, and 6% were a combination of these regions.

Another study, published in 2014 in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, observed hand hygiene and face touching in family doctors and their staff in Cincinnati, United States.

The participants touched their eyes, nose and mouth a mean of 19 times in two hours (a range of zero to 105 times) with family doctors doing so significantly less often than their staff.
Microorganisms from unwashed hands can be transferred to other objects like door knobs, table tops, hand rails etc, then transferred to other people’s hands.

The transmission of healthcare-associated microorganisms from one patient to another through caregivers’ hands involves the following sequence:
  • Microorganisms are present on the patient’s skin or have been shed onto inanimate objects in the patient’s immediate vicinity.
  • The microorganisms are transferred onto the hands of caregivers, where they are capable of survival for several minutes.
  • Handwashing or antisepsis by the caregivers is inadequate or omitted, or the agent used for hand hygiene is inappropriate, and
  • The contaminated hand or hands of the caregivers come into direct contact with another patient or with an inanimate object that will come into direct contact with a patient.

Protection against infection

There is substantial evidence that widespread handwashing significantly reduces the incidence of diarrhoeal illnesses, particularly in those with weakened immunity, as well as the incidence of respiratory infections in the community.

Handwashing with soap can protect about one out of every three young children with diarrhoea, and almost one out of every five young children with respiratory infections like pneumonia.

Handwashing can prevent about 30% of diarrhoea-related illnesses and about 20% of respiratory infections, both of which are often prescribed antibiotics.

The reduction of these infections helps prevent antibiotic overuse, which is the single most important factor that leads to antibiotic resistance globally.

Handwashing can also prevent antibiotic-resistant infections that are difficult to treat.
There is substantial evidence that hand antisepsis reduces the transmission of healthcare-associated microorganisms and the incidence of HAI.

Improvement in hand hygiene practices may reduce transmission of microorganisms by half.

In short, the removal of microorganisms through handwashing helps in the prevention of diarrhoea and respiratory infections, and may even prevent skin and eye infections in the community setting.

In the healthcare settings, handwashing reduces HAIs significantly.

Hand hygiene at the right time has saved, saves, and will continue to save millions of lives globally.

It is a quality indicator of safe healthcare systems as infections can be stopped by good hand hygiene practices.'

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the harm to patients and healthcare professionals can be prevented by less than US$10 (RM42.25) and that alcohol-based hand sanitisers, which cost about US$3 (RM12.67) per bottle, can prevent HAIs and millions of deaths annually.

How to wash hands
Hand sanitiser provided for the public at an ERL counter. Alcohol-based hand sanitisers should be used only when your hands are not visibly dirty, otherwise, handwashing with soap and water is a must. — ERL
WHO recommends frequent handwashing with soap and water, or the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitiser, if your hands are not visibly dirty, as one of the basic protective measures against Covid-19 infection.

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spells out the details of handwashing for the general public in five steps: “Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap and apply soap.

“Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers and under your nails.

“Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the Happy Birthday song from beginning to end twice.

“Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.

“Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.”

WHO has guidelines for hand hygiene in healthcare too.

Handwashing with soap and water must be used when the hands are visibly soiled or potentially contaminated with body fluids, and when caring for patients with vomiting or diarrhoeal illness, regardless of whether or not gloves have been worn.

A hand sanitiser containing 70%-95% alcohol is used for hand decontamination in healthcare settings, as it is better tolerated than handwashing with soap and water.
Non-alcohol-based hand sanitisers are not recommended.

The message on clean hands in the Covid-19 outbreak should be carried forward into the cultivation of frequent handwashing as a daily habit for everyone.

This will also reduce diarrhoeal diseases and some respiratory diseases in the medium to long term.

In summary, clean hands not only protect against infections, but also saves lives."