
Monday, July 20, 2020

Dr Prosper Out-did Dr St Rose at Party's Selection Process.

Political Leader and Dr Prosper

Whether there are ongoing behind-the-scenes activities to trump up support for Dr Alphonsus St Rose in his bid to replace Dr Pauline Prosper, it should be quite clear to these persons that the Labour Party's position  released in a statement is quite straightforward.

SLP's Position on the Matter

It even goes as far as to mention that persons who try to tarnish the image of the party will be dealt with. Should Fergy and Alphonsus stand down or continue their path, defying the Party's constitution in the candidate selection process? Should they continue to divide the camp, thus making it difficult for Dr Prosper to pull off the win? What is their game plan? Are they willing to sacrifice expulsion from the party? Questions, questions, questions! Inquiring minds want to know.

The Hot 7 Facebook post puts it this way."The political leader of the Saint Lucia Labour Party is not overly concerned about the impact of candidate struggles and dissent between their various camps. The state of affairs in the Labour Party camp is the water cooler topic of recent days given released audio of Choiseul hopeful Dr Alphonsus St Rose decrying the candidate selection process as being flawed, after word of Dr Pauline Prospere’s selection by the SLP to contest the seat. The SLP says while it understands Dr St Rose’s disappointment at not being the chosen candidate, it will not tolerate behavior by any member that may damage the image of the Party." 

Dr Prosper out-did Dr St Rose 

Continuing the Hot 7 News says, "…….Dr Pauline Prosper outdid Dr St Rose at every stage of the candidate selection process.”  This included:
  1.  A screening interview,
  2.  A selection interview, 
  3. A vote by the party 
  4. An independent poll commissioned by the party which identified Dr Prosper as the strongest candidate to via against the incumbent MP Bradley Felix. The executive hopes to meet with the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency to put closure to this matter.
With a lack of data Choiseul on the Move is unclear as to what amount of support St Rose commands among the party's supporters in the constituency. However there are a few who think he can dethrone the incumbent.

 A strong female supporter of the SLP puts it bluntly. "I en voting for no woman, bon!" 

Another comment from an unknown contributor to  Choiseul on the Move seems to suggest that the mere fact that the SLP has an array of educators that St Rose with his health background might be a better choice.(Really! Remember Pep?) The statement reads. "They are both qualified professionals, albeit in different fields. They are both winning material given the required support. Given this position, one's preference should perhaps be focused on the balance they bring to the team. Looking at the candidates we already know, we can clearly recognize at least three educators - If you were to include the former PM then four. It therefore shows the party is not deficient in terms of persons to manage education. In this regard St. Rose with experience and background in Health, brings better balance.”

Still another comment. "First time we having a woman who lives in Choiseul and been around. Bradly not ready. I think she deserves a chance."

                                                                   Time to Move on
The debate rages on at all watering holes throughout the district. An unconventional poll carried  out by Choiseul on the Move at many of these watering holes  gives Dr Proper an edge over Dr St Rose. As to whether she will beat Bradley, many disgruntled supporters of the UWP camp suggests they will support her while a few  SLP supporters of Dr. St Rose still have their doubts.

Editors's note: Here is the full video clip from Hot 7 Tv: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=749704712512386

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