
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

New season of Game of Drones Opens

Governor General
The Governor General opened of the fifth series of the 10th season of Saint Lucia's best watched comedy show yesterday April 27, 2015. The series is hoping to bring in a whooping total of $1,464,236,000.00.
There will be five shows in this series. The first and second show will be aired on  Wednesday, April 29 and Thursday, April 30 at 9 a.m. During these two shows, the characters will debate the Estimates of Expenditure for the financial year 2015/2016. A report on the Meeting of the Standing Finance Committee will also be presented.
The motion is as follows: be it resolved that the House of Assembly(Game of Thrones) do adopt the Report of the Standing Finance Committee on the Estimates of Expenditure for the financial year 2015/2016 in the sum of one billion, four hundred and sixty-four million, two hundred and thirty-six thousand dollars ($1,464,236,000) as a charge against the Consolidated Fund and other funds of the State of Saint Lucia.
Setting for Game of Drones
The third and significant show  is down for a formal House of Assembly(Game of Thrones) meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12 at 4 p.m. for the tabling of the Appropriation Bill 2015/2016 and the delivery of the Director's ( Prime Minister) budget speech.
By all accounts, reports reveal that St Lucians both here and abroad will gravitate to their TV screens to watch the last two shows which are slated for Thursday, May 14 and Friday, May 15. The shows are expected to commence at 9 a.m. on each day.
Game of Drones actor, Lorney Boy.
Fans from  the Choiseul/Saltibus Community will no doubt take great interest in the last two shows. Of interest to them in particular, is the character "Lorney Boy" whom they have put all their energies into to see him  have a role on this show. This is "Lorney Boy's" 4th season and the fans who are disappointed with his role in the show thus far, are looking forward for something NEW. He has let down his fans miserably over the past three seasons - he has refused to read from the script that has been so painfully prepared for him.
Firing him is on the cards, especially from a cliche, "The Forgotten Communities." Whether he can read  this present script  to the satisfaction of his fans is left to be seen. But the cards have already been played.
As for the other characters in the show, this season will prove to be one of the most riveting roles depicting bluff, lies, half truths, innuendos, character assassinations, flashing mirrors and you name it.
I am sure that it will be more entertainment for St Lucians and by extension the world to serve this acts of comedy as a dessert after the just concluded Jazz & Arts Festival,  

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