Sam "Jouk Bois" Flood, like him or not, is doing to the "malaway" what George Odlum did for St Lucians - Sam brings Looshans up to speed on the corruption and other runnings in government while George opened our eyes politically. Sam's patois program aired weekly, Monday to Saturday from 4:55am - 7:00am and Tuesdays and Thurdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm, is well listened to throughout the island and by extension through the world wide web, worldwide. The program is aired on 96.1 and 105.3 in the frequency modulation frequency and on the internet at
But can you believe that as I write this piece Hot Fm is not streaming the program over the net. Many overseas persons have reported this situation to Sam that it appears his morning program is being boycotted over the net for sometime now. Is this a deliberate act of sabotage to keep Looshans overseas in the dark on Jouk Bois' interpretation of what is happening locally? Will the powers that be try to shut him up as well? That will be the day in St Lucia!
It has recently troubled me that just before Sam ends his program, there is that clip which comes on to indicate that Sam is completely responsible for his content. Hmm! Was management threatened? many have gone after this program and Sam to shut him up, but he rises above them all.
This piece is not about Jouk Bois. It is about an alleged plagiarism which was committed by a Minister of government in his venture to add a degree before his name. defines plagiarism as an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author. Sam "Jouk Bois" Flood broke the story this morning in his usual grandeur style. In his usual "Cyrstal" language style he reminded his listeners of the time he broke the story on "Walter Riley" after he went up to Canada to find out the truth behind the "Dr" which he [Walter Riley] displayed behind his name. Two days later Riley sent in his resignation to the PM.
Now,It is alleged that another Minister presented the work of a lady from the Choiseul area to the university to obtain a degree. The thesis he said speaks to the "development of the Hewannora Airport." Sam went on to inform the nation that this Minister is the only one who "stands up" to the PM - the others are "boys" at the foot of the Kenny. If found culpable, what will be the PM's wrath Sam seems to imply?
Sam did not have it completely right. My investigation into this allegation revealed that there may have been plagiarism involved. The title of the original thesis is: THE VIABILITY OF OPERATION TWO AIRPORTS IN ST LUCIA. The Minister may have copied parts of the work of another author and presented it as his own without acknowledging the author or even getting permission to do so. He the Minister may have gotten hold of this paper at a Government Office where he worked at the time. My investigations further revealed that the thesis he wrote was not for a Phd but actually for his Masters. And he did not sit in the same university with the author.This all happened quite a while back.
If found in the wrong what actions could be taken? Will the PM fire him? Or will the author sue him? Will he get off the hook Scott-free? Or will he resign?
According to this site "Colleges, universities and professional entities certainly have the authority to punish plagiarists in various ways, including expulsion from the college or revoking a degree earned in part by plagiarism. But plagiarism is also a legal issue.
The owner of the copyright (i.e., in most cases, the true author) could sue the plagiarist in federal court for violation of the copyright. Any work created in the USA after 1st. Mar 1989 is automatically protected by copyright, even if there is no copyright notice attached to the work. 17 USC, Sub-Section 102, 401, and 405.
But can you believe that as I write this piece Hot Fm is not streaming the program over the net. Many overseas persons have reported this situation to Sam that it appears his morning program is being boycotted over the net for sometime now. Is this a deliberate act of sabotage to keep Looshans overseas in the dark on Jouk Bois' interpretation of what is happening locally? Will the powers that be try to shut him up as well? That will be the day in St Lucia!
It has recently troubled me that just before Sam ends his program, there is that clip which comes on to indicate that Sam is completely responsible for his content. Hmm! Was management threatened? many have gone after this program and Sam to shut him up, but he rises above them all.
This piece is not about Jouk Bois. It is about an alleged plagiarism which was committed by a Minister of government in his venture to add a degree before his name. defines plagiarism as an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author. Sam "Jouk Bois" Flood broke the story this morning in his usual grandeur style. In his usual "Cyrstal" language style he reminded his listeners of the time he broke the story on "Walter Riley" after he went up to Canada to find out the truth behind the "Dr" which he [Walter Riley] displayed behind his name. Two days later Riley sent in his resignation to the PM.
Now,It is alleged that another Minister presented the work of a lady from the Choiseul area to the university to obtain a degree. The thesis he said speaks to the "development of the Hewannora Airport." Sam went on to inform the nation that this Minister is the only one who "stands up" to the PM - the others are "boys" at the foot of the Kenny. If found culpable, what will be the PM's wrath Sam seems to imply?
Sam did not have it completely right. My investigation into this allegation revealed that there may have been plagiarism involved. The title of the original thesis is: THE VIABILITY OF OPERATION TWO AIRPORTS IN ST LUCIA. The Minister may have copied parts of the work of another author and presented it as his own without acknowledging the author or even getting permission to do so. He the Minister may have gotten hold of this paper at a Government Office where he worked at the time. My investigations further revealed that the thesis he wrote was not for a Phd but actually for his Masters. And he did not sit in the same university with the author.This all happened quite a while back.
If found in the wrong what actions could be taken? Will the PM fire him? Or will the author sue him? Will he get off the hook Scott-free? Or will he resign?
According to this site "Colleges, universities and professional entities certainly have the authority to punish plagiarists in various ways, including expulsion from the college or revoking a degree earned in part by plagiarism. But plagiarism is also a legal issue.
Copyright Law
It is important to note that the addition of original material by the plagiarist in no way excuses the act of plagiarism. The focus is on what the plagiarist did wrong, not what the plagiarist did right. Trivial changes in copied text, in an attempt to avoid copyright infringement, are specifically prohibited by law in the USA." The point is was the original paper presented in a US university? Hmmm!
To get a a clearer picture of this matter I tried to contact the alleged author who replied, " No comments. Not interested."
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