
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

What game is afoot with CUWPCB?

The more things change, the more they seem to remain the same. One will recall this blog's cry when a Bousquet's Puppet executive of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency Branch was formed. Coupled with external pressure by De Party a new exec was formed recently,
This blog quickly gave the new exec its blessings, but it seems it mus have been ill-timed. This blog went on to shower kudos on the vice chairman whom we thought,with his vast political knowledge and rapport with the people. Is an ideal choice. But it seemsthis blog had it all wrong.
We hear of division within De Party prior to the upcoming Convention, but it seems to be taking shape in the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency as well. There is a feeling in the air that something secretive is brewing withing the exec with regard to the election/selection of delegates for the Convention. It is alleged that the list of degateshave already been selected, yet the nmes are withheld from supporters of the party. Why? It is also alleged that the largest polling division does not have a representative delegate, as well as other polling divisions. The rule for selecting/electing delegates to a Convention is clearly stated in the constitution. Is there a move afoot to highjack the delegates' vote at the upcoming Convention? Is the past Rep influencing the decision-making process of the exec?
Recently a top supporter wrote to the chairman of the branch, asking him for the names of the recently selected/elected delegates. What youare about to read is an unbelieveable response fro the chairman. It reads,
"......I regret that I can't send  you the list(delegates) as promised .
I called the vice chairman (Brian Charles) and discussed the matter
with him . He advised that I shouldn't ................

Can you believe this? Why isn't the list of delegates a public document for supporters of the party? Are these delegates surrogates of the past Rep who by all accounts seem to have this exec in his back pocket and also seem to have an agenda for the Convention? This will not work as we the supporters of the party are bent on getting answers as to what is brewing behind these closed doors.
This blog has been reliably informed that a group of suporters of the party within the Choiseul Constituency, are organizing two meetings - one with Chastnet and the other with King, to present their plans to the Constituents. Bravo! This blog welcomes this move as it will give the Constituents a chance to quizz both potential party leader.
The meeting with Chastnet this blog has been informed is slated for this coming Thursday in the largest polling division- Delcer. The meeting with King is slated for a latter date.
Democracy at work?
The CUWPCB are furious at that move taken by the supporters, since they think that they should be the one to coordinate such a venture.
Jimmy Haynes who heads the committtee to get both potential leaders to meet with the constituents of the constituency had this replay to the chairman's letter. ".........I appreciate your effort in attempting to get me the names of the delegates. Do not worry as your failure to do so is testimony to the fact that your Executive does not represent the majority of us UWP supporters in Choiseul/Saltibus. While I will not prolong this message by elaborating on that glaring weakness rest assured that we will succeed.Nevertheless, I will take this opportunity to wish you the best. I understand the duress under which you presently function. I will find out the names of the delegates and I will succeed in inviting them to this very important meeting of the UWP.
I cannot be blamed for your committee's  lack of  the foresight to take the initiative. I cannot be blamed for the evident division that presently exists between we the UWP supporters of Choiseul/Saltibus. Good luck in your endeavours. I am comfortable knowing that you will remain a supporter of the UWP. But I will continue to strive to bring the interest of the majority to the fore and resist the selfish motives of the minority.

Respectfully yours,

Jimmy J Haynes "

It will be interesting to see how things develop over the days.

Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel


Anonymous said...

I think it is a good move to bring both leaders to mmeet the delegates and by extension the constituents. All the other 16 constituencies shoul follow your lead. As a supporte I en want Bruce Tucker around. Once you have Reds around is a rufus ting.

Anonymous said...

My ideal executive will be one with the head of each political division. Therefore 9 persons. Were elections held to to get the delegates? Is Bousquet still interested in Chairman of the party? Dah man have an axe to grind. Pas trus messier!