
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Investigating Team Lands Recommendations To Central Government

 This is a report of the Recommendations which the team of investigators came up with.


25 Choiseul Village Council
25.1 Council Records
We recommend that Clerk of Council, Williana St. Rose and Former Parliamentary Representative, Rufus Bousquet, be made to account for the documents.
25.2 Procurement at Council
It is recommended that appropriate disciplinary action be taken against Clerk of Council and Former Parliamentary Representative be made to account for the documents.
25.3 Payments Not Accounted For
It is our recommendation that Clerk of Council and Former Parliamentary Representative, Rufus Bousquet, be made to account fully and timely for the payments made from the said bank account.
25.4 Easter Economic Stimulus Package
It is recommended that this matter be handed over to the Police for further investigation. Further, it is recommended that the Credit Union, be made to explain the circumstances which lead them to processing withdrawals from the account, with only the signature of the Clerk of Council on withdrawal slip.
25.5 Value for Money – Works Projects
We recommend that the authorized officers in the circumstances (Clerk of Council and Chairman of Council) be made to account fully and timely for these significant differences.
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 25.6 Alleged Misappropriation of Moroccan Funds 
We recommend that an investigation be conducted to determine the use of the Moroccan Funds. 
25.7 Failure to Account for Foreign Currency
We recommend that the Former Parliamentary Representative be made to give a full explanation about the origin of these foreign cheques and timing of related credits in the bank account."

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