
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saltibus Councilor Stops Sauzay Project

The Choiseul Village Council executive is only a few months in office and there are already reports of division among the councilors - more so between the chairman and certain councilors. Find it strange? On the Council are persons with big egos and any attempt to stiffle or crush these egos will result in clashes.
A reliable source has informed this blog that a decision was taken by the Councilors in the absence of the chairman, to start a drainage project in the Sauzay area. The project was endorsed by the responsble authority and given the go ahead. This project by all accounts would alleviate the hardships of run-off water in this enclavement.
The source went on to inform the blog that at a meeting the Chairman flared up and was furious demanding an explanation as to who gave Council the authority to do this behind his back. In his rage and fury he went as far as to completely stop the project. "Man in charge?"
It is also being heard through the grapevine that the chairman hardly had time to attend to the Council's business and that it is the two senior Councilors that take care of Council's business. Yet they were the ones who were shafted by the chairman.
Council's tenure ends on January 31, 2013. It may be a wise decision on the part of the Rep to nominate another Chairman.
The Sauzay residents did in some way express their disgust at the Chairman's irrational decision.
Supposing the project was for Saltibus, would he have stopped it?
Dedan C.G. Jn. Baptiste

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