
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Deepest regrets and sympathies to our Rep.

This blog has just been informed of the passing of our District Rep's mother. Our deepest sympathies go out to the him and his family.
This loss we are sure will be surely felt by the Rep as he was considered as "mama's boy" by the deceased Lusca Theophilus, his mom.
Lusca Theophilus, by all degrees, was my mentor during my two-year stint at Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, at the time known as Teachers' College. This "iron lady" as we affectionately called her was for us Choiseulian teachers who were enrolled at the College during her time. She made sure that we were properly taken care of.
In Choiseul, I'm sure many persons will grieve her passing and will miss her dearly. I am also sure that her husband will truly miss her as through the years of their companionship she must have been a pillar of his strength.
This blog extends condolences to Mr George Theophilus another of my mentors in the field of sports.
As the saying goes, life must go on. And in the days, weeks and months ahead this blog hopes that our Rep will in some way be able to find the strength to move on.
God be with you my brother. May your mom rest in peace.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

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