
Friday, June 22, 2012

Will Dugard Top The List In 2012?

   A whole year of preparations has passed where the grade six teachers of the Constituency put forward all the skills they have in order to impart the knowledge required to pass this defining test - Common Entrance.
When the results are in, this is where we separate the men from the boys or the ladies from the girls, whichever way you want it.
In school rankings in the constituency Dugard Combined reigns head over heels. For two consecutive years now they have held the top position. ( on more than one occasion a student from the school have topped the list as well)Thanks to the hard work of retired principal, Mrs Clara Edwards and of course the teacher Ms Veronica Stanislas. One should never forget that the other teachers of the school did play a part in whatever small way to bring this school to its status. Having a new principal now, it would be interesting to see if the school under her watch can carry on Mrs Edwards’ legacy.
It is no big thing when it comes to the student who gets the top marks in their school, although the parent would feel elated. But consider that school performing way below the National Mean. What does it say of the teacher? (don’t you dare blame the children) I have noticed a kind of relaxed attitude by a number of grade six teachers since the introduction of Universal Education. Teachers don’t push work anymore, like in my days. They are very aware that whether they work hard or not their students will pass anyways. But it reflects in the grades of the children when hard work is not done. Poor grades defines a lazy,weak, and a “ pa melee” attitude teacher.
The other issues which this blog needs to take to task are the poor grades in math as well as the low performance of the boys. With regards to the math it is this blog’s opinion that many of these grade six teachers were never good at math anyway.. Many of them and examination analysis have clearly shown that their problem solving skills are below 40%. What a tragedy for our children! The District Education Branch Office should make it mandatory to get these weak math teachers into a summer workshop to revitalize their math teaching methods least our children suffer more.
Too many female teachers? Is that the reason for the poor performance of our boys> No male role model in grade six? Is that yet another reason. Poor parenting? And another? Whatever be the reason for our boys being lower achievers than the girls is an area of study that should be pursued.
Soon results will be out and we will get to know the top and last school , we will get to know which school met the National mean, we will also get to know the top student from each school and finally we will get to know where our schools ranked among the island’s schools..
Good luck to all. This blog awaits with bated breath.

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