
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Choiseul 2012 Carnival a No No?

    Carnival fans from Mongouge, Saltibus and the Village have been calling the talk shows inquiring about the status of Choiseuil carnival this year. Actually no one seems to be hearing from the Carnival Development Committee nor from the gentleman who over the years  have galvanized or motivated the whole carnival movement.
The past celebrations have been well received by the general public not to mention the queen pageant which has always been well attended.This year seems to be a no no for carnival or are the organizors waiting for October as they did last year only to come up disappointing the masses.
  On more than one occassion past carnival celebrations have been sponsored to the tune of $10,000.00 or more by the former Rep who took a genuine interest in the development of the creative art. At his office, one could see thank you plaques from the Carnival Committee thanking Rufus for his contribution towards Choiseul carnival.
   One may ask where am I going with this? Not far. Is the carnival committee functioning? Have they approached the Rep, (who for your information is the Minister responsible for carnival) for sponsorship? ( If Rufus could get $10,000.000, Lorne too can get it) Remember in the budget that $1.1M has been set aside as grants and donations for this year's carnival? Are Ms Modeste  and Mac not interested  in tapping into this resource? Has the economic hardships now facing the country made it impossible for the groups to start their bands?  The public wants to know.
We should not forget the creative talent of the band organisors. This young lady at Delcer who designed the Pitons band comes to mind. Carnival revelers in the constituency are up in arms and want carnival this year..
     Again, one continues to see the effects of Lorne's negligence and non visits to the constituency. Even his office one will notice seems to be closed all the time. Where is he to be contacted? This blog have tried to get an interview with him but to no avail.
No school's calypso, no carnival I wonder what will be a no no next in Choiseul.

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