
Monday, November 14, 2011

Kenny's New Found Gimmicks And failed Budget Promises

Now that elections are near it may be time for us to reflect a little on Kenny's unfulfilled 98-99 Budget promises and his new gimmicks at trying to change his immage..
98-99 (Quotes from Budget)
Relocation of Mangue Residents. “Under the programme of Capital Expenditure, a sum of $500,000 has been allocated from local revenue to meet the cost of relocating those persons who would be affected by the construction of the new road. The proposals for relocation to the Southern Cantonement Area will be discussed with the residents in the next few weeks. Suffice it to say that the National Development Corporation has made land available for the relocation exercise”. Failed as the approach was too political.

Free Zone Concept. “The new approach involves the creation of a Goods Distribution Free Zone area which would function as a trans-shipment hub, facilitating the entry, free of inhibiting customs procedures, of containerized goods to be broken down and transshipped.
St Lucia’s geographical location is considered to be ideal for providing such a service targeted at neighboring states. Infrastructural development at Vieux Fort lends itself to this purpose.
It is intended that this development will:
1. Improve the containerized traffic throughput of the Vieux Fort Port, thereby contributing to the sustainability of its operations.
2. Create job opportunities within the south and in doing so; diffuse the concentration of job seekers in the north.
3. Generate business activities directly and ancillary to the operations of the Free Zone Area, such as banking services, freight forwarding services, etc.
4. Increase the passenger and freight throughput of the Hewanorra International Airport, improving the viability of its operations”. Concept has essentially failed and has collapsed.
Construction of Infant School in Vigier. “Today, one of the persistent requests of the Honourable gentleman will be granted – the construction of an Infant school in the community of Vigier to serve the cluster of communities in that area and to avert the disaster that he has so often feared of infants being swept away in the intersecting Vigier-Canelles river in their three to four mile trek to the Desruisseaux school. A provision of $250,000 in the estimates will enable the people of the community to realize their dream through self-help”. Not done. The “Honourable Gentleman” must be disappointed.

“The construction cost of Phase 3 of the Victoria Hospital rehabilitation is estimated at EC$31.2 million. This figure is exclusive of equipment and recurrent costs as well as fees for consultancy services”.
Human Resource Centre for Vieux Fort. “At this juncture Mr Speaker, I must pay homage to one of our local construction companies, B & D. This company had its roots in Vieux Fort. It has offered to fund from its resources, the Human Resource Development Centre for Vieux fort in the amount of $700,000. This is a magnificent gesture, a fine example of philantrophy in the corporate world”.
Day Care Centre for Fond St Jacques. “These are areas that have been identified as being socially depressed with high levels of unemployment. These areas are also characterized as having a predominance of female-headed households. In addition, EC$50,000 is allocated to the repair and rehabilitation of the Day Care Facility in Fond St Jacques”. Not done
Abattoir and Meat Processing. “Similar diagnostic analyses will be carried out for the other sub-sectors of the livestock industry, using the poultry sector study as a model. The focus will be on pigs, cattle and small ruminants, particularly goats, sheep and rabbits. These analyses are critical to the design of proposed abattoir facilities, which are essential for quality improvement and standardisation of product. For programming purposes, a provisional allocation is earmarked from STABEX 1995 funds for construction of modern abattoir facilities, designed to generate target outputs averaging 1000 tons of dressed meat per year”. Not done. Point to work on MPF.
Modernization of Marketing Board. “In order for the SLMB to adequately perform this role, it needs to be strengthened, and its relationships with key stakeholders comprehensively revisited and redefined. A policy decision has been taken that the optimal form of reorganization of the SLMB at this juncture is full commercialization, leading ultimately to privatization”. Failed.
Point to initiative of current Min. of Agric.

“The restructuring process, which has been defined through internal review, led by the Management and Board of the SLMB, in collaboration with Government, is guided by the following considerations:
(1) Estab of a system for collaboration with individual Farmers and Farmer Grps, Exporters, the MOA Regional Marketing Orgs and Buyers (both local and overseas), to enhance effective delivery of services by the SLMB; (for example, prod. contracting, input supply, farm mngmt and training in post harvest handling);
(2) Establishment of a comprehensive produce marketing network, based on adequate market intelligence, and with the capability to absorb commercial agricultural production, for both local distribution and export;
(3) Expansion of the range and quantity of local output through the promotion of new agricultural commodities for export, while exploring new markets locally and overseas;
(4) Bulk purchasing of planting materials and inputs for sale to farmers at reasonable margins, in collaboration with other regional Marketing Boards;
(5) Facilitating improvement in standards of production and final product, through the use of suitable packaging material, and post harvest facilities, and provision of training for farmers and produce handlers;
(6) Provision of technical and facilitatory services (such as training, research and current, relevant market information) to farmers and other stakeholders to guide production planning, marketing activities and maximization of sector earnings;
(7) Assistance in the marketing of locally produced agro products.
In order to pursue these initiatives, the capacity of the SLMB needs to be substantially enhanced. This project therefore seeks to strengthen the SLMB, while streamlining its operations towards for full commercialization and privatization”.

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