
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can Lorne Keep His Promises

If Lorne's leader continues to falter on his bugettal promises, what does this say about Lorne himself. Would he be able to deliver the goods.
Following are Kenny's unfulfilled 2000-2001 Budget promises.
2000-01 (Quotes from Budget)
“EC $666,000 for the establishment of a National Heroes Park”; This was never implemented

“1.0 million dollars for the establishment of a Youth Venture Capital Programme which I will elaborate on shortly”; “The Youth Venture Program will be administered by the Training and Employment Center. This Centre, announced in the 1999 Budget and in its final stages of implementation, will provide the applicants with the necessary skills required to set up and maintain their own small business venture”. Not sure if this was done.

“In the course of this financial year, it is proposed to initiate the construction of Tourism Marketing Outlets, in two pilot communities”. The Thomazo Market concept was designed and its construction managed by the Architectural Section of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. We were so pleased with their efforts at Thomazo, that they have been commissioned to design facilities to accommodate tourism marketing activities in several other communities around St Lucia. This project targets small ongoing commercial activities that are inadequately housed, such as production of local foods and crafts, and seeks to further diversify and enhance our tourism product. Designs are now substantially complete for facilities at Dennery, Vieux Fort, Anse La Verdue and Roseau”. The only project completed was in Dennery

“In response, the Government of St Lucia has seen it fit to finance the construction of sidewalks over a five-year span. An allocation of $250,000 was approved for the establishment of sidewalks to serve the communities of Faux–A-Chaux, Vieux Fort and Sans Souci. Sidewalks will be constructed along the Bexon Road as soon as the re-paving of the highway in that area is completed”. The only evidence of sidewalks is Faux-a-Chaux
“Mr Speaker, it would be impractical to provide bus shelters and public conveniences at every one of the nineteen bus stands in Castries. However, those bus stands are located in the vicinity of five focal areas. Therefore, it is proposed in this financial year to fund four new public conveniences at George the fifth Park, Jeremie Street, Manoel Street and High Street. The provision of new facilities and the upgrading of existing ones will cost around $645,000”. There is no evidence of these being done.

“Mr Speaker, the Government has decided to proceed with the design and construction of a bus terminal in Vieux Fort. A sum of 1.2 million dollars has been allocated in the capital estimates for this project. A terminal is also badly needed in Castries and during the course of this year we will continue our efforts to identify an appropriate site”. Not done.

“Some attention too, Mr Speaker, will be paid to our principal airport. During the coming fiscal year, most of the systems and services at Hewanorra Airport will be refurbished or replaced. These will include the air-conditioning system servicing the passenger lounges, the airport administration offices, the airline offices and other areas of the terminal. Much needed attention will be given to the passenger screening service, where new x-ray equipment will be installed”.
“Increased aircraft and passenger activities at that airport, along with the poor design and layout of the terminal building have resulted in congestion during peak periods. It is therefore necessary that any development or expansion of this airport be undertaken in accordance with a Master Plan. That plan will be prepared taking into consideration forecasted air traffic over the next ten to twenty years and the corresponding services be required to meet this demand. Overall, 6.5 million dollars will be spent on improving infrastructure and facilities at our airports. The projects include: ….. among other things a Master Plan – EC$500,000.00” Never implemented.
“A new Informatics Park will be constructed in the Vieux Fort Industrial Zone. This facility will provide employment opportunities in informatics, including telemarketing, for the hundreds of secondary school graduates in the South. An area measuring four (4) acres of land has been designated for the Informatics Park. A total of 20,000 sq feet of space will be constructed at an estimated cost of 3.0 million dollars.
More interestingly, progress has been achieved on the Government’s plan to establish Small Business Incubators. A total of 2.3 acres of land has been allocated in Odsan for the construction of a complex of five (5) buildings at a cost of 2.6 million dollars. This project fulfills, yet again, another commitment in the Contract of Faith”.
Not sure if this was done. Requires verification

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