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Monday, October 31, 2011
Government Observes First Anniversary of Hurricane Tomas
Official Programme to mark the First Anniversary
of the Passage of Hurricane Tomas and the Observation of the
National Day of Remembrance
Monday, October 31st, 2011
Activity Location Particulars
Flag Flown at Half Mast. All Government and Private Buildings Flags should be flown Half Mast throughout the day until 6:00 pm.
Memorial (Ecumenical) Service
9:00 am Bexon Roman Catholic Church. All residents of Bexon and Saint Lucians in general are invited to attend the church service which is expected to be 1 ½ hours in duration.
Gun Salute
11:45 am Dereck Walcott Square Ceremony begins with solemn music. At 12:00 noon there will be a twelve (12) gun salute. This will signify the official record of seven (7) dead and five (5) missing. There will be a gun blast every five seconds. This will occur within the minute of silence. The ceremony is expected to be of 20 minutes duration.
Minute of Silence
12:00 noon Throughout Saint Lucia All Saint Lucians are encouraged to observe a minute of silence at 12:00 noon on Monday, October 31st, 2011 in memory of the seven dead and five missing. Saint Lucians islandwide are asked to stand still for one minute a a mark of respect. This should include: Government offices, schools and business places. All vehicle drivers are required to turn their lights on for the duration. Radio and television station are also asked to make the minute of silence by terminating all programming and sounding beep signal for the duration.
Memorial Service
4:30 pm Fond St Jacques Roman Catholic Church. All residents of Fond St Jacques and Saint Lucians in general are invited to attend the church service which is expected to be 1 ½ hours in duration.
Special Anniversary Issue of National Review NA The entire November 5th issue of the Government Newspaper National Review will dedicated to marking the anniversary of Hurricane Tomas. The paper will include contribution from various Government Ministries as well as a reflection of achievements and success stories.
Church Services Throughout Saint Lucia. All churches are encouraged to remember the dead and missing during church services over the weekend.
Media Programming All Media Houses The local media is encouraged to carry special programming during the course of the day of remembrance.
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