
Sunday, October 09, 2011

Forgetus John's Antiques

Choiseulians, and to be more specific the residents of Lamaze, Roblot and Debreuil will no doubt remember the poor representation meted out by Forgetus John during his tenure as Parliamentary Rep for the Constituency. Like this blog have always and continue to express itself voiceferously, that Forgetus John has been the greediest, most pathetic,most envious, non-empathetic,most undisciplined, non-commited and ugliest Rep Choiseul has ever seen. Let history record this.
What is his purpose in this elections when he has completely neglected the people in the past years. There has been a saying that Fergy never really won the seat but that it was Kenny the people voted for.Truth? You decide. What is there in I5 that still stimulates him. Just a question.
This blog has been reliably informed that Forgetus John and a group of shameless party hacks have been holding secret indoor meetings in the community of Roblot. This blog wants to categorically state that there is nothing wrong with the group keeping its meetings. What is fundamentally not justifiable is to have have Forgetus John in these sessionsgetting involved in people's lives he has failed.
Is Forgetus John inculcating in their minds the concept of trickery and untruths to decieve the people of polling division I5? What emancipatory revelation has come across to Forgetus John that now he has seen the light to bring to the people of I5 that he didñ't see before?.
Like a Bob Marley saying, "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
But wait, is Forgetus John mission to these indoor meetings really to help Lorne out, or are there ulterior motives? Hence the preceeding quotation.
Many persons have been airing their views on this latest Frogy's involvement and they have openly said," Say moon sa la ne cher ka mene Fergy esi a ankor,apway e pa fei anyen ba nou." Translated, Shame on these people to get involved with Fergy after such a poor representation.
Did Lorne designate Fergy to this task? If the answer is yes, then it all boils down to to the simple fact, both Lorne and Fergy are of the same material. Can't you remember we said that they both have Theophilus in their names. Coincidence? Not a snowball chance in hell.
Fergy has failed Choiseul and so will Lorne if given half a chance.

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