
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Is Lorne Riding on FICS' Scholarships?

Any gesture towards education must be welcomed regardless where it comes from.The financial istitution FICS, has over the years religiously awarded scholarships to Choiseulians to further their education, even before Lorne was known to Choiseulians. (not that he is known any better now) Recently, supporters of Lorne have it making the rounds that the scholarships recently awards by Lorne's dad are a direct result of Lorne's vision for Education in the Constituency. This is the biggest lie of the year? And Lorne should if he is man enough diassociate himself from such a statement. Yes, it's true that Lorne's dad made the presentation,but it is on behalf of his bank, not on Lorne's behalf. Mind you, there might be innate and subtle motives behind the presentation. However, let that pass because blood is thicker than water.
.Why the presentation? For a long time now The Choiseul Credit Union have been investing in Lorne father's bank - FICS. The Coopeative has over $1m in shares in that bank. (checkout the financial statements of the cooperative, Dec. 31, 2010). With such an investments in FICS, its management have seen it fit over the years to payback to Choiseulians a token for using their money. Get it? Not the foolishness and electioneering propaganda that is making the rounds.  The monies in the Credit Union belongs to all P's and no P's. So it's everyone's money that FICS is using, not Lorne's dad's or Lorne's himself.
 This blog have always commended the administration of FICS for this initiative from its inception. It is hoped that they will disassociate themself from these reckless and unfounded statements. Lorne himself, should not try to ride on this for whatever reason. He also should make a statement and clear this misconception being fueled by his uninformed supporters. Be clear now on FICS' reason for the Schols

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