"Choiseul On The Move" was created to inform Choiseulians here and abroad as well as other interested readers bout the developments - political, social, educational and any other topics of interest happening in the district.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Has Kenny Gone From Hero To Zero?
Reports reaching this blog speaks to a BOOBOO done by Kenny over the weekend. What could have instigated Kenny and his boyz to cancel the Cantonement venue for a public meeting and use the construction site of the St.Jude Hospital instead? Desperation? De bwoy running scared? The euphoric hallucination of winning? Arrogance? Or pure madness?
Was this location chosen to intimidate the Taiwanese consultants who reside on the work site? Have you ever heard of a political meeting being held at a construction site? What was the Opposition leader's motive? Questions and more questions.
Kenny keeps making mistakes after mistakes prior to this general elections. Heard through the grapevine that De Party heirachy is not too happy with him at all as they think he is hurting De Party's chances of winning.It is also rumoured that certain top guns in De Party don't mind Labour losing, to finally see the back of this arrogant and selfish politician.
It has become abundantly clear that Kenny G. Anthony has become obsessed with wanting to get back into office to continue his mischief. But why this urgency and greed for the top job. God forbid if that ever happens.
Choiseulians of my era will remember the prosperous days under JMD Bousquet.
They will also painfully want to forget the struggle and hardship under Evans Calderon. Choiseul went through a period of stalled development for a long long time. Remember?
Today many communities can boast of footpaths retaining walls proper drainage and an overall sense of community togetherness.
Yearly the Taiwanese Government allocates $1M to the district reps. This is done in quarterly disbursements through the Village and Town Councils who are responsible for disbursing the funds. The rep for Vieux Fort South and his cronies have refused (so they say) to use the funds for the upliftment of their people. You call this loving your people? In this guava season everyone needs money.
Civil servant who are employed with the government can upon retirement get a gratuity, and monthly pension until death. Could you imagine that upon Kenny's stint as PM he passed legislation to remove this gratuity and that new persons coming into the service, upon retirement' would only be entitled for a pension.For you new entrants save wisely, cause Kenny has deprived you of a "Go Kwass" after all these long years of service.
His latest booboo is the walking out of the House yesterday. I was astonished to see a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter. Do you really think that a man like Lewis favoured that position. Next, Phillip J. Pierre, the biggest fool of the year stays back in the House making a bigger fool of himself.The issue? A simple matter of which side should appoint a Deputy Speaker. Labour had other plans which did not succeed.
Whatever it is that have made these men of the Labour Party think that they were born to lead this country come what may, they will soon get a taste of what losing is all about.
Like a friend on the opposite side told me today in Soufriere, " I would have voted for them fellas you know, but ahwah with Kenny. Mesieur sam nee on waage."
In my view Kenny with his latest stint has gone from HERO TO ZERO.
Editor's note: We apologize for the poor quality of the pics.
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