
Thursday, July 07, 2011

UWP meeting down for Saturday

The Uwp Secretariat of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency deeply regrets the postponement of the meeting planned for earlier this week.
An earlier report from the met office predicted heavy showers for the night. Also the Rep. who was out of state at the time,thought that Wednesday would no be a good day for him. He chose Saturday.
Ads are currently being run on every local station anouncing this massive meeting for this saturday at 7:00 pm on the Post Office steps.
This meeting aims to highlight Bousquets achievements in Education,Sports Infrastural works,Humanitarian benefits and much more. Bousquet and his team of speakers will dispell all the propaganda which the "powerhouse and its team of bluffers and liars use as campaign suff. This blog has stooped to the lowest level when it comes promoting its candidate.

The powerhouse has been renamed by some blog followers as "The Power Hungry blog"
It will be interesting to note the direction that this blog will take after their candidate loses miserably come the general elections.
they will be the laughing stock of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency.
Saturday's meeting will be a shocker for Labour. There will be peace in the valley once and for all.

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