
Friday, July 01, 2011

Choiseul North-Eastern Youth Extravaganza

A group of dedicated and committed teenagers have come together to form a grop called 'Youth Advancement Committee.' [YAC].
The group hails from the North-eastern communities of the District.
Programs designed by this group are expected to benefit the communities of Lamaze, Roblot, Debreuil, Sauzay and Rivere Doree as well as Tete Morne.
The committee is presently vigourously pursing plans to engage the youths in these communities in a week long program. The youths will be competing in sporting disciplines as well as academics and cultural activities.
The members are seeking sponsorship to make this event a reality. The Ministry of Youth and Sports has come onboard to assist in anyway possible.
Activities will be held in each respective community.
This summer program is the brain child of Dedan C. G. Jn. Baptiste

, who is the committee's consultant and mentor.
To date there is much enthusiasm among the youths as they look forward to the program.
It is hoped that the program will be held during the week July 24 - Aug. 1, 2011.
Throughout that week youths from the communities will compete in cricket, football, indoor games, a quiz, a bicycle cross country ride, a talk by a health officer, a talent show and a health walk to end on a beach.
An open air ecumenical service will be held at the opening ceremony.
YAC is due to meet on Thursday to finalize plans.

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