"Choiseul On The Move" was created to inform Choiseulians here and abroad as well as other interested readers bout the developments - political, social, educational and any other topics of interest happening in the district.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Michelle Parath Takes Common Entrance Exam Top Spot
Toping the district scorecard is Michelle Parath of the Dugard Combined with a score of 95.00%. Marcel L. Bissette from the Reunion Primary School with a score of 94.00%, is in second place. Congratulations from this blog to the Dugard School, Principal and teacher. Well done.
The other top performers are Trevouxninne A. Baxi of Rivere Doree Combined with 92.67%, Shervel James of Delcer R.C. Combined with 91.67%, Marlyn D. Avril with 90.00% from Piaye Combined, Elias I. Alcee from Roblot Combined with a score of 86.67%, Melody A. Francis and Lyani E. Louisy from Saltibus and Mongouge Combined respectively each scoring 81.33%.
There is a slight drop in the overall performances this year when compared with last year's results. One will notice that this year the students' scores range from 81.00% to 95.00%, whereas last year the range was 83.00% to 95.00%. The upper end of the scale is maintained.
Every year for the past four years Bousquet has donated a laptop computer to the top performer of each primary school in the constituency.
This blog has not been informed about the date for this year's presentation ceremony.
Presentation ceremonies have previously been held at La Fargue, the Choiseul Village and Morne Sion. We at this blog would like to recommend Saltibus as this year's venue.
Bousquet making sure our children meet the demands of this IT environment.
Author's note: We want to apologize deeply to the Dugard Combined School for excluding their student in the previous blog on Common Entrance passes. It was a grave oversight.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The campaign fever in the Constituency has brought out in the open a new breed of persons never before thought to have existed among us. I have been taken aback by the nonsensical comments, whimperings and pure blah, blah, not to mention the irresponsible statements which a spewed all over the place.
Is there a purpose for this? Sure. These so called elites (so they think) of this Constituency, are bent on bringing down with their cries, criticisms and untruths, anyone who does not support their cause.....to have Lorne win his seat.
Some persons on the opposite side must be commended for their total dissatisfaction of the level of debate being rolled out by Lorne's campaign crew......it's distasteful,filled with unfounded statements,maypwis and its only aim is pure character assassination. In a nutshell, Lorne's campaign manager and team espouses propaganda. Is Lorne part of this? Beware the Ides of October!
Will Bousquet's crew respond in kind? Not a snowball chance in hell. This crew lives by the adage, ''What you sow, that you shall surely reap.''It is so pathetic to hear the supporters of Labour (Choiseul) complain, and make silly comments to the effects that these projects are for winning votes. If this be the case, well Lorne should get zero votes because he is doing nothing and has done nothing for the constituency.Can you believe that the worst rep Choiseul has ever had, Forgetus John, has even joined in the fray. Forgetus should be held to ransom for the plight he has placed the Choiseul fishermen in. It was under his stewardship that this poorly designed fisheries complex was constructed. Webby should take his scalp for this.
Does Lorne and Forgetus have any thing in common? Two things for sure: they both have violent tendencies and secondly on has Theophilus as his first name whereas the other has it as his last name......coincidence? Your guess. (mem bet mem pwell) Under Bousquet's tenure thus far we have seen the landsape of the constituency drastically changed. It has been through projects sponsored by SSDF, Taiwanese Government, Ministry of Works and to some extent Bousquet's personal funds. What is deliberately being mischief on the part of Lorne's cronies, is that these projects have no connections to Rufus. How naieve of these propagandists?
It has been Rufus' constant pressure on these agencies to have these projects done.
Lamaze is a typical example...... It was an election promise to the people. The playing fields are for the youth. Are these cronies saying that these projects are not neccessary? Should these projects be left behind to please these persons who apparently do not have the interest of the constituency at heart? No way! Progress will go on unabated.
About the propagandists, their stories are frighteningly alarming. Do these so called christians have a conscience? It's amazing what some people do and say at the detriment to others to gain a vote.
It is of great interest to note that the author of this blog's rival allow so much smut, untruths, unfounded allegations and maypwis in his posts. Why? What manner of a so called ''educated matter'' is this animal?
This author has brought down the level of debate during this election campaign to maypwis and gutter politics. Does he have a personal life? Just a thought. In my personal opinion he is just a chicken.(keep quacking you blob) In closing, let it be abundantly clear that this blog does not intend to smear any person's name in its subsequent posts.
But let it be quite clear we will not chicken out of any malicious or vindictive statements on Rufus Bousquet.
The people's voice will be heard soon and that will be the answer to Lorne's
Criers, Critics and Propadandists
Is there a purpose for this? Sure. These so called elites (so they think) of this Constituency, are bent on bringing down with their cries, criticisms and untruths, anyone who does not support their cause.....to have Lorne win his seat.
Some persons on the opposite side must be commended for their total dissatisfaction of the level of debate being rolled out by Lorne's campaign crew......it's distasteful,filled with unfounded statements,maypwis and its only aim is pure character assassination. In a nutshell, Lorne's campaign manager and team espouses propaganda. Is Lorne part of this? Beware the Ides of October!
Will Bousquet's crew respond in kind? Not a snowball chance in hell. This crew lives by the adage, ''What you sow, that you shall surely reap.''It is so pathetic to hear the supporters of Labour (Choiseul) complain, and make silly comments to the effects that these projects are for winning votes. If this be the case, well Lorne should get zero votes because he is doing nothing and has done nothing for the constituency.Can you believe that the worst rep Choiseul has ever had, Forgetus John, has even joined in the fray. Forgetus should be held to ransom for the plight he has placed the Choiseul fishermen in. It was under his stewardship that this poorly designed fisheries complex was constructed. Webby should take his scalp for this.
Does Lorne and Forgetus have any thing in common? Two things for sure: they both have violent tendencies and secondly on has Theophilus as his first name whereas the other has it as his last name......coincidence? Your guess. (mem bet mem pwell) Under Bousquet's tenure thus far we have seen the landsape of the constituency drastically changed. It has been through projects sponsored by SSDF, Taiwanese Government, Ministry of Works and to some extent Bousquet's personal funds. What is deliberately being mischief on the part of Lorne's cronies, is that these projects have no connections to Rufus. How naieve of these propagandists?
It has been Rufus' constant pressure on these agencies to have these projects done.
Lamaze is a typical example...... It was an election promise to the people. The playing fields are for the youth. Are these cronies saying that these projects are not neccessary? Should these projects be left behind to please these persons who apparently do not have the interest of the constituency at heart? No way! Progress will go on unabated.
About the propagandists, their stories are frighteningly alarming. Do these so called christians have a conscience? It's amazing what some people do and say at the detriment to others to gain a vote.
It is of great interest to note that the author of this blog's rival allow so much smut, untruths, unfounded allegations and maypwis in his posts. Why? What manner of a so called ''educated matter'' is this animal?
This author has brought down the level of debate during this election campaign to maypwis and gutter politics. Does he have a personal life? Just a thought. In my personal opinion he is just a chicken.(keep quacking you blob) In closing, let it be abundantly clear that this blog does not intend to smear any person's name in its subsequent posts.
But let it be quite clear we will not chicken out of any malicious or vindictive statements on Rufus Bousquet.
The people's voice will be heard soon and that will be the answer to Lorne's
Criers, Critics and Propadandists
Friday, July 22, 2011
Roblot Road Slippage Works Underway
Residents of Roblot and La Maze are pleased to see the commencement of a project to construct a wide-based retaining wall to alleviate the problem which a huge landslide created almost two years ago.
Almost have of the road was carried away by the slide thus making the usage of this section of the road very precarious.Over forty workers are involved in this $250,000.00 project.
This road slippage has been a major concern to motorists as well as pedestrian. This project had to be delayed up to this time because according to a Ministry Official, the groung was very unsteady and a proper base had to be established. Throughout the constituency, a number of projects are presently going on. There is the upgrading of the Balca field, the construction of a new field in Park Estate and the rehabilitation of the Fiette/Morne Sion Road.
Almost have of the road was carried away by the slide thus making the usage of this section of the road very precarious.Over forty workers are involved in this $250,000.00 project.
This road slippage has been a major concern to motorists as well as pedestrian. This project had to be delayed up to this time because according to a Ministry Official, the groung was very unsteady and a proper base had to be established. Throughout the constituency, a number of projects are presently going on. There is the upgrading of the Balca field, the construction of a new field in Park Estate and the rehabilitation of the Fiette/Morne Sion Road.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Over two thousand students sat the Common Entrance Examinations this year. There were sounds of joy, regrets and disappointment when they got their results on July 14, 2011.... some got their first choice school while others had to settle for second or third choices. Still, a few could not get a choice place.
This blog has not done its rounds yet to bring its readers the top passes in the constituency as well as the school rankings. This will be done soon.
However one thing remains certain. The top student from each primary school will receive a laptop computer. Bousquet has religiously done so over the past four years.
Two more categories may be on the cards this year for consideration. The two top students from the constituency with CXC passes from Choiseul and Piaye Secondary Schools may be considered for prizes.
A catergory soon to be placed on the cards is 'Choiseul's Teacher of the Year' the details and criteria are being refined.
The presentation ceremony for this year's awards is slated for mid August 2011.
Beyond any shadow of a doubt, Bousquet has placed over twenty-eight laptops in the hands of students from his constituency.
And a number of scholarships are still pending to be disbursed.
This blog has not done its rounds yet to bring its readers the top passes in the constituency as well as the school rankings. This will be done soon.
However one thing remains certain. The top student from each primary school will receive a laptop computer. Bousquet has religiously done so over the past four years.
Two more categories may be on the cards this year for consideration. The two top students from the constituency with CXC passes from Choiseul and Piaye Secondary Schools may be considered for prizes.
A catergory soon to be placed on the cards is 'Choiseul's Teacher of the Year' the details and criteria are being refined.
The presentation ceremony for this year's awards is slated for mid August 2011.
Beyond any shadow of a doubt, Bousquet has placed over twenty-eight laptops in the hands of students from his constituency.
And a number of scholarships are still pending to be disbursed.
Friday, July 15, 2011
This is an unedited version of a speecch delivered by the President of the UWP Youth Arm.
Taken from the Youth Arm's Blog
Good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is TRUDY POPO of morne Jacque Choiseul who was raised in Castries. But to country life I had to return .the youth of Choiseul needed a voice and a listener Mr. Bousquet heard those cries. He acted on those…
Click here to read the full story
--Taken from the Youth Arm's Blog
Thursday, July 14, 2011
New Projects Completed at Roblot
The entrance to the Roblot library has been an eye sore for sometime now.Two other projects were also tackled..two kerb and slipper drains.
these three project has uplifted the face of the community and the drains have eased the pain of the residents especially during heavy rains. the following pics show the projecs at various stages and the final product. the projects were financed by the Taiwanese Government.
The pics below show another of the three projects
And the third project.
For the purpose of our readers, we at this blog have seen works started on the Roblot Road Slippage. Presently materials are being stock-piled.
according to the contractor, mechanical works should begin over the weekend or early next week.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Bousquet's campaign launched successfully
A wedding,and the first communion hype in the constituency did not deter persons from coming out to witness the opening of Bousquet's campaign train. A crowd of between four and five hundred supporters and non supporters,as well as potential swingers flocked the streets of the village all over to absorb the reveting speeches of speaker after speaker.
The night was electrifying.The crowd was all hyped up as they heard words of victory at the upcoming polls for Rufus and by extension the United workers Party.Pastor Wally opened the meeting with prayers. Jimmy with all his exuberance charged the crowd with,'Es Ou Pawa? ( Are You ready) the explosive answer must have sent the labour supporters scrambling. ( a few quite uncomfortably hung out on the veranda near a pub)Shelly was the first speaker...a budding platform speaker with lots of potential. She touched on a variety of issues both locally and internationally.Brian was so dynamic that the crowd seem to have gone in a trance-like mode. Brian the true politician that he is really let it out. He made specific reference to that family thing where persons cast their vote because of relationships. This he said, must stop.Both Guy Joseph and Frederick rocked the crowd. The both gave particular praise to rufus for his work in cabinet and in the international circles. And if you know Guy he gave lorne some 'plock'as well. this was more in line with his so called conversion to labour. According to Guy, " Lorne pas labar, ee sa on flambeau.' He also made mention about an allegged arrangement Lorne made as a result of an allegged incident he was involved in.Frederick in his quite familiar phrase "Nah Sou Choo" got the crowd yelling and screaming for more of the phrase. At that point the meeting was charged and the crowd all fired up. "Kee mon Non Kenny? Richard begged the hyped crowd, "Nah soo choo." They chanted in unison. Richard went on the explain to the crowd Kenny's wrong doings an unsensitivity for the ordinary man....a massa like attitude.One can imagine that Rufus launched his campaign in the labour's so called stronghold and Peter leaving their camp and coming over to this side, what might have happened when Peter approached the podium.Peter silenced them in their own backyard...Bravo. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander.(read between the lines) Reds as he is most affectionately known was straight to the point. labour guys are no good and are not in the interest of the masses. Is lorne that type of person, since he turn coat? (what will labour do after Lorne has lost the elections and return to the uwp fold....the prodigal son?)
It must be said that the calibre of the local speakers was very encouraging for so early in the campaign. Micheal in his usual flair spelt out a number of phrase which were intended to have other meanings than the statements at face value. Trudy, the Youth arm president is on the up; and with a little coaching she will be a Rigobert.A very moving moment of the meeting was when a little girl, the daughter of a staunched supporter came up to the podium, dressed in national wear, to deliver a short appreciation speech to Rufus. The child though readind from a prepared text was very eloquent and a sparkle in her eyes sent a clear message through the crowd. Bousquet will win this elections hands down.Rufus and King were the last two speakers. With time running out Rufus had to be brief and mostly asked for the continued support from the constituents. He mentioned to judge him on what he has done for the constituency overall. He says that he has a vision for Choiseul/Saltibus to bring much needed work for the youth. The internal migration thing he says is crippling the out districts.
King took to the podium with a standing ovation. He continuosly showered praise on Rufus for his work in the international circles and the investment community as well as the NDC. King said that he has deep roots in Choiseul and has vowed to give full support for any intiative that Bousquet puts forward for the constituency.In conclusion Jimmy thanked everyone for coming,the police for their vigilant patrol and all the speakers and parliamentarians with special thanks to the Prime Minister.
Finally, reports reaching the blog suggests that a particular civil servant was alleggedly rallying her forces to disrupt Saturday's meeting. It would be interesting had that happened to hear the PM's views on the matter.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Youth Advancement Committee Formed
The above pic showa the newly form committee to oversee the Youth Summer Program for the youth of Lamaze, Roblot, Debreuil and Rivere Doree.
The executive from left to right are Dedan Jn.Baptiste - Chairman, Luna Mitchel - floor representative, David Thomas - Vice Chairman, Marlan Clarke - PRO, Jenna Joseph - Secretary, Leroy Joseph - asst. Tresurar. Missing in the pic are Shannel James - asst. Secretary and Valan Mitchel - Tresurar.
The theme for the Summer program is 'Uniting the youth for empowerment'
Sent from my Nokia phone
The executive from left to right are Dedan Jn.Baptiste - Chairman, Luna Mitchel - floor representative, David Thomas - Vice Chairman, Marlan Clarke - PRO, Jenna Joseph - Secretary, Leroy Joseph - asst. Tresurar. Missing in the pic are Shannel James - asst. Secretary and Valan Mitchel - Tresurar.
The theme for the Summer program is 'Uniting the youth for empowerment'
Sent from my Nokia phone
Saturday, July 09, 2011
The residents of the Roblot community are happy that the face of the community is being uplifted. Works are presently ongoing on the multi-purpose centre entrance and two other drainage projects.
this has been an eyesore for sometime now.
These works are being sponsored by the Taiwanese government Presently there are over twenty persons employed at the moment.
works are expected to be completed by next week.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
UWP meeting down for Saturday
The Uwp Secretariat of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency deeply regrets the postponement of the meeting planned for earlier this week.
An earlier report from the met office predicted heavy showers for the night. Also the Rep. who was out of state at the time,thought that Wednesday would no be a good day for him. He chose Saturday.
Ads are currently being run on every local station anouncing this massive meeting for this saturday at 7:00 pm on the Post Office steps.
This meeting aims to highlight Bousquets achievements in Education,Sports Infrastural works,Humanitarian benefits and much more. Bousquet and his team of speakers will dispell all the propaganda which the "powerhouse and its team of bluffers and liars use as campaign suff. This blog has stooped to the lowest level when it comes promoting its candidate.
The powerhouse has been renamed by some blog followers as "The Power Hungry blog"
It will be interesting to note the direction that this blog will take after their candidate loses miserably come the general elections.
they will be the laughing stock of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency.
Saturday's meeting will be a shocker for Labour. There will be peace in the valley once and for all.
An earlier report from the met office predicted heavy showers for the night. Also the Rep. who was out of state at the time,thought that Wednesday would no be a good day for him. He chose Saturday.
Ads are currently being run on every local station anouncing this massive meeting for this saturday at 7:00 pm on the Post Office steps.
This meeting aims to highlight Bousquets achievements in Education,Sports Infrastural works,Humanitarian benefits and much more. Bousquet and his team of speakers will dispell all the propaganda which the "powerhouse and its team of bluffers and liars use as campaign suff. This blog has stooped to the lowest level when it comes promoting its candidate.
The powerhouse has been renamed by some blog followers as "The Power Hungry blog"
It will be interesting to note the direction that this blog will take after their candidate loses miserably come the general elections.
they will be the laughing stock of the Choiseul/Saltibus Constituency.
Saturday's meeting will be a shocker for Labour. There will be peace in the valley once and for all.
Monday, July 04, 2011
Bousquet Presents More Sporting Gear.
At a low key ceremony held at Constituency's Secretariat, Rufus Bousquet presented a quantity of football and cricket gear to the Ricere Doree/ La Fargue, Saltibus, and Gia Bois teams.
The package for each team comprised of, football shoes, sheen guards, footballs, cricket bats, batting and wicket keeping pads, wicket keeping and batting gloves, and markers to be used during training excercises, as well as groin protectors.
On hand to receive the gear on behalf of each team was the respective captains. The captains expressed their gratitude to Bousquet for making the gear available to them>
A number of teams/clubs throughout the constituency
have benefited from presentations of sports equipment. There has been remarkable improvement in the standard of play by our sportsmen and women. Choiseul can proudly boasts of having seven U-19 cricketers on last year's St. Lucia Cricket Squad.
Bousquet continues to sponsor both football and cricket competitions through the Choiseul Sports Council.
There is now a renewed vigour towards sports by the youth ever since Bousquet pledged his support and committment to the discipline...... gear, playing fields and finanacial support where necessary.
One must not lose sight that preparatory works for the construction of the stadium is well advanced.
Bousquet playing his part in developing the constituency's sports.
The package for each team comprised of, football shoes, sheen guards, footballs, cricket bats, batting and wicket keeping pads, wicket keeping and batting gloves, and markers to be used during training excercises, as well as groin protectors.
On hand to receive the gear on behalf of each team was the respective captains. The captains expressed their gratitude to Bousquet for making the gear available to them>
A number of teams/clubs throughout the constituency
have benefited from presentations of sports equipment. There has been remarkable improvement in the standard of play by our sportsmen and women. Choiseul can proudly boasts of having seven U-19 cricketers on last year's St. Lucia Cricket Squad.
Bousquet continues to sponsor both football and cricket competitions through the Choiseul Sports Council.
There is now a renewed vigour towards sports by the youth ever since Bousquet pledged his support and committment to the discipline...... gear, playing fields and finanacial support where necessary.
One must not lose sight that preparatory works for the construction of the stadium is well advanced.
Bousquet playing his part in developing the constituency's sports.
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Hundreds of mourners turned out at the Zion Pentecostal Church to pay their last respects to Kate Theophane. It was an atmosphere charged with emotions......a child cannot continue singing 'Candle in the wind'' another young lady having to be led off the stage, janelle, while delivering the eulogy breaking down off an on, Soraya, while signing the death register, was all tears and the numerous bursts of crying relatives and friends could be heard throughout the Thanksgiving Service.
The church was filled to capacity and the surrounding tents and the grounds jammed with sympathizers.
Jannelle Thornil, in a rather saddened manner, and barely whisperering, while delivering the eulogy, made reference to Ketra's long battle with cancer. It was a very touching delivery as she paused on and off to regain her composure. Ketra, she said was a wonderful mom, who in spite of her illness was constantly worrying about her three children.Tributes were paid by The Choiseul Secondary School, The Choiseul Youth and Sports Council, The Dugard Combined School, The Caffiere Development Committee and the Zion Hill Pentecostal Church Children's Ministries.
Pastor Issac Joehire, who hails from Trinidad focussed on 'celebrating life.' He kept on emphasing the point that people should make time to celebrate life with their family. He expressed his grief for Ketra's family and said that Ketra is at peace in God's presence.
Ketra's husband, Clinton Theophane and Soraya Theophane two other relatives of the family signed the death register.
All having been said and done, it was time for Ketra to take her final Journey. Among the pallbearers was Ketra's ex-principal,y Mr. Ignatius Jean. Many if not all of the staff of the Choiseul Secondary School was at the service.The family of Ketra L. Theophane would like to thank all those who visited, telephoned, sent cards, wreaths, attended the thanksgiving service or assisted the family, or in any other way sympathisized with them during the bereavement.
The church was filled to capacity and the surrounding tents and the grounds jammed with sympathizers.
Jannelle Thornil, in a rather saddened manner, and barely whisperering, while delivering the eulogy, made reference to Ketra's long battle with cancer. It was a very touching delivery as she paused on and off to regain her composure. Ketra, she said was a wonderful mom, who in spite of her illness was constantly worrying about her three children.Tributes were paid by The Choiseul Secondary School, The Choiseul Youth and Sports Council, The Dugard Combined School, The Caffiere Development Committee and the Zion Hill Pentecostal Church Children's Ministries.
Pastor Issac Joehire, who hails from Trinidad focussed on 'celebrating life.' He kept on emphasing the point that people should make time to celebrate life with their family. He expressed his grief for Ketra's family and said that Ketra is at peace in God's presence.
Ketra's husband, Clinton Theophane and Soraya Theophane two other relatives of the family signed the death register.
All having been said and done, it was time for Ketra to take her final Journey. Among the pallbearers was Ketra's ex-principal,y Mr. Ignatius Jean. Many if not all of the staff of the Choiseul Secondary School was at the service.The family of Ketra L. Theophane would like to thank all those who visited, telephoned, sent cards, wreaths, attended the thanksgiving service or assisted the family, or in any other way sympathisized with them during the bereavement.