
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

School children in school bus accident.

A delapidated minibus transporting children to the Roblot Combined
School, ran off the Roblot - Debreuil road this morning as it made its
first trip. The accident took place at approximately 8:30 am.
A high and thick flower hedge at the top of a deep drop prevented the
bus from crashing down that drop, thus avoiding physical injury to the
four and five year old students onboard. God must have put a hand.
It is being alleged the the braking system failed and that the bus is
not isured either. There have previously been much talk about the
safeness of this bus.
When the vehicle came to a halt one could see the children scrambling
through the windows and doors to get to safety...there was pandemodium.
These kids I am sure are hurt psychologically. Counselling will surely
be needed.
Can you imagine that the driver left these little children at the scene
Nearly two years ago another school bus crashed on the La Fargue road
while transporting students to tthe Choiseul Secondary. In seeking
compensation from the bus's insurance the accident victims got the
shock of their life...no coverage for that bus.
This brings me to the point - what is the function of the school
principals when it comes to buses which privately transport students to
and from their school? Do they know whether the buses are insured? Do
they know whether the drivers are endorsed to drive a minibus?
These issues must be addressed immediately least the fiasco of the
accident in La Fargue reccur.
Parents too, must play their part and have these bus drivers sign
contracts. I'm pissed off at such foolishiness that put kids and the
general public at risk.
Posted By Logix to Choiseul On The Move at 4/05/2011 10:56:00 AM

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