
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Constituency's Progress in Sports

As an ex-national cricket player, umpire, referee, coach and administrator of sports, I make no bones to boldly say that Choiseul Sports has come a long way during the past four years - there are more organized teams, more committed players, better abled administrators (Sports Council), improved playing facilities, more dedicated coaches, more organized tournaments and last but not least, a more supportive and understanding Parliamentary Rep whose love for sports is unmatched among his collegues.

That being said I will move to setting Constituency's sports achievements in point form.
Over the past four years we have seen:
1. The lighting of the La Fargue Multi-purpose Court.
2. The construction of a mini court in the village.
3. The upgrading of the Dacretin (Coco) and Caffiere fields.
4. The construction of the Jetrine and Delcer fields.
5. The construction of tthe children's playground.
6. The donation of sometimes, complete set of cricket and footbal gear to almost every team or club in the constituency, including the Choiseul Secondary School's football team.
7. The sponsorship of the JMD Bousquet tournament to the tune of over $5000.00 each season.
8. The sponsorship of the Bousquet T20 cricket competition.
9. The sponsorship of a cricket tournament by the Choiseul Credit Union.
10. The sponsorship of a one time footbal tournament by a gentleman, whose name does not come to mind.
11. Contributions to Individual Primary Schools to host their annual sports competition.
12. The selection of at least seven local boys on last year's St. Lucia's U-19 Cricket Team.
13. A dedicated effort by certain individuals and by extension the Sports Council to provide technical assistance (coaching) to the players.
14. The resurfacing of the Mongouge Cour
These, among other lesser contributions is where our sports is now.
During this year and continuing the sporting fraternity will see the commencement of the long awaited stadium, the construction of a multi-purpose court in La Pointe, the construction of recreational parks in numerous communities, and much more input by the Rep and by extension the Government.
However, as a sportsman, i have to say that there are certain things I am disappointed with.
a) There seems be be a lack of drive in the present day admininistrators to get the constituency involved in other forms of compettitive sports. Such as netball, volleyball,athletics and table tennis, to name just a few.
b) I am disgusted at the use the La Fargue Multi-purpos Court is being managed.
I think it is time to fix this.
As a Councilor I am going to recommend that a committee of three persons be appointed to run and manage this court.
My choice to the Village Council will be, Mr. Glen Albert - Chairman, Mr. Tracy Henry and Ms. Verlisha Frank.
c) I am also not too happy with the efforts of the Youth and Sports Council in the mobilisation of the youth.
This was all too glaring after the passage of Tomas. Where were the leaders to get the youth involved in giving a hand to those affected? There are other issues which is not this blog's forte.
In closing Sports in the constituency is on the up and will continue to do so.
All of this under Bousquet's,

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