
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Choiseul fishermen get assistance

Ever since the construction of the Fisheries Complex, the Choiseul fishermen have had their fair share of problems dealing with the perrenial accumulation of sand in the pond. Whose fault? The designer or nature?
Webby, a fisherman in the village, kept saying that the design is all wrong, and that there should be room for a continuous flow of the tide through the pond. Can't say much about that. I'm no technician.
However, it is common knowledge that the accummulation of sand in the pond have angered the fishermen to a point when they shut down the operations of the Complex during a strike last year.
Bousquet has always sympathized with the fishermen's plight, and most time have been instrumental in getting the sand removed, most times at the cost of over $25,000.00. But the problem keeps recurring and recurring, causing more frustrations for the helpless fishermen.
Until a permanent solution can be found, the Rep, a visionary as he is, had to find a way to minimise this sand problem. It affected the fishermen's livelihood. I remember him (the Rep) at pains with himself, contemplating on a solution to assist the fishermen.
During discussions with the Village Council Bousquet mentioned the efforts he has been putting,through his Ministry to get a fire truck,an excavator and a dump truck for the constituency. The donor, the Japanese Government, agreed to the two latter choices.
At a signing and presentation ceremony held at the conference room of the Fisheries Complex, the Counsellor of the Embassy of Japan in Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Masanobu Yoshii, jointly signed documents with the Village Council and the Rep and presented a cheque of US $130,000.00 to the Village Council for the purchase of the excavator and dump truck.
In his address Bousquet to the audience and by extension the fishermen, that this gift is only a temporary measure which will not solve the problem, but only give some relief. A comprehensive study, he continued is being commisioned to find ways to solve the problem.
The Chairperson of Council thanked Mr. Yoshii for this generous donation from his Government, while Councilor Stanislas presented a plaque to the Counsellor.
The truck and excavator will be under the supervison of the Village Council, who will be responsible to hire operators and maintain the equipment.
Is there any doubt that Bousquet real cares for his people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Logix, that's was long promised by the Japanese gov't to compensate for an apparent design anomaly which did not factor the coastal dynamics during the construction of the facility, as well as the egress of water from the two "waterways" which flank the facility. It's time you guys practice intellectual honesty when you deal with the issues. You all overdrive the notion that Bousquet is demi-god from the sky who is responsible or own everything in Choiseul. You are lying to the people and are opening yourselves from scathing and formidable attacks from the PowerHouse which has made a mess with you all. You must adopt a different approach. The fellahs are hacking you all big time! plus they have their men in your camp! You all act like blind Jackasses and putting Bousquet under more pressure. I also know yo all are not flipping straight. . . . teifing people's money. you making us in the diaspora look really bad.