
Friday, March 18, 2011

Bousquet acknowledges Choiseul Police

At a ceremony to present an excavator and a dump truck to the Choiseul Village Council Bousquet took some time during the ceremony to present a gift to the Station Sargeant on behalf of the Choiseul Police.
A desktop computer, a computer desk, and an executive chair was the gift.
In making the presentation Bousquet showered praise on the Police for the good work they have been doing in keeping the crime rate in his constituency very low.
The new station sargeant, born and bred in the district Dacretin to be precise, has vowed to make Choiseul a safe place to live in. He has also promised to do his job without any favour or preference..
Inspite of being a junior to four of his Choiseul crew there is harmony and coperation among them. One can visibly see a village patrol on a daily basis as well as patrol in outskirts of the village.
Bousquet has promised to vsit the police station on a regular basis to get updates on the workings of the law enforcers.
Ps. Keep logging to this site to get an update to the excavator/dump truck presentation ceremony.

Dedan C.G.Jn.Baptiste


Anonymous said...

Should the police be shaking hands with a criminal? Or should the police take gifts from a criminal? Sarge, be careful this man taints your reputation and good name. By the way, Sarge, you will soon be the one to do the honours soon for defrauding the Choiseul electorate in 1992. He ran the 1992 elections on a false name. according the records from the registry, he name in St. Lucia was JOSEPH MICHAEL DONALD BOUSQUET 2nd. Lorne is coming for him. He can run but he cannot hide!

Anonymous said...

Gilo! as a former national sportsman of high repute, don't you have no shame to be associated with this man? Gilo, i hope he does not corrupt you and that you are not doing the thing mate doin'. Remember, the Jn baptiste brand is said to be incorrigible.