
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Common Entrance Results For The District

Without a shadow of a doubt hats off must go to the Principal and Staff of the Delcer Primary School. Last year a student came second in the district results and this year they have gone up the ladder to get the top student.Last year Sueann Charlemagne got the highest score in her school but the second highest in the district.
This year Dugard is the top school. Congrats. Saltibus Combined is in last place.
These are the names of the two top students of each school and the school's ranking in the district:
Delcer Combined: Stephie de Fraites and Neige Edgar, 91.00 and 86.33 respectively. Rank 4th
Saltibus Combined: Quilla Simeon and Annicia Daniel, 90.3 and 87.00 respectively. Rank 7th.
Reunion Primary: Lyndia James and Neeke Bisette, 89.67 and 89.33 respectively. Rank 2nd.
Dugard Combined: Taquel Lewis and Tyler Theophane, 87.00 and 86.00 respectiely. Rank 1st
Rivere Doree Combined: Jordan Mitchel and Olivia Jn. Baptiste, 85.33 and 85 repectively. Rank 5th.
Piaye combined: Johnny Edward and kenny Jn. Baptiste, 84.67 and 83.67 respectively. Rank 3rd.
Mongouge Combined: Kezia Esnard and Charles Peter, 79.33 and 76.33, Rank 6th.
The Roblot Combined School which is the other school in the district did not have a Common Entrance class this year. The District Rep. has promised to donate to the top students of this year's Examinations Laptops and Printers at a date to be announced soon.
Dugard Combined, Reunion Primary, Piaye Combined and Delcer Primary Schools all scored above the National Mean which is 57.04%. Their scores are 66.02%, 62.40%, 60.42% and 57.41% respectively.
Rivere Doree, Mongouge and Saltibus scored 54.71%, 52.53% and 49.76% respective ly.

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