
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Choiseul Secondary Celebrates 18th Graduation Ceremony

Choiseul Secondary School held its 18th Graduation Ceremony on Tuesday June 30, 2009 at the School Grounds at 3:00 pm. The Ceremony was well attended by Ministry officials, dignitaries, as well as the parents, well wishers and fans of the students of the “Graduating Class of 2009.”
Master and Mistress of Ceremony, Mr. Celsus Henry and Ms. Jenny Alcide, were superb in their handling of the day’s programme as they took alternating turns within seconds of each other, in their deliveries. Great Stuff!
The atmosphere was incensed with endless brands of perfumes, but the focus was the anticipation of what to come.
Mr. Augier, the Principal, in his message to the fifty-five (55) girls and forty-six (46) boys of Class 2009 quoted Longfellow, “ Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art offending.” He went on, “You have come to the end of five years of secondary schooling and now your dreams should be geared towards higher education."
“ Discipline and Perseverance: absolutely necessary for the realization of one’s full potential.” is the theme for this year's graduation. Mr. Augier adds “reflects clearly the vision that must characterize your future endeavours.” He reiterated, “Keep your discipline and keep persevering as failure results from no discipline and no perseverance.”
Parents were kept abreast of the achievements of the school in the principal’s report. He gave parents a detailed account of the school’s progress for this school year. He had special praise for his under -19 cricket team who qualified for finals. Info just coming in as this article is being written is that the finals will be played against Piaye Secondary School.
Junior Minister of Education, Mr. Gaspard Charlemagne, in his remarks, as he coined it, has much had much praise for Mr. Augier’s report. He continued, “This is what parents want to hear when they come to a graduation. How the school is doing. I will recommend this format to the principals when I meet them.” He paid homage to all the past principals of the school and thought that special praise should be showered on the Guyanese teachers for their valiant effort in bringing the school to where it is today. He made the Government's intention of imposing a curfew on school kids for wearing school uniforms up to a certain tim of the day, as he thinks that this will help improve the discipline among students.
Guest speaker, Wilber Joseph MD, gave a rather moving speech which more less spoke to his humble beginnings, dedication and perseverance and most of all discipline. His entire speech will be posted on this blog as of Monday July 6, 2009.
Twenty-two students got special awards prizes for their excellence in certain subjects, six students got sports awards, eleven got other special awards.
Cindy La Force, Hannah Felix and Kiserah Phillip were awarded Best Academic Performance, Student of The Year, and Top 2008 CXC Examination student respectively.
I could not conclude this piece if I did not menion that in the latter part of the ceremony, sadness gripped the audience as Devorne Leonce’s parents were presented with token by the principal in remembrance of the student who drowned last February.
Hats off to the Graduation Committee of the school. Well done. View video at the end.
Lookout for the students' pics tomorrow.

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