
Friday, June 12, 2009

Raveneau Project Completed

The two-lane footpath/road in the community of Raveneau has just been completed and is due to be officially opened on Saturday June 13, 2009.
A small committee is presently in place to organise plans for the ceremony where a contigency from the Taiwanese Embassy is expected to be present.
The project was sponsored by the Taiwan's Government through the initiative and efforts of the Parliamentary/District Representative, Mr. Rufus G. Bousquet.
Speaking with Mr. Jimmy Haynes, the supervisor of the project, he remarked "This is a great achievement for Rufus. This was part of his election campaign to the people of Raveneau, and he has delivered, bravo to the man!"
Choiseulians are all happy with Bousquet. Definitely he is here to stay. Don't you think so?

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