
Monday, June 22, 2009

Bousquet Addresses Fisheries Co-Op's 36th AGM.

Sunday June 21st 2009 will be remembered as a memorable day in the history of the Choiseul Fishermen's Co-Operative Society, as for the first time in their 36th year history they saw a District Representative addressing them.
With approximately sixty (60 ) members in attendance plus Ministry's officials as well as the Board of Directors and staff, the meeting got underway at about 10:00 am.
The President Mr. Anslatus Joinsville welcomed the audience and expressed that he looks forward for a cordial meeting.
Mr. Bousquet, in his address, thanked the Board of Directors for inviting him to this 36th AGM. He more or less spoke to certain problems which may have been put forward by the membership at an earlier date.
1. He mentioned the problem posed by the accumulation of sand in the pond on a regular basis and promised in his power to have the matter addressed.
2. The poor lighting of the area especially on early mornings when fishermen make preparations to go fishing
Mr. Bousquet stressed that he is there to represent everyone and not a selected few. he called on all fishermen regarless of political affiiation to approach him with any issue facing them.
In closing he quoted from the credit Union prayer "Where there is hatred, let me sow love,Where there is injury, Pardon, where there is despair,Hope."
The Rep. then gave the membership a chance to dialoguet with him on matters affecting them. Mr. Christopher James the vice president of the co-operative asked whether the lighting of the complex can be place under the Rural Electrification Program as, according to him, their bill for any month exceeds $6000.00 thus cutting deep into the profits of the institution. He went on to indicate that some arrangement must be made to help curtail their $2000.00 water bill every month. He noted that The Village Council collects Sevice Bills and they in some form or other should help with this bill. In closing he brought to the Rep's attention the environment where he now sits and ask that this area be converted into a conference room.
In responding to these questions Mr. Bousquet promised to look into these matters with the relevant ministry.
Other questions revolved around Fishing Aggregate Device (FAD ),Tuna Long Line Fishing,and the accumulation of sand in the pond. The latter which seems to be of greatest concern to the fishermen ,as at least two of them have had the engines damaged, heard the Ag. Chief Fisheries Officer Mr. Rufus George taking a strong stand to have this metter resolved immediately by having the sand removed on a regular basis.
In his short address Mr. George praised the co- operative for the efficency of their management skills and pledge them to continue in this vein.
With all addresses made the Co-operative continued with its normal business of the meeting.

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