
Thursday, November 28, 2024

Roblot Shines Again: Congratulations to Shaquille William on His Scholarship of Excellence

The small yet vibrant community of Roblot, Choiseul, has yet another shining star to celebrate. Shaquille William, son of Clement and Shana William, has achieved a major milestone by earning a Scholarship of Excellence from Al Akhawayn University of Ifrane (AUI) in Morocco. This comes on the heels of Shaquille completing his Associate Degree in Computer Systems and Engineering at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College—a testament to his determination and commitment to excellence.

Shaquille's success continues a proud family tradition of academic achievement, as he follows in the footsteps of his sister, Shania William. Shania, a standout student of the Choiseul Secondary School, went on to pursue an online course with the University of the West Indies (UWI) and earned a Bachelor of Science in Management Studies in 2023.

At the heart of these accomplishments is their mother, Shana William, whose relentless efforts and dedication played a pivotal role in her children’s success. Shana’s commitment to their education, from assisting with schoolwork to fostering a supportive learning environment, is a true inspiration. Reflecting on her journey, Shana shares these powerful words of encouragement to parents:

"Stay connected, always encourage, motivate, and work with your children with passion. Let them know you are invested in their education and shaping their future alongside them. For younger ones, visit their schools regularly to maintain strong teacher-parent relationships. Above all, enjoy the process and experience of parenting."

As a community, Roblot and its surrounding areas celebrate Shaquille’s incredible achievement and wish him all the best in this exciting new chapter in Morocco. Your journey inspires others to aim high, work hard, and embrace the transformative power of education.

#ScholarshipRecipient #AUIMorocco #RoblotPride #PursuitOfExcellence

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