
Thursday, August 26, 2021



Today,[August 25, 2021] St. Lucia records 125 new Covid-19 cases from a small sample of 364. This brings the number of active cases to 1600! Unfortunately, there were also 2 deaths. Astoundingly, we have had over 1200 cases in the last two weeks alone!

My deepest condolences goes out to the family and friends of the young, 25 year old  gentleman, from Vieux-Fort and; the 76 year old lady from the Castries region. My heart goes out to the families. I cannot imagine the pain that they must be experiencing, particularly considering the restrictions placed on the viewing of bodies before burial. Can you imagine! They couldn't visit their loved ones in hospital nor can they see them before they are buried. May God comfort them in these trying times.

Mr. Prime Minister, Sir, the time has come for you to lead from the front in the war against this deadly pandemic. I am not blaming you for the surge in cases. However, the country needs to see you at the forefront of St. Lucia's response.

By now, it should be evident to you, that leaving the leadership of our response to the good intentions of the citizens of this country has not turned out as you expected. You need to  appear to be proactive and on top of things.

Sir, optics are paramount in this campaign. We want to hear of your plans. We want to know what is going on because, this is a dynamic and fluid situation. Some people are scared. We need a hands on, resolute, uncompromising and deliberate approach .

We know that the technicians must be working assiduously to institute measures to bring this seemingly irretrievable situation under control. In the meantime, it would be a huge confidence and morale booster to the nation, to have you reassure St. Lucia and the international community, using every communication medium available to you, that you are in charge. Sir, please come out to summon the nation to unite in this fight against Covid-19.

My fellow St. Lucians, by now I hope that we have all realized that this is a National Emergency. This is no joke.  This is the time to stop the divisive politicization of this pandemic. Let's put our minds, our wills, our love for country and our prayers together. Let's call on each other to adhere to the protocols and get vaccinated. (Source - Whats going on in Choiseul)

We can do it! Let's do it!

#StLuciaUnit #AdhereToTheProtocols #Covid19Kills

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