
Thursday, July 15, 2021


Bradly’s new campaign name…FLEX, is making waves and is fast become the term most mentioned among the young voters in the constituency during this silly season. Remember "En Rouge?"

Recently, according to Bradly at a political meeting in Bellevue, the opposition candidate, Pauline Prospere made some unsavory remarks about why he Bradly chose the name “Flex” for his campaign name.  Bradly went on, “…… I was very, very disappointed when I was told the contents of the meeting” [Translation from patois] “I’m telling you seriously, my heart ached.  Because when you are going in a ring with someone you have to be armed, but the way I see it is that Pauline is campaigning to lose.[Cheers] Pauline is campaigning to lose!! You cannot tell me that you’re telling your audience that my name is Felix so I change it to Flex so as to flex young women. Es sar say pawol?  Es sar say pawol?”

                                             The Origin of the Name FLEX

Bradly then went on to tell his audience the origin of the name Flex. He mentioned that the name actually came on a credit card he applied for about 20 years ago. The card came under name John Flex; he loved it so much that he actually adopted the name and creating an email johnflex@hotmail.com. The Rep went on to say that h=the name Flex has stayed with him from that time and actually many of his friends call him Flex.

Bradly taking a short pause, as if to internalize the whole thought of what Pauline said, he went on to asked, why the SLP candidate should make such a statement.  He went on the tell the 100 plus crowd that he has maintained a campaign clean with the highest standard.  “I do not go low. I always maintain a level. He reiterated.

Bradly, in closing that issue warned,” I am not going to say much on that. But I want to tell Pauline that the person who is Flexing……”  Hmmm,the Rep left it at that and continued with his agenda for the night.

Reaching the opposition candidate for a comment was futile. It may be worth reading this post again: 


Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Stephenson King
 We know relatively little about the unique challenges faced by independent candidates — those not endorsed by a registered or eligible political party.  Earlier this month, Stephenson King became one such candidate. 
A cabinet minister in the UWP government, he resigned from cabinet sighting he wants to work for country, and is seeking re-election in the next General Elections slated for July 26, 2021 as an independent. The story of his campaign is the story of the challenges plaguing independent candidates in their attempt to convince citizens to look beyond political parties when they vote.

One reason there are few independent candidates in St Lucia is that electoral success is elusive for them. From 1997 to 2016, only one independent won a seat in the House of Assembly. Generally, successful independents are those running for re-election directly after a severed relationship with a party. Moreover, party candidates have several benefits that independents do not have during a campaign.

Although we talk about an election as a single event, in fact a St Lucian General elections consists of  3 simultaneous local contests. As such, the local campaign is an important hub of activity during elections. Given the importance of parties in both legislative and electoral politics, most candidates in St Lucia are party candidates, nominated to represent a given party locally. Of the approximately 42 candidates who will run in the 2021 election, more than 97 percent are party candidates.

Every independent campaign is different and reflects unique local dynamics, although an independent occasionally attracts national media attention, as King did when she resigned from the UWP. Nonetheless, his primary task as an independent is no different from that of any other candidate: to convince local voters to prioritize the local candidate over other options.

However, Mr King faces challenges that party candidates do not. Simply put, political parties matter in  St Lucia. The importance of local campaigns and candidates pales in comparison with that of the national campaign and party leaders when it comes to voter decisions. Data from the 2016 election reveals that even though many voters formed a preference for a local candidate, the candidate was a decisive factor for a small percent of voters  island wide. Parties and their leaders provide important information shortcuts or cues to voters about ideology and policy positions. Moreover, they command media and public attention.

The biggest challenge for Stephenson King will be trying to convince his party voters that he  would be able to represent them effectively by not joining forces with SLP. Parties dominate the legislative process. An independent campaign needs to communicate consistently that voters would be well served, even without party backing.

As a “high profile” candidate, King has many advantages that can help to offset these challenges. First, he was an MP seeking re-election. Incumbents have name recognition, direct ties to the local community, resources associated with their position as an office-holder and potentially a greater ability to raise campaign funds. Moreover, incumbents have political experience as well as the ability to claim credit for projects in their ridings. Research has shown that the incumbent have a  good chance of winning compared with a non‐incumbent and they are more likely to benefit from a personal vote separate from the party or the leader.

As a former minister, King also has a considerable name recognition, experience and political clout. Moreover, the circumstances under which he became an independent brought national attention.

In the 1987 election, she was elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) for the  UWP.  He was then appointed as a Cabinet Minister, serving as the Minister for Community Development, Social Affairs, Youth, Sports, and local Government.   He faced the electorate again in 1992. Following the election he was appointed to the Cabinet as the Minister for Health, Local Government, Information and Broadcasting.  He would succumb in the tumultuous defeat of the United Worker's Party in the 1997 election . 

Following a short-lived struggle between himself and Cybelle Cenac for that right King received the endorsement of the United Workers Party in 2006 to contest the General Elections as the Candidate for Castries North. He also won. Compton's illness in May 2007 prompted King to be named Acting Prime Minister.  King was subsequently sworn in as Prime Minister by Governor-General Pearlette Louisy on 9 September.

Janine Giraudy

In a televised address King stated that he will not contest the St. Lucia 2021 General Election  on a UWP ticket but as an independent candidate. Prime Minister Allen Chastanet accepted King's resignation on 8 July 2021.  He sighted, "So after deep and profound soul searching, consultations and prayers, and after having spent so much time, indeed for the past few years, attempting to share my wisdom with my colleagues to pursue a different brand of politics, I have reached the inevitable and painful conclusion that I can no longer be part of an organisation that I can hardly recognise," .

King benefitted not only from nationwide media attention, but also from the practical advantages that a high-profile candidate can bring to a campaign: such candidates tend to attract more volunteers and donations than their counterparts, and King’s campaign was no exception. And yet, despite these advantages, his bid for re-election remains an uphill battle — a testament to the difficulty of overcoming the hurdles all independent candidates face.

His UWP rival,  Janine Giraudy (a former president of the senate) is none other than the daughter of the founding member and past chairman of the United Workers Party.

Friday, July 09, 2021


After all the brouhaha about the selection process for the Choiseul/Saltibus candidate, Alphonsus St Rose biting his own tail now says, “The Hon. Philip J Pierre (Leader of the Opposition) and I have agreed on a framework of acceptance and acknowledgement in relation to the Choiseul/Saltibus impasse on how we can optimally serve the collective best interests of our people and the nation in a manner that would not taint the integrity of our expressed principles”.

“In a manner that would not taint the integrity of our expressed principles,” whatever is that supposed to mean, only Alphonsus knows. It leaves one to wonder if the guy is serious or is he taking advantage of the Stephenson King situation that has just arisen.  A classic Opportunist!!!!. He says, “The election battle lines having been clearly drawn. I am of the view that we must be united in a collective and strategic effort to remove this inept administration from our backs to save our democracy……..” Only now he happens to see the importance of uniting our people whereas he was dividing the labour supporters all the time with his crazy campaign, encouraging the supporters to disregard Pauline.

Alphonsus from early o’clock knew very well that he could not pull of the Choiseul/Saltibus seat as an independent yet still being the mischievous guy he has always been embarked on a process to hurt Pauline and by extension the Labour Party.

Now the tables have turned. His campaign was going nowhere , many labourites were already giving up hope on winning the Choiseul seat, but now King has breathed a breath of hope for the Labour Party Alphonsus now sees a break for himself. How cunning can this guy get?

He at no time during his statement made direct mention to Pauline. His whole alleged mission is shrouded in hypocrisy and bluff. But hear this, whom is he referring to in the next quote...Pauline or Pierre? The guy is sly!! “to negotiate in good faith, mutual respect and with integrity, for these are issues that are far more profound than either of us in the broader context of “country”. This has now brought us to a point of amicable resolution and closing of ranks for the greater good of the country.” 

How will Alphonsus bring his supporters into Pauline’s fold is a mystery to me, after all that has been encouraged and said. At the end of the day it may be a wise idea to put party over self and forget everything.

An Alphonsus and Pauline combination will create a stiffer fight for the incumbent. Choiseul has a history of never giving a UWP candidate two consecutive terms. Although the cycle of Labour getting two consecutive terms was broken when Bradly defeated Lorne at the last general elections, the cycle may be broken again with Bradly wining another term.

                                        TIME WILL TELL.