
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Galvaro Pitons takes on Jkube Strikers Friday Nite

Well, it's finally here. Choiseul Smash T20 Series gets underway this Friday Night at the La Fargue Grounds  from 7:00pm, with Galvaro Blazin Pitons coming up against Jkube Kutumba Strikers.


 The encounter, according to our cricket pundits, will be a competitive one with players  who played in the recently concluded SPL expected to give a good showing.

Established players like Alvin Laffeuille and Desmond Alfred,  SPL players like Jason Simon, Christian Charlery, as well as Bronte Bess and Bradley Tisson are sure to give the crowd something to shout about.

Sunday from 2:00pm will see the start of a women's series while at 7:00 pm on Saturday and Tuesday the men's competition continues.

Here's the fixtures for the matches:

According to the organizers,fans will be awarded  prizes from blind Smash. Fans will be randomly chosen and blind folded. Then a ball with a bell will be rolled to them where they can hear a sound. Persons who hit the ball the farthest wins. This will be done at half time during the women's matches.

Also FICS "Snatch-a-Catch" where fans get instant cash for catching balls hit over the boundary. Fans can also win random prizes.

Live streaming will be made available by "Choiseul on the Move"

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