
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

"To Eat Economic Omlettes,We Must Break Ecological/Enviromenal Eggs" - Pastrol

Pastrol Konsant
DSH! So the development that is planned in VF has been a source of serious contention for some time now, and quite rightly so. As far as designs and plans go, it will wreak havoc on the ecological landscape of that part of Vieux-Fort. This part is undeniable!!! Another undeniable issue is that the St.Lucian economy has had minimal growth, if any, for some time now and "tings rough" to put it mildly.

We now have to make some very difficult decisions, decisions that we will nev...er be able to reverse!! This coming from someone who's career focus is now a hybrid of Civil Engineering and Environmental Studies, I believe that we NEED DSH!! We have to choose between the extinction of species[bad] and the extinction of people[far worse]. That is what we are dealing with here.

The economic benefits of this project, in my opinion, far outweigh the negative repercussions that will undoubtedly occur. We need to choose the lesser of two evils: an economic injection with obvious pitfalls or continued hardship for so many citizens of St. Lucia.

The DSH Project
We all want to eat that economic omelette, well ladies and gentlemen, we must break some ecological/environmental eggs. What we need to do now is try to find ways to preserve the endemic species, if possible, before this project begins causing damage.

Humans are invasive species, we have invaded all the lands that were once filled with flourishing flora and fauna and life still goes on. After DSH, life will continue to go on but I'm confident in a much more economically progressive manner for the citizens of St.Lucia.

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