
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

UWP Choiseul Constituency Branch Registered Voters Retain Tucker's Crew

Section of the registered voters
"New brooms sweep clean but old brooms know all the corners." This was the closing quote Gilbert Isaac, the guy who willingly stepped down from the chairmanship of the Constituency Branch last year to make way for Rufus Bousquet, used to encourage the registered voters of the Uwp Choiseul Constituency Branch to vote for his team -whatever he meant by that is for another show. The  voters were preparing to cast their votes for the open positions of Chairman, Pro, Treasurer and Welfare Officer at the Annual General Meeting part two. Two Sundays ago certain members were already elected unopposed - this was the last stage.

For the Chairman's position the nominees were Tassa Jean and Gilbert Isaac, Welfare Officer - Peter Phillip and Veronica James, Pro - Anison Hunte  and Christopher Gustave while Ellen Francois and Ignatius Jean  were the nominees for the post of Treaurer. 

The election process was conducted and supervised by one Mr Clery who was ably assisted by two ladies - the voting process was by secret ballot. All the positions were listed on the ballot paper where the voters simple had to put in their choice candidate next to each position.

The Constituency Branch Executive
Of the 111 registered voters 53 persons or 47.7%  cast their votes. The executive now comprises:-
Gilbert Isaac                -       Chairman
Brian Charles              -       Vice Chairman
Lucilla Anatole           -        Secretary
Ellen Francois             -        Tresurer
Melanie Mitchel           -        Women's Officer
Peter Phillip                -        Welfare Officer
Christopher Gustave   -        Public Relations Officer
The floor representatives being Theodora Joseph, Loretta St Croix, Jacob Langillia and Herbert Monrose. NB. The Youth Officer who was elected prior to  this meeting has since resigned. I would hope it makes room for Darrion to fit in.

Clearly a construct of Rufus' executive. Should Bradley be happy with an executive that did their utmost to keep him out of the candidacy for Choiseul/Saltitbus? That's for him to reflect on in his quiet moments. Are you seeing a pattern revealed here matching Labour's old heads still in office?

Darrion Andre Jr Louis having a moment
One could clearly identify with the frustration Darrion Jr Louis expressed in his comments when the floor was opened for suggestions /comments. He expressed his utter disgust at the comments which the present chairman whom I referred to in my opening paragraph made. "New brooms sweep clean but old brooms know all the corners?" Is he implying that there is no room for youth on this executive or is he making mention of a hidden agenda? Darrion went on to mention that he is of the opinion that his application to be a member of the party is being hijacked and in spite of it being over  three to four weeks his application cannot be located. - cocomackery at its highest. The young man is furious and speaks to the constant bombardment of calls,texts and emails to him from the young people whom he convinced to vote. (NB. Darrion spearheaded the campaign during the last elections)

My question. Is there a move afoot to sabotage this young and brilliant scholar? Is the Bruce Tucker click raising up its ugly head AGAIN? - you don't have far to go. With the exception of the secretary it is the Bruce tucker team still in charge in spite of the new dispensation. The more things change the more they remain the same.

After stepping down as Chairman last year to make way for Rufus who's intent was based purely on mischief, one would have thought that the most descent thing Gilbert Isaac would have done was to decline his nomination. He didn't because 90% of the registered voters were done by him during the fiasco period when they wanted Rufus as Chairman. And so he keeps flip flopping from head to vice and vice versa. What a comedy! 

Voting process in progress
To make things worse, Mr Clery allowed Isaac to do his bit of campaigning openly before the elections process began and that's not all, Strips of paper were being circulated during the voting process with the following names: Gilbert Isaac, Ellen Francois, Peter Phillip and Christopher Gustave - that's Isaac's team, The same team Rufus chaired. No wonder Darrion emphatically stated that the election process is flawed.

Another issue of concern which popped its head was Pastor Wallee's concern over the distribution of "the pie." He accused the Chairman of the Constituency Council of not including Saltibus in the last stimulus package. Being very passionate about his support for the people of Saltibus he went on to say, "Saltibus is part of the Constituency and we must always get a share in the cake regardless how small." The Chairman of the Constituency Council, Brian Charles, who is also the Vice Chairman of the Constituency Branch replied to Pastor Wallee explaining that the stimulus package was a meager fund and that he was instructed to use it for the cleaning of school compounds for the opening of the new school year. He went on to say that other areas (may be Saltibus) that were aired marked for the package were also tied up with the caretaker program which was to come on stream soon. Pator Wallee remained adamant and reinforced his point, "Share the pie."

All in all the meeting ended on a good note with persons being refreshed with beer, malt etc, while numerous pockets of supporters of the party were on the compound discussing the political trends of the day and still others, who had no voice at the meeting were grumbling at what transpired - the same old khaki pants!

NB: Interested in reading up on the UWP Constitution? Click on this link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7j5pt31pp8lokpp/AABpocouWzF8kyRBE_rkAUdHa?dl=0

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