
Wednesday, April 06, 2016

"Dave Cameron, You Are No Julian Hunte" - Peter Thomas

Julian Hunte
There is an unwritten rule in leadership that requires a leader to go about his role doggedly with quiet dignity. A leader must never behave in a manner that mirrors a reality TV star. It is the second time that Dave Cameron has gone on tweeter and reveal crassness unbecoming the dignity that his office demands. This man clearly
does not have the appreciation of what one of the last hopes and symbols of West Indian unity means to the Caribbean people. One could never accuse Sir Julian Hunte of not being a dignified gentleman through and through. Even when he faced a greater onslaught of problems with a militant WIPA, consistently declining on-field performance, declining revenue streams, and other issues mostly due to a sudden and rapid transformation of the game and its attendant implications he kept his composure and plodded along.

The Caribbean people who have been spoilt by the dominance of the West Indies wanted results and they wanted it now. They failed to appreciate the factors that were mitigating against the West Indies in the midst of the upheaval and called for his head.
What we were presented as a better alternative has proven to be nothing of such.
Instead what we have is a leader who has consistently demonstrated "Trumpesque" behaviour in tweeting insults, fighting words, and throwing unnecessary shade at the persons whose interests he is supposed to represent and champion. This is a clear manifestation of a man who has lost touch with the game, the organization, and the men and women who serve it.

Dave Cameron
Mr. Cameron has shown that he does not possess the temperament, leadership acumen, and vision to lead this dysfunctional WICB nor any newly formed administrative structure in the wake of his immediate departure.

I've met Julian Hunte, I know Julian Hunte, Dave Cameron you are no Julian Hunte.

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