
Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Is Choiseul/Saltibus Heading For a Run Off - Jimmy vs Rufus?

Jimmy Haynes
Jimmy Haynes' "Liberation Train" has surely kicked up some fire in the Constituency. In every single watering hole in the district this is the gossip of the day. It has surely reached Rufus' ears, enough to have him kick start a kind of adhoc campaign to regain the confidence of his once close campaigners who are supposedly riding along with the "Liberation Train."
"Is Jimmy Haynes serious or is he setting up a stage for someone else?" A close friend asked me. What makes you think that he may not be serious, I quickly butted in. " Well, I personally believe that Jimmy's time is past and he should have vied for the seat during the 2006 elections".The friend remarked. Whereas my friend's concern was with Jimmy Haynes, mine was with Rufus Bousquet. What is the latter's reason for wanting to run again? Is it genuine concern for the people of Choiseul/Saltibus, greed or the notion that Choiseulians do not have the gonads to run their own affairs - the last statement has in many subtle ways been expressed by Rufus himself. He made the remark, " When I believe they[Choiseulians] have found someone better than me I will step down." Pure highfalutin, hoity-toity, la-di-da bullshit! Coming to think about it, Rufus may be damn right in saying this. When we have persons like Dr Wilbur Joseph, Mc Arthur Phillip, Huggins Nicholas, Tassa Jean, Bradley, etc cowering out of the race, Rufus is free to go about beating his chest.

Jimmy Haynes may be very well right in putting his hat in the ring, seeing all these soldiers back out.

Rufus Bousquet
In a telephone conversation with Rufus recently, I asked him whether he intends to run the seat?  His answer not direct but through the issues he raised and the way he came across, it is clear that he intends to run once more. There is no contention that the guy still commands a  substantive support base which will make beating him at a run off a difficult proposition for Jimmy. Will Jimmy Haynes' application be accepted by Rufus' Branch Executive? Will Rufus himself be presiding when considering his own application?  Or will an independent body be appointed to deal with applications for candidacy?Just a few questions.
Jimmy Haynes, it has reached this blog is gaining popularity by the minute, while rufus is losing out in Saltibus and Delcer box. Support in Jimmy's home constituency it is alleged has tripled since the Liberation Train came back from Saltibus. The upcoming activity on the Delcer Field this coming Sunday is actually a drive to improve on Jimmy's popularity ratings. Support from key persons who stayed away from Rufus' campaign it is also alleged have pledged to work with Jimmy.
What does both Jimmy and Rufus have to deal with to gain the confidence of the people? Both of them are viewed by many persons as "Birds of the same feather." One person said he can just imagine Jimmy and Rufus - pot calling the kettle black. It will be interesting to hear how Jimmy defends himself against the accusations Rufus no doubt will throw at him and vice versa. Keep your fingers crossed as the volleys are loaded and prepared for firing. Who will the electorate more likely listen to? Your guess is as good as mine.
Silvanus Fontenard
But while the showdown in Choiseul is on the horizon, many party stalwarts are more hell bent on seeing their own agenda go through than wanting the party to win the next general elections. Silvanus Fontenard puts it clearly.
"The guys want Chastanet to embrace them but they do not attend many executive meetings or activities - On most occasions they do not even answer their phones when the office attempts to contact them........  Between 2006 and 2011 while the guys were enjoying the Taiwanese funds much of which went into their own pockets they neglected the party and paid subs for the minimum number to attend the convention every year - This resulted in the marginalization of the majority of party members and now they are complaining that there aren't enough people participating in the process. The question is who caused the problem? While Chastanet is busy rebuilding the party and restoring the constitution those who wish a free for all continue to complain in their attempts to keep the mess they created. They just want the Taiwanese money in their hands to do as they please and so this is why they are so desperate."

"The road ahead is coated with challenges. Today we continue the task of restructuring and strengthening the United Workers Party. But even more critical is the need for all
Allen Chastanet
Flambeaus to come together as one because everything is futile should we not succeed in uniting.
Let us remember our common goal, to unseat the SLP administration in the upcoming general elections." Chastanet reiterated hoping things will turn out for the better.

So who will unseat Lorny Boy, Rufus, Jimmy, or.......? 

Below is the chorus for a calypso I wrote for a student at the Roblot combined school way back in 1992 goes like this:

Elections coming, politicians playing
Dem running par esee, running par la
Asking for me vote
But if they want me vote
Dem have to be positive
Cause dis year
Me en playing coco makak

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