
Monday, September 15, 2014

Dedan - Kon Sar mwen wer ee

Never in the history of Choiseul politics, as far as I know, have I seen a period leading to General Elections where the constituents are so undecided. People are fed up with Lorne's representation and they are not seeing an alternative to ease their pain.
The talks coming from the watering holes....mind you, I don't frequent them anymore....especially from the rep's supporters is not what I'm sure he would like to hear. This reminds me of the similar sentiments being portrayed by Fergy's supporters when they were fed up with him. Beware Lorny Boy! Your days MAYBE numbered.
Regarless, what Flashing Mirrors and Kalson, said at the SLP convention at La Fargue sometime aback, Lorne can manage time to be with his constituents , and especially with Bolo who used all his expertise to get him into Office...porjab Bolo.... This to my mind is unforgivable. Lorne's absentism can be paralled to an absentee owner back in the days of slavery...he runs Choiseul in absentia....aa, my word wee, mwen par melee uhn.
Today marks exactly 1,021 days since our Rep won his seat, and would you believe there are communities that have not seen him for that same amount of time? It is so remarkable what power given by the people can do to a person.
What amazes me even further, is the largese with which the rep operates. Always grand standing in parliament about what he has done in Choiseul...never done before and all this nonsense while persons catching their royals in the constituency. Choiseul has yet to see a tourism based initiative from him...the Tourism Minister and u want to tell Choiseulians Lorne cares? Give me a break!
So, as far as many Choiseulians are concerned, no way for Lorne....sar yo dee?
Now, what has been happening to the other side. The supporters of the UWP have placed themselves into King's camp...AA, King is definitely not a leader, because he following Frederick....so its Frederick's camp or Chastanet's camp. Now that does not spell good for Flambeau. But this post wants to remain focus on Choiseul.
What has the UWP Branch been doing to show Choiseulians a better alternative to Lorne is them? All we see is a bunch of Guys with no direction, well talking about last year. A bunch of guys to my mind who were still under the hypnotic spell of Bruce. It appears that the spell may have been knocked off now.
Have the Branch gotten its act together to get the divisional groups going? Why are they ostracizing Jimmy Haynes who can be of great help in the Lapoint/Delcer area? Why is your humble servant also being kept in the dark, when they know very well that the I5 seat was brought home through the effective management of his forces? Why, are they not conscious of the problem which continues to plague Saltibus rendering it not fully supportive of the Party? Why have there not been a shadow candidate with elections next year?
So it begs the question. Are Choiseul UWP's ready to throw out Lorne? And with whom? Hmmm! Mee question uhn? Waypon sar.
According to my investigations a number of persons are looking at the seat, but the present scenario playing out in the Pary keeps them at bay.
This fracas in the Party, it is my strongest view will heal itself. Time here is the crucial factor. With 21 seats up for grabs, I think Kenny has just openned up his Party for a possible defeat come next GE.
Dedan C G Jn Baptiste

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